Marshalling types
From a given IDL type t we may need to generate calls to functions
that implement various marshalling operations over type t:
- marshall, by-value and by-reference
- unmarshall, by-value and by-reference
- size of
- allocate
- release/free
The following functions can be used to do this:
marshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
refMarshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
unmarshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
refUnmarshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
szType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
-- alloc storage to hold a (fixed size) value of a particular type,
-- returning a pointer to it.
allocPointerTo :: Type -> Haskell.Expr
marshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
marshallType mInfo t =
case t of
Array at []
| forRef mInfo -> funApp w_list [ varName false, szType at, refMarshallType mInfo at ]
| otherwise -> funApp m_list [ szType at, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} at ]
Array (Char _) [e]
| forRef mInfo -> funApp w_bstring [ varName false, coreToHaskellExpr e ]
Array at [e]
| forRef mInfo -> funApp w_blist [ szType at
, coreToHaskellExpr e
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} at
| otherwise -> funApp m_blist
[ szType at
, coreToHaskellExpr e
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} at
Array at [mi,ma] ->
funApp m_blist [ szType at
, binOp Sub (coreToHaskellExpr ma)
(coreToHaskellExpr mi)
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} at
Pointer _ _ ty | isVoidTy ty -> varName prelReturn
Pointer Ptr _ ty
| (isConstructedTy (nukeNames ty) && isReferenceTy ty) -> varName prelReturn
Pointer pt isExp (Iface nm mod _ attrs _ inh) ->
case pt of
Unique | optCom && isExp -> funApp marshallMaybe [ varName m_iptr, varName nullFO ]
| optHaskellToC && isExp -> funApp marshallMaybe
[ varName m_ip
, varName $
if attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "finaliser" then
_ ->
case inh of
[] | optHaskellToC -> varName m_ip
| otherwise -> varName m_iptr
| optCorba -> varName (prefix marshallPrefix (fst x))
| optCom ||
qName (fst x) == "IUnknown" -> varName m_iptr
| otherwise -> varName (prefix marshallPrefix (fst x))
m_ip = prefix marshallPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm)
Pointer pt _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti))
| pt /= Ptr && is_pointed ti ->
| forInOut mInfo && finalised ti = varName (copy_marshaller ti)
| otherwise = varName (marshaller ti)
| forInOut mInfo && finalised ti = varName nullPtr
| finalised ti = varName nullFO
| otherwise = varName nullPtr
case pt of
Unique -> funApp marshallMaybe [ mshaller, null_elt ]
_ -> mshaller
Pointer pt _ ty
| isFunTy ty && pt /= Ptr -> marshallType mInfo ty
| forInOut mInfo && forProxy mInfo -> refMarshallType mInfo t
| otherwise ->
case pt of
Ptr -> varName prelReturn
Ref -> funApp m_ref [ allocPointerTo ty, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty ]
Unique -> funApp m_unique [ allocPointerTo ty, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty ]
Void -> varName prelReturn
String _ isUnique _
| isUnique -> funApp marshallMaybe [varName m_string, varName nullPtr]
| otherwise -> varName m_string
Sequence ty mbSz mbTerm
-> funApp m_sequence [ refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty
, terminatorElt True mbTerm ty
, szType ty
, case mbSz of
Nothing -> nothing
Just x -> just (coreToHaskellExpr x)
SafeArray{} -> varName m_safearray
WString isUnique _
| isUnique -> funApp marshallMaybe [varName m_wstring, varName nullPtr]
| otherwise -> varName m_wstring
Bool -> varName m_bool
Enum{} -> varName m_enum32
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti)
| forInOut mInfo && finalised ti -> varName (copy_marshaller ti)
| otherwise -> varName (marshaller ti)
Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty@Enum{}) _ -> marshallType mInfo ty
Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty@(Name{})) _ -> marshallType mInfo ty
Name nm _ mod _ (Just (Struct i [f] _)) _
| isSimpleTy (fieldType f) ||
