{ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Lexer -- Copyright : Copyright (c) 2007 Igor Boehm - Bytelabs.org. All rights reserved. -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- Author : Igor Boehm -- -- -- Tree pattern matching language ALEX lexer specification. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Parser.Lexer ( -- * Classes TokenClass(..), -- * Types Token(..), -- * Functions scanner ) where ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Csa.Elem (ElemClass(..)) } %wrapper "monad" $digit = 0-9 $comma = \, $or = \| $openparen = \( $closeparen = \) $openbox = \[ $closebox = \] $assign = \= $colon = \: $period = \. $lower = [a-z] $upper = [A-Z] $alpha = [$lower $upper] $idchar = [$alpha $digit \_ \-] $upperidchar = [$upper $digit] -- terminals are all upper case plus digits and '-' '_' @term = $upper [$upper \_ \- $digit]* -- identifiers must start with a lower case character @ident = $lower $idchar* @keywords = generator | declarations | operators | rules | end -- Attribute Specific $attridchar = [$idchar \< \>] @attrident = $alpha $attridchar* @attrkeyword = out CODEGENERATOR :- <0> $white+ { skipit } <0> "--".* { skipit } -- Return a token containing complete semantic action "(:" { semanticAction } "(." { semanticAction } -- like Coco/R -- Go to state when encountering an attribute <0>"<:" { attrStart } <0>"<." { attrStart } -- like Coco/R $white+ { skipit } @attrkeyword { mkL TAttrKeyword } @attrident { mkL TAttrIdent } $comma { mkL TComma } ":>" { attrEnd } ".>" { attrEnd } -- like Coco/R <0> @keywords { mkL TKeyword } <0> $comma { mkL TComma } <0> $or { mkL TOr } <0> $openparen { mkL TParenOpen } <0> $closeparen { mkL TParenClose } <0> $openbox { mkL TBoxOpen } <0> $closebox { mkL TBoxClose } <0> $assign { mkL TAssign } <0> $colon { mkL TColon } <0> $period { mkL TPeriod } <0> @term { mkL TTerm } <0> @ident { mkL TIdent } <0> $digit+ { mkL TCost} { -- Each right-hand side has type :: AlexInput -> Int -> Alex result -- | Token Datatype data Token = ConToken AlexPosn TokenClass String instance Eq Token where (==) (ConToken pos1 c1 str1) (ConToken pos2 c2 str2) = if (and [pos1 == pos2, c1 == c2, str1 == str2]) then True else False instance Ord Token where compare t1@(ConToken (AlexPn _ l1 c1) _ _) t2@(ConToken (AlexPn _ l2 c2) _ _) = if (t1 == t2) then EQ else if (l1 < l2) then LT else if (l1 == l2) then if (c1 < c2) then LT else GT else GT instance Show Token where show (ConToken pos cl s) = (showPosn pos) ++ " - " ++ (show cl) ++ " '" ++ s instance ElemClass Token where elemShow t = show t elemL (ConToken (AlexPn _ line _) _ _) = line elemC (ConToken (AlexPn _ _ col) _ _) = col -- | Token Classes data TokenClass = TCost | TSemAction | TKeyword | TIdent | TAttrStart | TAttrEnd | TAttrKeyword | TAttrIdent | TTerm | TComma | TOr | TParenOpen | TParenClose | TBoxOpen | TBoxClose | TAssign | TColon | TPeriod | TEOF deriving (Eq, Show) --------------------------------------------------------- -- Lexer Utility functions --------------------------------------------------------- -- | Easily create 'Alex Token' mkL :: TokenClass -> AlexInput -> Int -> Alex Token mkL c (p,_,str) len = return (ConToken p c (take len str)) attrStart :: AlexInput -> Int -> Alex Token attrStart inp@(p,_,str) pos = do alexSetStartCode attr; return (ConToken p TAttrStart "<:") attrEnd :: AlexInput -> Int -> Alex Token attrEnd inp@(p,_,str) pos = do alexSetStartCode 0; return (ConToken p TAttrEnd ":>") -- @TODO: revert escaped \:\) which may be in semantic action semanticAction :: AlexInput -> Int -> Alex Token semanticAction _ _ = do { input <- alexGetInput; go 1 [] input } where go :: Int -> [Char] -> AlexInput -> Alex Token go 0 xs input = let (p,_,str) = input in do alexSetInput input; return (ConToken p TSemAction xs) go n xs input = do case alexGetChar input of Nothing -> err input Just (c,input) -> do case c of ':' -> isCloseParen ':' input '.' -> isCloseParen '.' input c -> go n (xs ++ [c]) input where isCloseParen :: Char -> AlexInput -> Alex Token isCloseParen ch input = do case alexGetChar input of Nothing -> err input Just (')',inp) -> go 0 xs inp Just (c,inp) -> go n (xs ++ [ch] ++ [c]) inp err :: AlexInput -> Alex Token err input = do alexSetInput input; lexError "Lexical Error in semantic action" showPosn :: AlexPosn -> String showPosn (AlexPn _ line col) = "[line:" ++ show line ++ " col:" ++ show col ++ "]" lexError :: String -> Alex Token lexError s = do (p,c,input) <- alexGetInput; alexError (s ++ " " ++ showPosn p ++ ": " ++ (if (not (null input)) then " at charcter " ++ show (head input) else " at end of file")) alexEOF :: Alex Token alexEOF = return (ConToken undefined TEOF "") {- newtype Alex a = Alex { runAlex :: AlexState -> Either String (AlexState, a) } runAlex :: String -> Alex a -> Either String a -} -- | scanner. Tokenizes a String into an array of tokens scanner :: String -> Either String [Token] scanner str = runAlex str $ do let accum xs = do { tok@(ConToken p cl s) <- monadScan; if cl == TEOF then return xs else do { accum (xs ++ [tok]) } } accum [] skipit :: AlexInput -> Int -> Alex Token skipit input len = monadScan monadScan :: Alex Token monadScan = do inp@(p,c,input) <- alexGetInput sc <- alexGetStartCode case alexScan inp sc of AlexEOF -> alexEOF AlexError inp' -> lexError "Lexical Error at " AlexSkip inp' len -> do alexSetInput inp' monadScan AlexToken inp' len action -> do alexSetInput inp' action inp len }