generator -- RISC code generator description (.import static*; // node kind enumeration import sl.parser.Obj; import sl.parser.SymTab; import; import sl.code.Lab; import java.util.List;.) declarations (.private static SymTab t; // Symbol Table private static Code c;.) operators ASGN, -- assignment CNST,VAR, -- constant,variable ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,MOD,-- integer arithmetic EQ,LEQ,GEQ,LTH,GTH, -- comparison operators IF,IFE,EIF,WHILE, -- contol flow ENTER,RET, -- procedure defintion and return PROCP,PROC,-- procedure call with or without parameters FUNP,FUN, -- function call with or without parameters ROOTD,ROOT -- program with or without procedure definitions rules -- Start rule root <.out List code, SymTab tab.> (.c = new Code(); t = tab; code = c.code;.) = (.c.put(Lab.MAIN);.) ROOT r (.Obj o = ((Node)r).obj; c.init(o.varSize);.) (stmtseq) :0 | ROOTD r (.Obj o = ((Node)r).obj;.) (fundefseq (.c.put(Lab.MAIN); c.init(o.varSize);.) ,stmtseq) :0. -- Sequence of procedure definitions fundefseq = fundef [ fundefseq ] :0. fundef = ENTER e (.Obj o = ((Node)e).obj; c.put(Lab.funLab(,; c.prologue(o.varSize);.) (stmtseq) (.c.epilogue(o.parSize);.) :0. -- Sequence of statements stmtseq = stmt [ stmtseq ] :0. stmt = (.Lab t = new Lab(),f = new Lab();.) IF (cond<.out Item x.> (.c.put(Op.CBR,x.r,t,f); c.freeReg(x.r); c.put(t);.) ,stmtseq (.c.put(f);.) ) :1 | (.Lab end = new Lab();.) IFE (eifseq<.Lab end.>,stmtseq (.c.put(end);.) ) :0 | (.Lab loop = c.putLab(),t = new Lab(),f = new Lab();.) WHILE (cond<.out Item x.> (.c.put(Op.CBR,x.r,t,f); c.freeReg(x.r); c.put(t);.) ,stmtseq (.c.put(Op.JMP,loop); c.put(f);.) ) :1 -- Store return statement into its corresponding slot on stack | RET r (.Obj o = ((Node)r).obj;.) (reg<.out Item x.>) (.c.storeRet(x.r,o.parSize,o.type.size());.) :2 | ASGN (VAR v, reg<.out Item x.>) (.Item y = c.newItem((Node)v); c.put(Op.STW,x.r,y.r,; c.freeReg(x.r);.) :2 -- Function call: return value is discarded because it is a stmt. | FUN p (.Obj o = ((Node)p).obj; c.pushRet(); c.put(Op.JSR,Lab.funLab(,; c.discardRet();.) :2 | FUNP p (.Obj o = ((Node)p).obj; c.pushRet(); c.pushParams(o.parSize);.) (paramseq<.t.params(o).>) (.c.put(Op.JSR,Lab.funLab(,; c.discardRet();.) :4 -- Procedure call | PROC p (.Obj o = ((Node)p).obj; c.put(Op.JSR,Lab.funLab(,;.) :1 | PROCP p (.Obj o = ((Node)p).obj; c.pushParams(o.parSize);.) (paramseq<.t.params(o).>) (.c.put(Op.JSR,Lab.funLab(,;.) :2. -- Function call: return value is stored in respective slot on stack fun<.out Item x.> (.x = null;.) = FUN p (.Obj o = ((Node)p).obj; c.pushRet(); c.put(Op.JSR,Lab.funLab(,; x = c.popRet();.) :3 | FUNP p (.Obj o = ((Node)p).obj; c.pushRet(); c.pushParams(o.parSize);.) (paramseq<.t.params(o).>) (.c.put(Op.JSR,Lab.funLab(,; x = c.popRet();.) :4. -- Function and procedure parameters are pushed on stack in reverse order paramseq<.List lst.> = param<.lst.get(0).> (.lst.remove(0);.) [ paramseq<.lst.> ] :0. param<.Obj o.> = reg<.out Item x.> (.c.put(Op.STW,x.r,c.SP,c.offset(o)); c.freeReg(x.r);.) :1. -- Sequence of ELSIF statements eifseq<.Lab end.> = eif<.end.> [ eifseq<.end.> ] :0. eif<.Lab end.> (.Lab t = new Lab(),f = new Lab();.) = EIF (cond<.out Item x.> (.c.put(Op.CBR,x,t,f); c.freeReg(x.r); c.put(t);.) ,stmtseq (.c.put(Op.JMP,end); c.put(f);.) ) :1. -- Patterns returning immediate values imm<.out Item x.> (.x = null; Item y;.) = CNST a (.x = c.newCnstItem((Node)a);.) :0 -- Simple constant folding | ADD (imm<.out x.>,imm<.out y.>) (.c.fold(Op.ADD,x,y);.) :0 | SUB (imm<.out x.>,imm<.out y.>) (.c.fold(Op.SUB,x,y);.) :0 | MUL (imm<.out x.>,imm<.out y.>) (.c.fold(Op.MUL,x,y);.) :0 | DIV (imm<.out x.>,imm<.out y.>) (.c.fold(Op.DIV,x,y);.) :0 | MOD (imm<.out x.>,imm<.out y.>) (.c.fold(Op.MOD,x,y);.) :0. -- Patterns returning registers reg<.out Item x.> (.x = null; Item a,y; .) = cond<.out x.> :0 | fun <.out x.> :0 | imm <.out x.> (.c.load(x);.) :1 | VAR v (.x = c.load(c.newItem((Node)v));.) :2 | ADD (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.ADD,x,y);.) :2 | ADD (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.ADDI,x,a);.):1 | ADD (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.ADDI,x,a);.):1 | SUB (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.SUB,x,y);.) :2 | SUB (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.SUBI,x,a);.):1 | MUL (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.MUL,x,y);.) :2 | MUL (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.MULI,x,a);.):1 | MUL (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>)(.c.put(Op.MULI,x,a);.):1 | DIV (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.DIV,x,y);.) :2 | DIV (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.DIVI,x,a);.):1 | MOD (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.MOD,x,y);.) :2 | MOD (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.MODI,x,a);.):1. -- Conditionals returning result in register cond<.out Item x.> (.x = null; Item a,y;.) = EQ (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.EQ,x,y);.) :2 | EQ (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.EQI,x,a);.) :1 | EQ (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.EQI,x,a);.) :1 | LEQ (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.LEQ,x,y);.) :2 | LEQ (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.GTHI,x,a);.):1 | LEQ (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.LEQI,x,a);.):1 | GEQ (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.GEQ,x,y);.) :2 | GEQ (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.LTHI,x,a);.):1 | GEQ (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.GEQI,x,a);.):1 | LTH (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.LTH,x,y);.) :2 | LTH (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.GEQI,x,a);.):1 | LTH (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.LTHI,x,a);.):1 | GTH (reg<.out x.>,reg<.out y.>) (.c.put(Op.GTH,x,y);.) :2 | GTH (imm<.out a.>,reg<.out x.>) (.c.put(Op.LEQI,x,a);.):1 | GTH (reg<.out x.>,imm<.out a.>) (.c.put(Op.LTHI,x,a);.):1. end