module Network.CoAP.MessageCodec
( decode
, encode
) where

import Debug.Trace
import Network.CoAP.Types
import Data.ByteString.Lazy hiding (map)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Binary hiding (encode, decode)
import qualified Data.Binary as DB
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits
import Prelude hiding (null, length, fromStrict, toStrict)

getType :: Word8 -> Get MessageType
getType 0 = return CON
getType 1 = return NON
getType 2 = return ACK
getType 3 = return RST
getType _ = fail "Unknown type"

getRequestMethod :: Word8 -> Get Method
getRequestMethod 1 = return GET
getRequestMethod 2 = return POST
getRequestMethod 3 = return PUT
getRequestMethod 4 = return DELETE
getRequestMethod _ = fail "Unknown request method"

getResponseCode :: Word8 -> Get ResponseCode
getResponseCode _ = return Created

getCode :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Get MessageCode
getCode 0 0 = return CodeEmpty
getCode 0 detail = do
  method <- getRequestMethod detail
  return (CodeRequest method)

getCode code detail =
  if code == 2 || code == 4 || code == 5
     then do
       responseCode <- getResponseCode detail
       return (CodeResponse responseCode)
     else fail "Unknown class"

getTokenLength :: Word8 -> Get Word8
getTokenLength len =
  if len > 8
     then fail "Invalid token length"
     else return len

getToken :: Word8 -> Get Token
getToken 0 = return BS.empty
getToken n = getByteString (fromIntegral n)

intToMediaType 0  = TextPlain
intToMediaType 40 = ApplicationLinkFormat
intToMediaType 41 = ApplicationXml
intToMediaType 42 = ApplicationOctetStream
intToMediaType 47 = ApplicationExi
intToMediaType 50 = ApplicationJson

decodeOption :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> Int -> Option
decodeOption 1 value _ = IfMatch value
decodeOption 3 value _ = UriHost value
decodeOption 4 value _ = ETag value
decodeOption 5 _ _ = IfNoneMatch
decodeOption 7 value valueLen = UriPort (decodeOptionInt value valueLen)
decodeOption 8 value _ = LocationPath value
decodeOption 11 value _ = UriPath value
decodeOption 12 value valueLen = ContentFormat (intToMediaType (decodeOptionInt value valueLen))
decodeOption 14 value valueLen = MaxAge (decodeOptionInt value valueLen)
decodeOption 15 value _ = UriQuery value
decodeOption 17 value valueLen = Accept (decodeOptionInt value valueLen)
decodeOption 20 value _ = LocationQuery value
decodeOption 35 value _ = ProxyUri value
decodeOption 39 value _ = ProxyScheme value
decodeOption 60 value valueLen = Size1 (decodeOptionInt value valueLen)

getOptionInt :: Int -> Get Int
getOptionInt valueLen
  | valueLen == 0       = return 0
  | valueLen < 256      = do v <- getWord8; return (fromIntegral v)
  | valueLen < 65536    = do v <- getWord16be; return (fromIntegral v)
  | valueLen < 16777216 = do a <- getWord8
                             b <- getWord8
                             c <- getWord8
                             return ((.|.) ((.|.) (shiftL (fromIntegral a :: Int) 16) (shiftL (fromIntegral b :: Int) 8)) (fromIntegral c :: Int))
  | otherwise           = do v <- getWord32be; return (fromIntegral v)

decodeOptionInt :: BS.ByteString -> Int -> Int
decodeOptionInt value valueLen = runGet (getOptionInt valueLen) (fromStrict value)

getOptionPart :: Int -> Get Int
getOptionPart part
  | part == 14 = do v <- getWord16be; return (fromIntegral v + 269)
  | part == 13 = do v <- getWord8; return (fromIntegral v + 13)
  | otherwise  = return part

getOption :: Int -> Get (Maybe Option)
getOption lastCode = do
  e <- isEmpty
  if e
  then return Nothing
  else do
    tmp <- getWord8
    if tmp == 0xFF
    then return Nothing
    else do
      let delta  = fromIntegral ((.&.) (shiftR tmp 4) 0x0F)
      let valueLength = fromIntegral ((.&.) tmp 0x0F)
      fullDelta <- getOptionPart delta
      let optCode = lastCode + fullDelta
      fullLength <- getOptionPart valueLength
      value <- getByteString fullLength
      let option = decodeOption optCode value fullLength
      return (Just option)