((idAttributes i) `hasAttributeWithName` "hs_newtype")
-> qvar mod (marshallPrefix ++ nm)
Name nm _ mod _ (Just ty) _
| isConstructedTy (nukeNames ty) && not (isFunTy ty) -> funApp m_ref [ allocPointerTo t, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
| isFunTy ty -> qvar mod (marshallPrefix ++ nm)
| otherwise -> marshallType mInfo ty
Struct i fs _
| length fs == 1 && isSimpleTy (fieldType (head fs)) &&
not ((idAttributes i) `hasAttributeWithName` "hs_newtype")
-> qvar (idModule i) (marshallPrefix ++ idName i)
| otherwise -> funApp m_ref [ allocPointerTo t, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
Union{} -> funApp m_ref [ allocPointerTo t, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
UnionNon{} -> funApp m_ref [ allocPointerTo t, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
CUnion{} -> funApp m_ref [ allocPointerTo t, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
Integer LongLong isSigned
| optLongLongIsInteger -> varName (m_integer isSigned)
Iface{} -> marshallType mInfo (Pointer Ref True t)
_ -> let nm = mkMarshaller marshallPrefix t in
varName nm
m_bool = libImport bool
m_string = libImport stringName
m_list = libImport list
m_blist = libImport blist
m_ref = libImport ref
m_unique = libImport unique
m_sequence = libImport "Sequence"
| forProxy mInfo = prefix marshallPrefix sAFEARRAY
| otherwise = prefix marshallPrefix (mkQVarName autoLib safearray)
w_list = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib list)
w_bstring = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib bstring)
w_blist = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib blist)
m_integer isSigned
| isSigned = libImport integer
| otherwise = libImport ('U':integer)
m_enum32 = libImport enum32
m_iptr = prefix marshallPrefix iUnknown
| optNoWideStrings = wideImport wstring2
| otherwise = wideImport wstring
libImport nm = prefix marshallPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib nm)
wideImport nm = prefix marshallPrefix (mkQVarName wStringLib nm)
terminatorElt :: Bool -> Maybe Expr -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
terminatorElt forMarshalling mbTerm ty
| forMarshalling = lam [patVar "x"] $
funApp (prefix marshallRefPrefix termTyName)
[ var "x"
, termVal
| otherwise = lam [patVar "ptr"] $
bind (funApp (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix termTyName) [var "ptr"])
(var "dx")
(ret (infixOp (var "dx") eqName termVal))
(termVal, termTyName) =
case ty of
Char{} -> (Haskell.Lit (CharLit '\0'), mkQVarName hdirectLib "Char")
Integer sz signed ->
case mbTerm of
Just e -> (coreToHaskellExpr e, deTyCon $ mkIntTy sz signed)
_ -> (coreToHaskellExpr (Lit (iLit (0::Int))), deTyCon $ mkIntTy sz signed)
_ -> (varName nullPtr, mkQVarName hdirectLib "Ptr")
unmarshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
unmarshallType mInfo ty =
case ty of
Array (Char _) [] -> varName u_string
Array t [] -> funApp u_single [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} t ]
Array (Char _) [e] ->
funApp u_bstring [ coreToHaskellExpr e ]
Array t [e]
| doFree mInfo ->
funApp doThenFree
[ freeType ty
, funApp u_list [ szType t
, var "0"
, coreToHaskellExpr e
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} t
| otherwise ->
funApp u_list [ szType t
, var "0"
, coreToHaskellExpr e
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} t
Array t [mi,ma]
| doFree mInfo ->
funApp doThenFree
[ freeType ty
, funApp u_list [ szType t
, coreToHaskellExpr mi
, coreToHaskellExpr ma
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} t
| otherwise ->
funApp u_list [ szType t
, coreToHaskellExpr mi
, coreToHaskellExpr ma
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=True} t
String _ isUnique _
| doFree mInfo -> funApp doThenFree [ freeType ty, uString ]
| otherwise -> uString
| isUnique = funApp readMaybe [ varName u_string ]
| otherwise = varName u_string
Sequence t mbSz mbTerm ->
funApp u_sequence [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t
, terminatorElt False mbTerm t
, szType t
, case mbSz of
Nothing -> nothing
Just x -> just (coreToHaskellExpr x)
WString isUnique _
