{-# LANGUAGE DoRec #-} module Main where -- {{{ Imports import Hbro.Core import qualified Hbro.Extra.Bookmarks as Bookmarks import qualified Hbro.Extra.BookmarksQueue as Queue import Hbro.Extra.Clipboard import qualified Hbro.Extra.History as History import Hbro.Extra.Misc import Hbro.Extra.Session import Hbro.Extra.StatusBar import Hbro.Gui import Hbro.Keys import Hbro.Socket import Hbro.Types import Hbro.Util import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Abstract.Widget import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Builder import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Display.Label import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Entry.Entry import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.EventM import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.GC import Graphics.UI.Gtk.General.General import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.Download import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.NetworkRequest import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebNavigationAction import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebPolicyDecision import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebSettings import Graphics.UI.Gtk.WebKit.WebView import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Windows.Window import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir import System.Glib.Attributes import System.Glib.Signals -- import System.Posix.Process import System.Process -- }}} -- Main function, expected to call launchHbro. -- You can add custom tasks before & after calling it. main :: IO () main = launchHbro myConfig -- A structure containing your configuration settings, overriding -- fields in the default config. Any you don't override, will -- use the defaults defined in Hbro.Types.Parameters. myConfig :: CommonDirectories -> Config myConfig directories = (defaultConfig directories) { mSocketDir = mySocketDirectory, mUIFile = myUIFile directories, mHomePage = myHomePage, mWebSettings = myWebSettings, mSetup = mySetup } -- Various constant parameters myHomePage = "https://duckduckgo.com" mySocketDirectory :: CommonDirectories -> FilePath mySocketDirectory directories = mTemporary directories myUIFile :: CommonDirectories -> FilePath myUIFile directories = (mConfiguration directories) ++ "/ui.xml" myHistoryFile :: CommonDirectories -> FilePath myHistoryFile directories = (mData directories) ++ "/history" myBookmarksFile :: CommonDirectories -> FilePath myBookmarksFile directories = (mData directories) ++ "/bookmarks" -- How to download files myDownload :: CommonDirectories -> String -> String -> IO () myDownload directories uri name = spawn "aria2c" [uri, "-d", (mHome directories) ++ "/", "-o", name] --myDownload directories uri name = spawn "wget" [uri, "-O", (mHome directories) ++ "/" ++ name] --myDownload directories uri name = spawn "axel" [uri, "-o", (mHome directories) ++ "/" ++ name] -- {{{ Keys -- Note that this example is suited for an azerty keyboard. myKeys :: Environment -> KeysList myKeys environment@Environment{ mGUI = gui, mConfig = config, mContext = context } = let window = mWindow gui webView = mWebView gui scrolledWindow = mScrollWindow gui statusBox = mStatusBox gui promptBar = mPromptBar gui promptEntry = mEntry promptBar bookmarksFile = myBookmarksFile (mCommonDirectories config) historyFile = myHistoryFile (mCommonDirectories config) socketDir = mSocketDir config in [ -- ((modifiers, key), callback) -- Browse (([Control], ""), webViewGoBack webView), (([Control], ""), webViewGoForward webView), (([Alt], ""), (goBackList webView ["-l", "10"]) >>= maybe (return ()) (loadURI webView)), (([Alt], ""), (goForwardList webView ["-l", "10"]) >>= maybe (return ()) (loadURI webView)), (([Control], "s"), webViewStopLoading webView), (([], ""), webViewReload webView), (([Control], ""), webViewReloadBypassCache webView), (([Control], "^"), goLeft scrolledWindow), (([Control], "$"), goRight scrolledWindow), (([Control], ""), goTop