getOptionsLoop :: Int -> Get [Option]
getOptionsLoop lastCode = do
  opt <- getOption lastCode
  case opt of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just o  -> do
      let optCode = fst (encodeOption o)
      opts <- getOptionsLoop optCode
      return (o:opts)

getOptions :: Get [Option]
getOptions = getOptionsLoop 0

getPayload :: Get (Maybe Payload)
getPayload = do
  str <- getRemainingLazyByteString
  return (if null str
         then Nothing
         else Just (BS.pack (unpack str)))

getMessage :: Get Message
getMessage = do
  tmp <- getWord8
  let version = fromIntegral (shiftR ((.&.) tmp 0xC0) 6)
  msgType <- getType (shiftR ((.&.) tmp 0x30) 4)
  tokenLength <- getTokenLength ((.&.) tmp 0x0F)

  c <- getWord8
  let clazz  = fromIntegral (shiftR ((.&.) c 0x70) 5)
  let detail = fromIntegral ((.&.) c 0x1F)
  code <- getCode clazz detail
  id <- getWord16be
  token <- getToken tokenLength
  options <- getOptions
  payload <- getPayload
  return Message { messageVersion = version
                 , messageType    = msgType
                 , messageCode    = code
                 , messageId      = fromIntegral id
                 , messageToken   = token
                 , messageOptions = options
                 , messagePayload = payload }

-- | Decode a CoAP message according to the specification.
decode :: BS.ByteString -> Either String Message
decode msg =
  let result = runGetOrFail getMessage (fromStrict msg)
   in case result of
        Left (_, _, errorStr) -> Left errorStr
        Right (_, _, parsedMsg) -> Right parsedMsg

encodeType :: MessageType -> Word8
encodeType CON = 0
encodeType NON = 1
encodeType ACK = 2
encodeType RST = 3

encodeRequestMethod :: Method -> Word8
encodeRequestMethod GET    = 1
encodeRequestMethod POST   = 2
encodeRequestMethod PUT    = 3
encodeRequestMethod DELETE = 4

encodeResponseCode :: ResponseCode -> (Word8, Word8)
encodeResponseCode Created               = (2, 1)
encodeResponseCode Deleted               = (2, 2)
encodeResponseCode Valid                 = (2, 3)
encodeResponseCode Changed               = (2, 4)
encodeResponseCode Content               = (2, 5)
encodeResponseCode BadRequest            = (4, 0)
encodeResponseCode Unauthorized          = (4, 1)
encodeResponseCode BadOption             = (4, 2)
encodeResponseCode Forbidden             = (4, 3)
encodeResponseCode NotFound              = (4, 4)
encodeResponseCode MethodNotAllowed      = (4, 5)
encodeResponseCode NotAcceptable         = (4, 6)
encodeResponseCode PreconditionFailed    = (4, 12)
encodeResponseCode RequestEntityTooLarge = (4, 13)
encodeResponseCode UnsupportedFormat     = (4, 15)
encodeResponseCode InternalServerError   = (5, 0)
encodeResponseCode NotImplemented        = (5, 1)
encodeResponseCode BadGateway            = (5, 2)
encodeResponseCode ServiceUnavailable    = (5, 3)
encodeResponseCode GatewayTimeout        = (5, 4)
encodeResponseCode ProxyingNotSupported  = (5, 5)

encodeCode :: MessageCode -> Word8
encodeCode CodeEmpty = 0
encodeCode (CodeRequest detail) = encodeRequestMethod detail
encodeCode (CodeResponse detail) =
  let (responseClass, responseDetail) = encodeResponseCode detail
   in (.|.) (shiftL responseClass 5) responseDetail