| doFree mInfo -> funApp doThenFree [ freeType ty, uString ]
| otherwise -> uString
| isUnique = funApp readMaybe [ varName u_wstring ]
| otherwise = varName u_wstring
Pointer pt isExp t@(Iface nm mod _ attrs _ inh) ->
case pt of
Ptr | optCom -> u_ipointer
Unique | (optCom || optHaskellToC) && isExp ->
if forRef mInfo then
funApp u_unique [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
funApp u_unique [ unmarshallType mInfo t ]
_ ->
case inh of
[] | optCom -> u_ipointer
| optHaskellToC && attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "finaliser" ->
funApp u_ip [ lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
| otherwise -> varName u_ip
| optCorba -> varName (prefix unmarshallPrefix (fst x))
| optCom || qName (fst x) == "IUnknown" ->
if forRef mInfo then
refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty
| optHaskellToC && attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "finaliser" ->
funApply (varName (prefix unmarshallPrefix (fst x)))
[ lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
| otherwise -> varName (prefix unmarshallPrefix (fst x))
u_ip = prefix unmarshallPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm)
Pointer _ _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti))
| is_pointed ti ->
if finalised ti then
funApply (varName (unmarshaller ti)) [lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
varName (unmarshaller ti)
Pointer _ _ Void -> varName prelReturn
Pointer pt _ t ->
case pt of
| isIfacePtr t ->
if forRef mInfo then
refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t
| isPointerTy t && doFree mInfo -> funApp doThenFree
[ freeType ty
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t
| isPointerTy t -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t
| otherwise -> varName prelReturn
| doFree mInfo -> funApp doThenFree [ freeType ty
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t
| otherwise -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t
| isIfacePtr t ->
if forRef mInfo then
funApp u_unique [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} (getIfaceTy ty) ]
funApp u_unique [ unmarshallType mInfo (getIfaceTy ty) ]
| doFree mInfo -> funApp doThenFree [ freeType ty
, funApp u_unique
[ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
| otherwise -> funApp u_unique [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} t ]
Void -> varName prelReturn
Bool -> varName u_bool
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti) ->
if finalised ti then
funApply (varName (unmarshaller ti)) [lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
varName (unmarshaller ti)
Name _ _ _ _ (Just t@Enum{}) _ -> unmarshallType mInfo t
Name _ _ _ _ (Just t@(Name{})) _ -> unmarshallType mInfo t
Name nm _ mod _ (Just (Struct i [f] _)) _
| isSimpleTy (fieldType f) ||
((idAttributes i) `hasAttributeWithName` "hs_newtype")
-> qvar mod (unmarshallPrefix ++ nm)
Name _ _ _ _ (Just t) _
| isConstructedTy (nukeNames t) -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} (Pointer Ref True ty)
Struct i fs _
| (length fs == 1 && isSimpleTy (fieldType (head fs))) ||
((idAttributes i) `hasAttributeWithName` "hs_newtype")
-> qvar (idModule i) (unmarshallPrefix ++ idName i)
| otherwise -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} (Pointer Ref True ty)
Union{} -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} (Pointer Ref True ty)
UnionNon{} -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} (Pointer Ref True ty)
CUnion{} -> refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} (Pointer Ref True ty)
Enum{} -> varName u_enum32
Iface{} -> unmarshallType mInfo (Pointer Ptr True ty)
SafeArray{} -> u_safearray
Integer LongLong isSigned
| optLongLongIsInteger -> varName (u_integer isSigned)
_ -> let nm = mkMarshaller unmarshallPrefix ty in
varName nm
u_bool = libImport bool
u_string = libImport stringName
u_list = libImport list
u_bstring = libImport bstring
u_unique = libImport unique
u_single = libImport "Single"
u_sequence = libImport "Sequence"
| forProxy mInfo = funApply (varName (prefix unmarshallPrefix sAFEARRAY)) [ lit (BooleanLit False) ]
