module Numerical.HBLAS.Lapack.FFI where import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign() import Foreign.C.Types import Data.Complex import Data.Int {-?ges -} {- stylenote: we will not use the LAPACKE_* operations, only the LAPACKE_*_work variants that require an explicitly provided work buffer. This is to ensure that solver routine allocation behavior is transparent -} {- void LAPACK_dgesvx( char* fact, char* trans, lapack_int* n, lapack_int* nrhs, double* a, lapack_int* lda, double* af, lapack_int* ldaf, lapack_int* ipiv, char* equed, double* r, double* c, double* b, lapack_int* ldb, double* x, lapack_int* ldx, double* rcond, double* ferr, double* berr, double* work, lapack_int* iwork, lapack_int *info ); -} {- fortran FFI conventions! -} --type Stride_C = newtype JobTy = JBT CChar newtype UploTy = UPLT CChar newtype Info = Info Int32 newtype Fact_C = Fact_C CChar newtype Trans_C = Trans_C CChar newtype Stride_C = Stride_C Int32 newtype Equilib_C = Equilib_C CChar type Fun_FFI_GESVX el = Ptr Fact_C {- fact -}-> Ptr Trans_C {- trans -} -> Ptr Int32 {-n -}-> Ptr Int32 {- NRHS -}-> Ptr el {- a -} -> Ptr Stride_C {- lda -} -> Ptr Double {- af -} -> Ptr Stride_C {- ldf-}-> Ptr Int32 -> Ptr Equilib_C {- equed -} -> Ptr el {- r -} -> Ptr el -> Ptr el {- b -} -> Ptr Stride_C {- ld b -} -> Ptr el {- x -} -> Ptr Stride_C {- ldx -}-> Ptr el {-rcond -}-> Ptr el {- ferr-} -> Ptr el {-berr-} -> Ptr el {-work-}-> Ptr Int32 {-iwork -}-> Ptr Info {-info -} -> IO () {- the prefixes mean s=single,d=double,c=complex float,d=complex double fact will be a 1 character C string either "F", then the inputs af and ipiv already contain the permuted LU factorization (act as input rather than result params) "E", Matrix input A will be equilibriated if needed, then copied to AF and Factored "N", matrix input A will be copied to AF -} {- im assuming for now that any real use of *gesvx routines, or any other n^3 complexity algs from LAPACK, are on inputs typically n>=15, which means > 1000 flops, which is > 1µs, and thus ok to always use the Safe FFI convention -} --need to get around to wrapping these, but thats for another day foreign import ccall "sgesvx_" sgesvx :: Fun_FFI_GESVX Float foreign import ccall "dgesvx_" dgesvx :: Fun_FFI_GESVX Double foreign import ccall "cgesvx_" cgesvx :: Fun_FFI_GESVX (Complex Float) foreign import ccall "zgesvx_" zgesvx :: Fun_FFI_GESVX (Complex Double) --lapack_int ?syev_( char *jobz, char *uplo, lapack_int *n, ?* a, lapack_int * lda, ?* w ); -- ? is Double or Float --basic symmetric eigen value solvers type SYEV_FUN_FFI elem = Ptr JobTy -> Ptr UploTy -> Ptr Int32 -> Ptr elem -> Ptr Int32 -> Ptr elem -> Ptr Info-> IO () foreign import ccall "ssyev_" ssyev_ffi :: SYEV_FUN_FFI Float foreign import ccall "dsyev_" dsyev_ffi :: SYEV_FUN_FFI Double {-unsafe versions of lapack routines are meant to ONLY be used for workspace queries-} foreign import ccall unsafe "ssyev_" ssyev_ffi_unsafe :: SYEV_FUN_FFI Float foreign import ccall unsafe "dsyev_" dsyev_ffi_unsafe :: SYEV_FUN_FFI Double --lapack_int LAPACKE_<?>gesv( int matrix_order, lapack_int n, lapack_int nrhs, <datatype>* a, lapack_int lda, lapack_int* ipiv, <datatype>* b, lapack_int ldb ); --call sgesv( n, nrhs, a, lda, ipiv, b, ldb, info ) type GESV_FUN_FFI elem = Ptr Int32 {- n -} -> Ptr Int32 {- nrhs -} -> Ptr elem {- a -} -> Ptr Int32 {- lda -} -> Ptr Int32 {- permutation vector -} -> Ptr elem {- b -} -> Ptr Int32 {- ldb -} -> Ptr Info -> IO () -- | basic Linear system solvers. they act inplace foreign import ccall "sgesv_" sgesv_ffi ::GESV_FUN_FFI Float foreign import ccall "dgesv_" dgesv_ffi :: GESV_FUN_FFI Double foreign import ccall "cgesv_" cgesv_ffi :: GESV_FUN_FFI (Complex Float) foreign import ccall "zgesv_" zgesv_ffi :: GESV_FUN_FFI (Complex Double) -- / not sure if linear solvers ever are run in < 1 microsecond size instances in practice foreign import ccall unsafe "sgesv_" sgesv_ffi_unsafe ::GESV_FUN_FFI Float foreign import ccall unsafe "dgesv_" dgesv_ffi_unsafe :: GESV_FUN_FFI Double foreign import ccall unsafe "cgesv_" cgesv_ffi_unsafe :: GESV_FUN_FFI (Complex Float) foreign import ccall unsafe "zgesv_" zgesv_ffi_unsafe :: GESV_FUN_FFI (Complex Double) {- only provide -}