putHeader :: Message -> Word8 -> Put
putHeader message tokenLength = do
  let version = fromIntegral (messageVersion message) :: Word8
  let eType   = encodeType (messageType message)
  let code    = messageCode   message 
  let id      = messageId     message 
  putWord8 ((.|.) ((.|.) (shiftL version 6) (shiftL eType 4)) ((.&.) tokenLength 0x0F))
  putWord8 (encodeCode code)
  putWord16be id

putToken :: Token -> Put
putToken = putByteString

putOptionInt :: Int -> Put
putOptionInt 0 = return ()
putOptionInt n | n < 256 = putWord8 (fromIntegral n)
               | n < 65536 = putWord16be (fromIntegral n)
               | otherwise = putWord32be (fromIntegral n)

encodeOptionInt :: Int -> BS.ByteString
encodeOptionInt n = BS.pack (unpack (runPut (putOptionInt n)))

mediaTypeToInt :: MediaType -> Int
mediaTypeToInt TextPlain              = 0
mediaTypeToInt ApplicationLinkFormat  = 40
mediaTypeToInt ApplicationXml         = 41
mediaTypeToInt ApplicationOctetStream = 42
mediaTypeToInt ApplicationExi         = 47
mediaTypeToInt ApplicationJson        = 50

encodeOption :: Option -> (Int, BS.ByteString)
encodeOption (IfMatch value)            = (1, value)
encodeOption (UriHost value)            = (3, value)
encodeOption (ETag value)               = (4, value)
encodeOption IfNoneMatch                = (5, BS.empty)
encodeOption (UriPort value)            = (7, encodeOptionInt value)
encodeOption (LocationPath value)       = (8, value)
encodeOption (UriPath value)            = (11, value)
encodeOption (ContentFormat mediaType)  = (12, encodeOptionInt (mediaTypeToInt mediaType))
encodeOption (MaxAge value)             = (14, encodeOptionInt value)
encodeOption (UriQuery value)           = (15, value)
encodeOption (Accept value)             = (17, encodeOptionInt value)
encodeOption (LocationQuery value)      = (20, value)
encodeOption (ProxyUri value)           = (35, value)
encodeOption (ProxyScheme value)        = (39, value)
encodeOption (Size1 value)              = (60, encodeOptionInt value)

encodeOptionPart :: Int -> Word8
encodeOptionPart value
  | value > 268 = 14
  | value > 12  = 13
  | otherwise   = fromIntegral value

putOptionPart :: Word8 -> Int -> Put
putOptionPart valueLen value
  | valueLen == 13 = putWord8 (fromIntegral (value - 13))
  | valueLen == 14 = putWord16be (fromIntegral (value - 269))
  | otherwise      = return ()

putOption :: Int -> BS.ByteString -> Put
putOption nextDelta optValue = do
  let optValueLen = BS.length optValue
  let valueLen = encodeOptionPart optValueLen
  let deltaValue = encodeOptionPart nextDelta
  let tmp = (.|.) (shiftL deltaValue 4) ((.&.) valueLen 0x0F)

  putWord8 tmp
  putOptionPart deltaValue nextDelta
  putOptionPart valueLen optValueLen
  putByteString optValue

putOptionsLoop :: Int -> [Option] -> Put
putOptionsLoop lastNumber [] = return ()
putOptionsLoop lastNumber (opt:options) = do
  let (optNumber, optValue) = encodeOption opt
  let nextDelta = optNumber - lastNumber
  putOption nextDelta optValue
  putOptionsLoop optNumber options

putOptions :: [Option] -> Put
putOptions options = do
  let sortedOptions = sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst (encodeOption x)) (fst (encodeOption y))) options
  putOptionsLoop 0 sortedOptions

putPayload :: Maybe Payload -> Put
putPayload Nothing = return ()
putPayload (Just payload) = do
  putWord8 0xFF
  putByteString payload

putMessage :: Message -> Put
putMessage msg = do
  let token = messageToken msg
  let tokenLength = BS.length token
  putHeader  msg (fromIntegral tokenLength)
  putToken   token
  putOptions (messageOptions msg)
  putPayload (messagePayload msg)

-- | Encode a CoAP message according to the specification.
encode :: Message -> BS.ByteString
encode msg = toStrict (runPut (putMessage msg))