| forStruct mInfo = funApply (varName (prefix unmarshallPrefix sAFEARRAY)) [ lit (BooleanLit False) ]
| otherwise = varName (prefix marshallPrefix (mkQVarName autoLib safearray))
u_integer isSigned
| isSigned = libImport integer
| otherwise = libImport ('U':integer)
u_enum32 = libImport enum32
u_iptr = prefix unmarshallPrefix iUnknown
| forInOut mInfo = varName (prefix unmarshallPrefix iUnknownFO)
| otherwise = funApp u_iptr [ lit (BooleanLit (forProxy mInfo)) ]
| optNoWideStrings = wStringImport wstring2
| otherwise = wStringImport wstring
libImport nm = prefix unmarshallPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib nm)
wStringImport nm = prefix unmarshallPrefix (mkQVarName wStringLib nm)
refMarshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
refMarshallType mInfo t =
case t of
Array (Char _) [e] -> funApp w_bstring [ varName true, coreToHaskellExpr e ]
Array at [e] ->
funApp w_blist
[ szType at
, coreToHaskellExpr e
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} at
Array at [mi, ma] ->
funApp w_blist
[ szType at
, binOp Sub (coreToHaskellExpr ma)
(coreToHaskellExpr mi)
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} at
Array at [] -> funApp w_list [ varName false
, szType at
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} at
SafeArray{} -> varName w_safearray
String _ isUnique _
| isUnique -> funApp writeMaybe [ varName w_string ]
| otherwise -> funApp w_string [ varName true ]
WString isUnique _
| isUnique -> funApp writeMaybe [ varName w_string ]
| otherwise -> varName w_wstring
Sequence ty mbSz mbTerm ->
funApp w_sequence [ varName true
, refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty
, terminatorElt True mbTerm ty
, szType ty
, case mbSz of
Nothing -> nothing
Just x -> just (coreToHaskellExpr x)
Pointer Unique isExp ty
| forRef mInfo &&
(optCom || optHaskellToC) &&
isExp &&
isIfaceTy ty -> funApp writeMaybe [ w_ip ]
(Iface nm mod _ _ _ _) = getIfaceTy ty
| optHaskellToC = varName (prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm))
| otherwise = funApp w_iptr [w_iptr_arg]
Pointer _ _ (Iface nm mod _ _ _ inh) ->
case inh of
[] | not optHaskellToC -> funApp w_iptr [ w_iptr_arg ]
| otherwise -> varName w_ip
| optCorba -> varName (prefix marshallRefPrefix (fst x))
| not optHaskellToC -> funApp w_iptr [ w_iptr_arg ]
| otherwise -> varName (prefix marshallRefPrefix (fst x))
w_ip = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm)
Pointer pt _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti))
| pt /= Ptr && is_pointed ti ->
case pt of
Unique ->
if finalised ti then
funApp writeMaybe [ varName (ref_marshaller ti) ]
funApp writeMaybe [ varName (ref_marshaller ti) ]
_ -> varName (ref_marshaller ti)
Pointer Ptr _ (Name _ _ _ (Just as) _ _)
| as `hasAttributeWithName` "foreign" -> varName w_fptr
Pointer _ _ ty | isVoidTy ty -> varName w_ptr
Pointer pt _ ty
| isIfaceTy ty -> refMarshallType mInfo{forRef=False}
(Pointer Ref True (getIfaceTy ty))
| otherwise ->
case pt of
Ptr -> varName w_ptr
| optNoDerefRefs -> funApp w_ref [ allocPointerTo ty, refMarshallType mInfo ty ]
| otherwise -> refMarshallType mInfo ty
Unique -> funApp w_unique [ allocPointerTo ty, refMarshallType mInfo ty ]
Void -> varName w_addr
Bool -> varName w_bool
CUnion i _ _ ->
nm = mkMarshaller marshallRefPrefix t
sw =
case (getSwitchIsAttribute (idAttributes i)) of
Just e | notNull fs ->
let v = head fs in var ("write_tag_" ++ v)
fs = findFreeVars e
_ -> var ("where_do_I_put_the_tag")
funApply (varName nm) [sw]
Iface{} -> refMarshallType mInfo (Pointer Ref True t)
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti) | not (is_pointed ti) -> varName (ref_marshaller ti)
Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty@Enum{}) _ -> refMarshallType mInfo ty
Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty@(Name{})) _ -> refMarshallType mInfo ty
Enum{} -> varName w_enum32
Name nm _ mod _ (Just ty) _
| not is_cons_type -> refMarshallType mInfo ty
| not (forStruct mInfo) && isNonEncUnionTy (removeNames ty) -> funApply w_ty w_args
| otherwise ->
if isFinalisedType True ty then
funApply w_ty [ w_iptr_arg ]
