Name: hbro Version: 0.4 Synopsis: A suckless minimal KISSy browser Stability: alpha -- Description: -- Homepage: License: OtherLicense License-file: LICENSE -- Copyright: Author: koral Maintainer: koral at mailoo dot org Category: Browser,Web -- Extra files to be distributed with the package, such as examples or -- a README. -- Extra-source-files: Cabal-version: >=1.6 Build-type: Simple Source-repository head Type: git Location: Executable hbro Main-is: Main.hs Build-depends: base == 4.*, webkit, gtk, glade, mtl, containers, dyre, process, url, zeromq-haskell, bytestring, unix Other-modules: Gui Browser Util Socket -- Build-tools: Hs-Source-Dirs: src Ghc-options: -Wall -threaded