hdf-0.15: HDF: Uniform Rate Audio Signal Processing in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Data flow node functions, or unit generators.



iir1_m :: (K' a, UId m) => a -> Binary_Op (DF a) -> DF a -> m (DF a) Source

Single place infinite impulse response filter with indicated initial value.

import Data.Int
import Sound.DF.Uniform.GADT
draw =<< iir1_m (0::Int32) (+) 1
draw =<< iir1_m (0::Float) (+) 1

phasor_m :: (K_Num a, UId m) => DF a -> a -> DF a -> m (DF a) Source

r = right hand edge, ip = initial phase, x = increment

draw =<< phasor_m 9.0 (4.5::Float) 0.5
drawM (phasor_m 9 (0::Int32) 1)


a_alloc_sec_m :: UId m => Float -> m (DF (Vec Float)) Source

Allocate n second array, variant of df_vec.

a_delay_m :: UId m => DF (Vec Float) -> DF Float -> DF Int32 -> m (DF Float) Source

Array delay.

do {a <- df_vec_m [0,1,2]
   ;d <- a_delay a 0.0 0
   ;draw (a_delay a 0.0 0)}
do {f <- sin_osc 0.1 0.0
   ;o <- sin_osc (f * 200.0 + 600.0) 0.0
   ;a <- df_vec_m (replicate 48000 0)
   ;d <- a_delay a o 24000
   ;audition [] (out2 (o * 0.1) (d * 0.05))}

a_tbl_sin_m :: UId m => Int -> m (DF (Vec Float)) Source

Array fill function (sin).


tbl_phasor_m :: UId m => Int -> Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

phasor for table of z places. ip is in (0,1).

drawM (phasor 64.0 (0.0::Float) (hz_to_incr k_sample_rate 64.0 330.0))
drawM (tbl_phasor 64 0.0 330.0)

a_osc_m :: UId m => DF (Vec Float) -> DF Float -> Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Table lookup oscillator. ip is in (0,1).

do {a <- a_tbl_sin 256
   ;f <- a_osc a 4.0 0.0
   ;o <- a_osc a (f * 200.0 + 400.0) 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}


do {a <- a_tbl_sin 256
   ;o1 <- a_osc a 440.0 0.0
   ;o2 <- a_osc a 440.0 0.5
   ;audition [] (out1 (o1 + o2))}

Filter constructors.

unit_delay_m :: (K' a, UId m) => a -> DF a -> m (DF a) Source

Single sample delay with indicated initial value.

drawM (unit_delay_m (0::Int32) 1)
drawM (unit_delay_m (0.0::Float) 1.0)
do {c <- counter_m 0 1.0
   ;d <- unit_delay_m 0 c
   ;audition_text 12 (out2 c d)}

iir2_m :: (K_Num a, UId m) => Ternary_Op (DF a) -> DF a -> m (DF a) Source

Two place infinite impulse response filter. Inputs are: f= function (x0 y1 y2 -> y0), i = input signal.

do {c1 <- iir2 (\x y1 _ -> x + y1) 0.001
   ;o1 <- sin_osc (c1 + 220.0) 0
   ;c2 <- iir2 (\x _ y2 -> x + y2) 0.001
   ;o2 <- sin_osc (c2 + 220.0) 0
   ;audition [] (out2 (o1 * 0.1) (o2 * 0.1))}

fir1_m :: UId m => Binary_Op (DF Float) -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Single place finite impulse response filter.

fir2_m :: UId m => Ternary_Op (DF Float) -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Two place finite impulse response filter.

biquad_m :: UId m => Quinary_Op (DF Float) -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Ordinary biquad filter section.


counter_m :: (K_Num a, UId m) => a -> DF a -> m (DF a) Source

Counter from indicated initial value.

draw =<< counter (0::Int32) 1
drawM (counter (0.0::Float) 1.0)
audition_text 10 . out1 =<< counter_m 0.0 1.0


buf_delay_m :: UId m => DF Int32 -> DF Float -> DF Int32 -> m (DF Float) Source

Buffer delay.

drawM (buf_delay 0 0.0 0)

buf_comb_n_m :: UId m => DF Int32 -> DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Non-interpolating comb filter. Inputs are: b = buffer index, i = input signal, dl = delay time, dc = decay time.