is_cons_type = isConstructedTy (nukeNames ty)
w_ty = varName (prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm))
| isFinalisedType True ty = [ w_iptr_arg, write_tag ]
| otherwise = [ write_tag ]
write_tag = lam [wildPat] (ret unit)
Integer LongLong isSigned
| optLongLongIsInteger -> varName (w_integer isSigned)
_ -> varName (mkMarshaller marshallRefPrefix t)
w_bool = libImport bool
w_string = libImport stringName
w_blist = libImport blist
w_list = libImport list
w_bstring = libImport bstring
w_ptr = libImport ptrName
w_fptr = libImport fptr
w_ref = libImport ref
w_unique = libImport unique
w_addr = libImport ptrName
w_sequence = libImport "Sequence"
| forStruct mInfo = prefix marshallRefPrefix sAFEARRAY
| otherwise = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName autoLib safearray)
w_integer isSigned
| isSigned = libImport integer
| otherwise = libImport ('U':integer)
w_enum32 = libImport enum32
w_iptr = prefix marshallRefPrefix iUnknown
| forStruct mInfo = var "addRefMe__"
| otherwise = lit (BooleanLit (forProxy mInfo))
| optNoWideStrings = wStringImport wstring2
| otherwise = wStringImport wstring
libImport nm = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib nm)
wStringImport nm = prefix marshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName wStringLib nm)
refUnmarshallType :: MarshallInfo -> Type -> Haskell.Expr
refUnmarshallType mInfo t =
case t of
Array (Char _) [e] -> funApp r_bstring [ coreToHaskellExpr e ]
Array ty []
-> trace ("warning: unmarshalling incomplete array type decl, " ++ showCore (ppType t) ++
" , don't know how big.\n Assuming of length 1. " ) $
funApp r_blist
[ szType t
, lit (iLit (1::Int))
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty
Array ty [e] ->
funApp r_blist
[ szType ty
, coreToHaskellExpr e
, refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty
String _ isUnique _
| isUnique -> funApp readMaybe [ varName r_string ]
| otherwise -> varName r_string
WString isUnique _
| isUnique -> funApp readMaybe [ varName r_wstring ]
| otherwise -> varName r_wstring
SafeArray _ -> r_safearray
Sequence ty mbSz mbTerm ->
funApp r_sequence [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty
, terminatorElt False mbTerm ty
, szType ty
, case mbSz of
Nothing -> nothing
Just x -> just (coreToHaskellExpr x)
Pointer Unique isExp ty
| forRef mInfo &&
(optCom || optHaskellToC) &&
isExp &&
isIfaceTy ty -> funApp r_unique [ u_ip ]
(Iface nm mod _ attrs _ _) = getIfaceTy ty
| optHaskellToC =
funApp (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm))
(if attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "finaliser" then
[ lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
| otherwise = funApp u_iptr [ final_arg ]
Pointer _ _ (Iface nm mod _ attrs _ inh) ->
case inh of
[] | optCom -> funApp r_iptr [ final_arg ]
| optHaskellToC && attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "finaliser" ->
funApply r_ip [ lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
| otherwise -> r_ip
| optCorba -> varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (fst x))
| optCom -> funApp r_iptr [ final_arg ]
| optHaskellToC && attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "finaliser" ->
funApply (varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (fst x)))
[ lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
| otherwise -> varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (fst x))
r_ip = varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm))
Pointer pt _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti))
| pt /= Ptr && is_pointed ti ->
case pt of
Unique -> funApp readMaybe [ e ]
_ -> e
| finalised ti = funApply (varName (ref_unmarshaller ti)) [ final_arg ]
| otherwise = varName (ref_unmarshaller ti)
Pointer Ref _ t1@(Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty) _)
| isConstructedTy (nukeNames ty) ->
if isFinalisedType False ty then
funApply r_ty [ final_arg ]
r_ty = varName (mkMarshaller unmarshallRefPrefix t1)
Pointer Ptr _ (Name _ _ _ (Just as) _ _)
| as `hasAttributeWithName` "foreign" -> varName r_fptr
