----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Attr -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2007 Igor Boehm - Bytelabs.org. All rights reserved. -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- Author : Igor Boehm -- -- -- This module includes the necessary abstractions in order to allow -- for an attribute grammar formalism in our tree pattern language. -- It represents an attribute with its operations: -- * e.g.: nt <: (in|out) Type ident :> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Ast.Attr ( -- * Introduction Attr, Ty, AttrTy(..), -- * Construction new, ty, emptyTy, -- * Functions attrTy, attrId, attrIsOut, attrGetIn, attrGetOut, attrEqualInOut, ) where import Debug (Debug(..)) import qualified Ast.Ident as Id (Ident) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Specifies whether the attribute is an input or an output attribute data AttrTy = InAttr | OutAttr deriving (Eq) -- | Attribute datatype data Attr = Attr { ident :: Id.Ident -- ^ attribute identifier , isOut :: Bool -- ^ is it an output type , aty :: Ty} -- ^ language specific type instance Show AttrTy where show InAttr = "in" show OutAttr = "out" -- | Types in the host language (e.g. Jave, C#, etc.) data Ty = MkTy Id.Ident | MkEmptyTy instance Eq Ty where (==) (MkTy i1) (MkTy i2) = (i1 == i2) (==) (MkEmptyTy) (MkEmptyTy) = True (==) _ _ = False instance Show Ty where show (MkTy i) = show i show MkEmptyTy = "" instance Eq Attr where (==) a1 a2 = ((isOut a1 == isOut a2) && (aty a1 == aty a2)) instance Show Attr where show a = show (aty a) ++ " " ++ show (ident a) instance Debug Attr where debug a = show (isOut a) ++ " " ++ show (aty a) ++ " " ++ show (ident a) -- | Create new attribute new :: Id.Ident -> AttrTy -> Ty -> Attr new i InAttr t = Attr {ident = i, isOut = False, aty = t} new i _ t = Attr {ident = i, isOut = True, aty = t} -- | Create attribute type ty :: Id.Ident -> Ty ty i = MkTy i -- | Create empty attribute type emptyTy :: Ty emptyTy = MkEmptyTy attrId :: Attr -> Id.Ident attrId a = ident a attrIsOut :: Attr -> Bool attrIsOut a = isOut a attrTy :: Attr -> Ty attrTy a = aty a attrGetIn :: [Attr] -> [Attr] attrGetIn attrs = filter (\a -> not (isOut a)) (attrs) attrGetOut :: [Attr] -> [Attr] attrGetOut attrs = filter (\a -> isOut a) (attrs) attrEqualInOut :: [Attr] -> [Attr] -> Bool attrEqualInOut a1 a2 | (length a1 == length a2) = False `notElem` [(isOut (fst x) == isOut (snd x)) | x <- zip a1 a2] attrEqualInOut _ _ = False