All times are in seconds. The decay time is the time for the echoes to decay by 60 decibels. If this time is negative then the feedback coefficient will be negative, thus emphasizing only odd harmonics at an octave lower.

drawM (fmap out1 (buf_comb_n 0 0.0 0.0 0.0))

Comb used as a resonator. The resonant fundamental is equal to reciprocal of the delay time.

import qualified Sound.SC3 as S
do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;dt <- let f x = lin_exp (x + 2.0) 1.0 2.0 0.0001 0.01
          in fmap f (lf_saw 0.1 0.0)
   ;c <- buf_comb_n 0 (n * 0.1) dt 0.2
   ;audition [S.b_alloc 0 48000 1] (out1 c)}

Comb used as an echo.

do {i <- impulse 0.5 0.0
   ;n <- white_noise_m
   ;e <- decay (i * 0.5) 0.2
   ;c <- buf_comb_n 0 (e * n) 0.2 3.0
   ;audition [S.b_alloc 0 48000 1] (out1 c)}


comb_n_m :: UId m => Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Array variant of buf_comb_n. Max delay time is in seconds.

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;dt <- let f x = lin_exp (x + 2.0) 1.0 2.0 0.0001 0.01
          in fmap f (lf_saw 0.1 0.0)
   ;c <- comb_n 0.1 (n * 0.1) dt 0.2
   ;audition [] (out1 c)}
do {i <- impulse 0.5 0.0
   ;n <- white_noise_m
   ;e <- decay (i * 0.5) 0.2
   ;c <- comb_n 0.2 (e * n) 0.2 3.0
   ;audition [] (out1 c)}


white_noise_m :: UId m => m (DF Float) Source

White noise (-1,1). Generates noise whose spectrum has equal power at all frequencies.

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;audition [] (out1 (n * 0.1))}

brown_noise_m :: UId m => m (DF Float) Source

Brown noise (-1,1). Generates noise whose spectrum falls off in power by 6 dB per octave.

do {n <- brown_noise_m
   ;audition [] (out1 (n * 0.1))}
do {n <- brown_noise_m
   ;let f = lin_exp n (-1.0) 1.0 64.0 9600.0
    in do {o <- sin_osc f 0
          ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}}


sin_osc_m :: UId m => DF Float -> Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Sine oscillator. Inputs are: f = frequency (in hz), ip = initial phase.

do {o <- sin_osc 440.0 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}

Used as both Oscillator and LFO.

do {f <- sin_osc 4.0 0.0
   ;o <- sin_osc (f * 200.0 + 400.0) 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}


do {o1 <- sin_osc 440.0 0.0
   ;o2 <- sin_osc 440.0 pi
   ;audition [] (out1 (o1 + o2))}

impulse_m :: UId m => DF Float -> Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Impulse oscillator (non band limited). Outputs non band limited single sample impulses. Inputs are: f = frequency (in hertz), ip = phase offset (0..1)

do {o <- impulse 800.0 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}
do {f <- fmap (\x -> x * 2500.0 + 2505.0) (sin_osc 0.25 0.0)
   ;o <- impulse f 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}

LF Osc.

lf_saw_m :: UId m => DF Float -> Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Non-band limited sawtooth oscillator. Output ranges from -1 to +1. Inputs are: f = frequency (in hertz), ip = initial phase (0,2).

do {o <- lf_saw 500.0 1.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}

Used as both Oscillator and LFO.

do {f <- lf_saw 4.0 0.0
   ;o <- lf_saw (f * 400.0 + 400.0) 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.1))}

lf_pulse_m :: UId m => DF Float -> Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Non-band-limited pulse oscillator. Outputs a high value of one and a low value of zero. Inputs are: f = frequency (in hertz), ip = initial phase (0,1), w = pulse width duty cycle (0,1).