Pointer _ _ Void -> varName r_ptr
Pointer pt _ ty
| isIfaceTy t -> refUnmarshallType mInfo (Pointer Ref True (getIfaceTy t))
| otherwise ->
case pt of
Ptr -> varName r_ptr
Ref ->
if (forRef mInfo || not (isPointerTy ty)) && not optNoDerefRefs then
refUnmarshallType mInfo ty
funApp r_ref [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty ]
Unique -> funApp r_unique [ refUnmarshallType mInfo{forRef=False} ty ]
Void -> varName r_addr
Bool -> varName r_bool
CUnion i _ _ ->
nm = mkMarshaller unmarshallRefPrefix t
sw =
case (getSwitchIsAttribute (idAttributes i)) of
Just e | notNull fs ->
let v = head fs in var ("read_tag_" ++ v)
fs = findFreeVars e
_ -> var ("where_do_I_get_the_tag_from")
funApply (varName nm) [sw]
Iface{} -> refUnmarshallType mInfo (Pointer Ref True t)
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti) ->
if finalised ti then
funApply (varName (ref_unmarshaller ti)) [ final_arg ]
varName (ref_unmarshaller ti)
Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty@Enum{}) _ -> refUnmarshallType mInfo ty
Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty@(Name{})) _ -> refUnmarshallType mInfo ty
Enum{} -> varName r_enum32
Integer LongLong isSigned
| optLongLongIsInteger -> varName (r_integer isSigned)
Name nm _ mod mb_attrs (Just ty) _
| not (forRef mInfo) && isNonEncUnionTy (removeNames ty) ->
funApply (varName (mkMarshaller unmarshallRefPrefix t))
| not is_cons_type -> refUnmarshallType mInfo ty
| is_cons_type ->
if isFinalisedType False ty then
funApply r_ty [ final_arg ]
r_ty = varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName mod nm))
is_cons_type = isConstructedTy (nukeNames ty)
attrs =
fromMaybe [] mb_attrs ++
idAttributes (getTyTag (getNonEncUnionTy ty))
| isFinalisedType False ty = [ final_arg, read_tag ]
| otherwise = [ read_tag ]
read_tag =
case getSwitchIsAttribute attrs of
Nothing -> ret (lit (iLit ((1)::Int)))
Just v -> ret (coreToHaskellExpr v)
_ -> varName (mkMarshaller unmarshallRefPrefix t)
r_bool = libImport bool
r_string = libImport stringName
r_blist = libImport blist
r_bstring = libImport bstring
r_ptr = libImport ptrName
r_fptr = libImport fptr
r_ref = libImport ref
r_unique = libImport unique
r_addr = libImport ptrName
r_sequence = libImport "Sequence"
| forStruct mInfo = funApply (varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix sAFEARRAY)) [ lit (BooleanLit False) ]
| otherwise = funApply (varName (prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName autoLib safearray)))
[ lit (BooleanLit (not (forProxy mInfo))) ]
r_integer isSigned
| isSigned = libImport integer
| otherwise = libImport ('U':integer)
r_enum32 = libImport enum32
r_iptr = prefix unmarshallRefPrefix iUnknown
| forStruct mInfo = var "finaliseMe__"
| otherwise = lit (BooleanLit (forProxy mInfo))
u_iptr = prefix unmarshallPrefix iUnknown
| optNoWideStrings = wStringImport wstring
| otherwise = wStringImport wstring
libImport nm = prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib nm)
wStringImport nm = prefix unmarshallRefPrefix (mkQVarName wStringLib nm)
coreToHaskellExpr :: Expr -> Haskell.Expr
coreToHaskellExpr e =
case e of
Binary bop e1 e2 -> binOp bop (coreToHaskellExpr e1)
(coreToHaskellExpr e2)
Cond e1 e2 e3 ->
hCase (coreToHaskellExpr e1)
[ alt (conPat (mkQConName prelude "True") []) (coreToHaskellExpr e2)
, alt (conPat (mkQConName prelude "False") []) (coreToHaskellExpr e3)
Unary uop e1 -> unaryOp uop (coreToHaskellExpr e1)
Var nm -> var (mkHaskellVarName nm)
Lit l -> lit l
Cast _ e1 -> coreToHaskellExpr e1
Sizeof t -> varName (mkMarshaller sizeofPrefix t)
The library functions does not rely on overloading
of their numeric arguments. Instead, the generated code
will insert coercions that map arguments to the expected
coerceTy :: Type -> Type -> Haskell.Expr -> Haskell.Expr
coerceTy from_ty to_ty e
| to_ty == from_ty = e
| otherwise = Haskell.WithTy
(funApp (mkQualName prelude (mkHaskellVarName "fromIntegral"))
[ e ])
(toHaskellBaseTy False to_ty)
Allocation and a couple of other functions in the support library
uses Ints as arguments; make sure that arguments passed to them
are properly coerced.
