-- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is distributed under the terms of a BSD license, -- found in the LICENSE file. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} module CoreTests where import Haxl.Prelude import Prelude () import Haxl.Core import Test.HUnit import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS import Data.List import Control.Exception (Exception(..)) import ExampleDataSource testEnv = do -- To use a data source, we need to initialize its state: exstate <- ExampleDataSource.initGlobalState -- And create a StateStore object containing the states we need: let st = stateSet exstate stateEmpty -- Create the Env: initEnv st () useless :: String -> GenHaxl u Bool useless _ = throw (NotFound "ha ha") exceptions :: Assertion exceptions = do en <- emptyEnv () a <- runHaxl en $ try (useless "input") assertBool "NotFound -> HaxlException" $ isLeft (a :: Either HaxlException Bool) b <- runHaxl en $ try (useless "input") assertBool "NotFound -> Logic Error" $ isLeft (b :: Either LogicError Bool) c <- runHaxl en $ try (useless "input") assertBool "NotFound -> NotFound" $ isLeft (c :: Either NotFound Bool) -- Make sure TransientError -doesn't- catch our NotFound d <- runHaxl en $ (useless "input" `catch` \TransientError{} -> return False) `catch` \LogicError{} -> return True assertBool "Transient != NotFound" d -- test catch e <- runHaxl en $ throw (NotFound "haha") `catch` \NotFound{} -> return True assertBool "catch1" e f <- runHaxl en $ throw (NotFound "haha") `catch` \LogicError{} -> return True assertBool "catch2" f -- test catchIf let transientOrNotFound e | Just TransientError{} <- fromException e = True | Just NotFound{} <- fromException e = True | otherwise = False e <- runHaxl en $ catchIf transientOrNotFound (throw (NotFound "haha")) $ \_ -> return True assertBool "catchIf1" e e <- runHaxl en $ catchIf transientOrNotFound (throw (FetchError "haha")) $ \_ -> return True assertBool "catchIf2" e e <- runHaxl en $ (catchIf transientOrNotFound (throw (CriticalError "haha")) $ \_ -> return True) `catch` \InternalError{} -> return False assertBool "catchIf2" (not e) -- test tryToHaxlException e <- runHaxl en $ tryToHaxlException $ head [] assertBool "tryToHaxlException1" $ case e of Left ex | Just NonHaxlException{} <- fromException (toException ex) -> True _ -> False env <- testEnv e <- runHaxl env $ tryToHaxlException $ do xs <- listWombats 3 return $! length xs `quot` 0 print e assertBool "tryToHaxlException1" $ case e of Left ex | Just NonHaxlException{} <- fromException (toException ex) -> True _ -> False env <- testEnv e <- runHaxl env $ mapM tryToHaxlException [ do xs <- listWombats 3; return $! length xs `quot` 0 , head [] ] print e assertBool "tryToHaxlException2" $ case e of [Left ex1, Left ex2] | "divide" `isInfixOf` show ex1 , "head" `isInfixOf` show ex2 -> True _ -> False where isLeft Left{} = True isLeft _ = False -- This is mostly a compile test, to make sure all the plumbing -- makes the compiler happy. base :: (Exception a) => a -> IO HaxlException base e = do en <- emptyEnv () runHaxl en $ throw e `catch` \x -> return x printing :: Assertion printing = do a <- base $ NotFound "notfound!" print a b <- base $ CriticalError "ohthehumanity!" print b c <- base $ FetchError "timeout!" print c BS.putStrLn $ encode a BS.putStrLn $ encode b BS.putStrLn $ encode c withEnvTest :: Test withEnvTest = TestLabel "withEnvTest" $ TestCase $ do exstate <- ExampleDataSource.initGlobalState e <- initEnv (stateSet exstate stateEmpty) False b <- runHaxl e $ withEnv e { userEnv = True } $ env userEnv assertBool "withEnv1" b e <- initEnv (stateSet exstate stateEmpty) False b <- runHaxl e $ withEnv e { userEnv = True } $ do _ <- countAardvarks "aaa" env userEnv assertBool "withEnv2" b e <- initEnv (stateSet exstate stateEmpty) False b <- runHaxl e $ withEnv e { userEnv = True } $ do memo ("xxx" :: Text) $ do _ <- countAardvarks "aaa" env userEnv assertBool "withEnv3" b e <- initEnv (stateSet exstate stateEmpty) False b <- runHaxl e $ withEnv e { userEnv = True } $ do memo ("yyy" :: Text) $ do _ <- countAardvarks "aaa" _ <- countAardvarks "bbb" env userEnv assertBool "withEnv4" b tests = TestList [ TestLabel "exceptions" $ TestCase exceptions, TestLabel "print_stuff" $ TestCase printing, TestLabel "withEnv" $ withEnvTest ]