scrolledWindow), (([Control], ""), goBottom scrolledWindow), (([Alt], ""), goHome webView config), (([Control], "g"), prompt "Google search" "" (\words -> loadURI webView ("https://www.google.com/search?q=" ++ words)) gui), -- Display (([Control, Shift], "+"), webViewZoomIn webView), (([Control], "-"), webViewZoomOut webView), (([], ""), windowFullscreen window), (([], ""), windowUnfullscreen window), (([Control], "b"), toggleVisibility statusBox), (([Control], "u"), toggleSourceMode webView), -- Prompt (([Control], "o"), prompt "Open URL " "" (loadURI webView) gui), (([Control, Shift], "O"), webViewGetUri webView >>= maybe (return ()) (\uri -> prompt "Open URL " uri (loadURI webView) gui)), -- Search (([Shift], "/"), promptIncremental "Search " "" (\word -> webViewSearchText webView word False True True >> return ()) gui), (([Control], "f"), promptIncremental "Search " "" (\word -> webViewSearchText webView word False True True >> return ()) gui), (([Shift], "?"), promptIncremental "Search " "" (\word -> webViewSearchText webView word False False True >> return ()) gui), (([Control], "n"), entryGetText promptEntry >>= \word -> webViewSearchText webView word False True True >> return ()), (([Control, Shift], "N"), entryGetText promptEntry >>= \word -> webViewSearchText webView word False False True >> return ()), -- Copy/paste (([Control], "y"), webViewGetUri webView >>= maybe (return ()) toClipboard), (([Control, Shift], "Y"), webViewGetTitle webView >>= maybe (return ()) toClipboard), (([Control], "p"), withClipboard $ maybe (return ()) (loadURI webView)), (([Control, Shift], "P"), withClipboard $ maybe (return ()) (\uri -> spawn "hbro" ["-u", uri])), -- Misc (([], ""), widgetHide $ mBox promptBar), (([Control], "i"), showWebInspector webView), (([Alt], "p"), printPage webView), (([Control], "t"), spawn "hbro" []), (([Control], "w"), mainQuit), -- Bookmarks (([Control], "d"), webViewGetUri webView >>= maybe (return ()) (\uri -> prompt "Bookmark with tags:" "" (\tags -> Bookmarks.add bookmarksFile uri (words tags)) gui)), (([Control, Shift], "D"), prompt "Bookmark all instances with tag:" "" (\tags -> sendCommandToAll context socketDir "GET_URI" >>= mapM (\uri -> Bookmarks.add bookmarksFile uri $ words tags) >> (webViewGetUri webView) >>= maybe (return ()) (\uri -> Bookmarks.add bookmarksFile uri $ words tags) >> return ()) gui), (([Alt], "d"), Bookmarks.deleteWithTag bookmarksFile ["-l", "10"]), (([Control], "l"), Bookmarks.select bookmarksFile ["-l", "10"] >>= maybe (return ()) (loadURI webView)), (([Control, Shift], "L"), Bookmarks.selectTag bookmarksFile ["-l", "10"] >>= maybe (return ()) (\uris -> mapM (\uri -> spawn "hbro" ["-u", uri]) uris >> return ())), -- (([Control], "q"), webViewGetUri webView >>= maybe (return ()) (Queue.append), -- (([Alt], "q"), \b -> do -- uri <- Queue.popFront -- loadURI uri b), -- History (([Control], "h"), History.select historyFile ["-l", "10"] >>= maybe (return ()) (loadURI webView)) -- Session --(([Alt], "l"), loadFromSession ["-l", "10"]) ] -- }}} -- {{{ Web settings -- Commented out lines correspond to default values. myWebSettings :: [AttrOp WebSettings] myWebSettings = [ -- SETTING VALUE --webSettingsCursiveFontFamily := "serif", --webSettingsDefaultFontFamily := "sans-serif", --webSettingsFantasyFontFamily := , --webSettingsMonospaceFontFamily := "monospace", --webSettingsSansFontFamily := "sans-serif", --webSettingsSerifFontFamily := "serif", --webSettingsDefaultFontSize := , --webSettingsDefaultMonospaceFontSize := 10, --webSettingsMinimumFontSize := 5, --webSettingsMinimumLogicalFontSize := 5, --webSettingsAutoLoadImages := True, --webSettingsAutoShrinkImages := True, --webSettingsDefaultEncoding := "iso-8859-1", --webSettingsEditingBehavior := EditingBehaviorWindows, --webSettingsEnableCaretBrowsing := False, webSettingsEnableDeveloperExtras := True, --webSettingsEnableHtml5Database := True, --webSettingsEnableHtml5LocalStorage := True, --webSettingsEnableOfflineWebApplicationCache := True, webSettingsEnablePlugins := True, webSettingsEnablePrivateBrowsing := False, -- Experimental webSettingsEnableScripts := False, --webSettingsEnableSpellChecking := False, webSettingsEnableUniversalAccessFromFileUris := True, webSettingsEnableXssAuditor := True, --webSettingsEnableSiteSpecificQuirks := False, --webSettingsEnableDomPaste := False, --webSettingsEnableDefaultContextMenu := True, webSettingsEnablePageCache := True, --webSettingsEnableSpatialNavigation := False, --webSettingsEnforce96Dpi := , webSettingsJSCanOpenWindowAuto := True, --webSettingsPrintBackgrounds := True, --webSettingsResizableTextAreas := True, webSettingsSpellCheckingLang := Just "en_US", --webSettingsTabKeyCyclesThroughElements := True, webSettingsUserAgent := "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1" --webSettingsUserStylesheetUri := Nothing, --webSettingsZoomStep := 0.1 ] -- }}} -- {{{ Setup mySetup :: Environment -> IO () mySetup environment@Environment{ mGUI = gui, mConfig = config } = let builder = mBuilder gui webView = mWebView gui scrolledWindow = mScrollWindow gui window = mWindow gui directories = mCommonDirectories config historyFile = myHistoryFile directories getLabel = builderGetObject builder castToLabel in do -- Scroll position in status bar scrollLabel <- getLabel "scroll" setupScrollWidget scrollLabel scrolledWindow -- Zoom level in status bar zoomLabel <- getLabel "zoom" statusBarZoomLevel zoomLabel webView -- Load progress in status bar progressLabel <- getLabel "progress" statusBarLoadProgress progressLabel webView -- Current URI in status bar uriLabel <- getLabel "uri" statusBarURI uriLabel webView -- Manage keystrokes keysLabel <- getLabel "keys" rec i <- after webView keyPressEvent $ advancedKeyEventHandler (withFeedback keysLabel webView (simpleKeyEventCallback $ keysListToMap (myKeys environment))) i webView -- Session manager --setupSession browser -- _ <- on webView titleChanged $ \_ title -> set window [ windowTitle := ("hbro | " ++ title)] -- Download requests feedbackLabel <- getLabel "feedback" _ <- on webView downloadRequested $ \download -> do uri <- downloadGetUri download name <- downloadGetSuggestedFilename download size <- downloadGetTotalSize download case (uri, name) of (Just uri', Just name') -> do myDownload directories uri' name' labelSetMarkupTemporary feedbackLabel "Download started" 5000 _ -> labelSetMarkupTemporary feedbackLabel "Unable to download" 5000 return False -- Per MIME actions _ <- on webView mimeTypePolicyDecisionRequested $ \_ request mimetype policyDecision -> do show <- webViewCanShowMimeType webView mimetype case (show, mimetype) of (True, _) -> webPolicyDecisionUse policyDecision >> return True _ -> webPolicyDecisionDownload policyDecision >> return True -- History handler _ <- on webView loadFinished $ \_ -> do uri <- webViewGetUri webView title <- webViewGetTitle webView case (uri, title) of (Just uri', Just title') -> History.add historyFile uri' title' _ -> return () -- On navigating to a new URI -- Return True to forbid navigation, False to allow _ <- on webView navigationPolicyDecisionRequested $ \_ request action policyDecision -> do getUri <- networkRequestGetUri request reason <- webNavigationActionGetReason action mouseButton <- webNavigationActionGetButton action case getUri of Just ('m':'a':'i':'l':'t':'o':':':address) -> do putStrLn $ "Mailing to: " ++ address return True Just uri -> case mouseButton of 1 -> return False -- Left button 2 -> spawn "hbro" ["-u", uri] >> putStrLn uri >> return True -- Middle button 3 -> return False -- Right button _ -> return False -- No mouse button pressed _ -> return False -- On requesting new window _ <- on webView newWindowPolicyDecisionRequested $ \_ request action policyDecision -> do getUri <- networkRequestGetUri request case getUri of Just uri -> (spawn "hbro" ["-u", uri]) >> putStrLn uri _ -> putStrLn "ERROR: wrong URI given, unable to open window." return True -- Favicon --_ <- on webView iconLoaded $ \uri -> do something return () -- }}}