do {o1 <- fmap (\x -> x * 200.0 + 200.0) (lf_pulse 3.0 0.0 0.3)
   ;o2 <- fmap (\x -> x * 0.1) (lf_pulse o1 0.0 0.2)
   ;audition [] (out1 o2)}


bpz2_m :: UId m => DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Two zero fixed midpass filter.

brz2_m :: UId m => DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Two zero fixed midcut filter.

lpz1_m :: UId m => DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Two point average filter

lpz2_m :: UId m => DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Two zero fixed lowpass filter

one_pole_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

One pole filter.

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;f <- one_pole (n * 0.5) 0.95
   ;audition [] (out1 f)}

one_zero_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

One zero filter.

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;f <- one_zero (n * 0.5) 0.5
   ;audition [] (out1 f)}

sos_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Second order filter section.

resonz_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

A two pole resonant filter with zeroes at z = +/- 1. Based on K. Steiglitz, "A Note on Constant-Gain Digital Resonators", Computer Music Journal, vol 18, no. 4, pp. 8-10, Winter 1994. The reciprocal of Q is used rather than Q because it saves a divide operation inside the unit generator.

Inputs are: i = input signal, f = resonant frequency (in hertz), rq = bandwidth ratio (reciprocal of Q);where rq = bandwidth / centerFreq.

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;r <- resonz (n * 0.5) 440.0 0.1
   ;audition [] (out1 r)}

Modulate frequency

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;f <- fmap (\x -> x * 3500.0 + 4500.0) (lf_saw 0.1 0.0)
   ;r <- resonz (n * 0.5) f 0.05
   ;audition [] (out1 r)}

rlpf_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Resonant low pass filter. Inputs are: i = input signal, f = frequency (hertz), rq = reciprocal of Q (resonance).

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;f <- fmap (\x -> x * 40.0 + 220.0) (sin_osc 0.5 0.0)
   ;r <- rlpf n f 0.1
   ;audition [] (out1 r)}


latch_m :: (K_Num a, UId m) => DF a -> DF Bool -> m (DF a) Source

Sample and hold. Holds input signal value when triggered. Inputs are: i = input signal, t = trigger.

do {n <- white_noise_m
   ;i <- impulse_m 9.0 0.0
   ;l <- latch_m n (trigger i)
   ;o <- sin_osc (l * 400.0 + 500.0) 0.0
   ;audition [] (out1 (o * 0.2))}


decay_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Exponential decay. Inputs are: i = input signal, t = decay time. This is essentially the same as Integrator except that instead of supplying the coefficient directly, it is caculated from a 60 dB decay time. This is the time required for the integrator to lose 99.9 % of its value or -60dB. This is useful for exponential decaying envelopes triggered by impulses.

Used as an envelope.

do {n <- brown_noise_m
   ;f <- lf_saw 0.1 0.0
   ;i <- impulse (lin_lin f (-1.0) 1.0 2.0 5.0) 0.25
   ;e <- decay i 0.2
   ;audition [] (out1 (e * n))}

decay2_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Exponential decay (equivalent to decay dcy - decay atk).


delay1_m :: (K_Num a, UId m) => DF a -> m (DF a) Source

Single sample delay.

delay2_m :: (K_Num a, UId m) => DF a -> m (DF a) Source

Two sample delay.


lag_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Simple averaging filter. Inputs are: i = input signal, t = lag time.

do {s <- sin_osc 0.05 0.0
   ;let f = lin_lin s (-1.0) 1.0 220.0 440.0
    in do {o <- sin_osc f 0.0
          ;f' <- lag f 1.0
          ;o' <- sin_osc f' 0.0
          ;audition [] (out2 (o * 0.2) (o' * 0.2))}}

lag2_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Nested lag filter.

lag3_m :: UId m => DF Float -> DF Float -> m (DF Float) Source

Twice nested lag filter.