coerceToInt :: Expr -> Haskell.Expr
coerceToInt e =
case e of
Lit IntegerLit{} -> c_expr
_ -> funApp fromIntegralName [c_expr]
c_expr = coreToHaskellExpr e
szType :: Type -> Haskell.Expr
szType (Array t [e]) = binOp Mul (szType t) (coerceToInt e)
szType t
| isEnum = varName enumSize
| isIntegerTy t = varName (prefix sizeofPrefix (mkQualName hdirectLib "Int64"))
| otherwise =
case t of
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti) -> varName (prim_size ti)
_ -> varName (mkMarshaller sizeofPrefix t)
isEnum = isJust enumRes
enumRes = checkIfEnum t
(Just enumSize) = enumRes
checkIfEnum Enum{} = Just (mkQVarName hdirectLib "sizeofInt32")
checkIfEnum (Name _ _ _ _ (Just ty) _) = checkIfEnum ty
checkIfEnum _ = Nothing
allocPointerTo :: Type -> Haskell.Expr
allocPointerTo ty =
case ty of
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti) | isJust (alloc_type ti) -> varName (fromJust (alloc_type ti))
Pointer _ _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti)) | isJust (alloc_type ti) -> varName (fromJust (alloc_type ti))
_ -> funApp allocBytes [funApp fromIntegralName [szType ty']]
ty' =
case ty of
Void -> Pointer Ptr True Void
Pointer _ _ Void -> ty
_ -> removePtr ty
Generating a *call* to free a marshalled representation
of type t (if needed.) The modules that deal with the generation
of marshalling code for user-defined types take care of generating
freeing/release functions for such types.
freeType :: Type -> Haskell.Expr
freeType ty =
case mbFreeType ty of
Nothing -> varName trivialFree
Just e -> e
mbFreeType :: Type -> Maybe Haskell.Expr
mbFreeType ty =
case ty of
Pointer _ _ (Name _ _ _ _ (Just (Struct tg _ _)) _)
| (idAttributes tg) `hasAttributeWithName` "free" ->
case findAttribute "free" attrs of
Just (Attribute _ [ParamLit (StringLit freeR)]) -> Just (var freeR)
_ -> mbFreeType' True ty
| attrs `hasAttributeWithName` "free_method" ->
case findAttribute "free_method" attrs of
Just (Attribute _ [ParamLit (StringLit freeR)]) ->
Just (lam [varPat (var "x")] $
funApply (var freeR) [var "x", var "iptr"])
_ -> mbFreeType' True ty
attrs = idAttributes tg
_ -> mbFreeType' True ty
mbFreeType' :: Bool -> Type -> Maybe Haskell.Expr
mbFreeType' isTop ty =
case ty of
Pointer _ _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti)) | is_pointed ti &&
finalised ti -> Nothing
Pointer _ _ Void -> Nothing
Pointer _ _ Iface{} -> Nothing
Pointer Unique _ t
| isIfaceTy t -> Nothing
| otherwise ->
case mbFreeType' False t of
Just v -> Just (funApp (prefix freePrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib unique)) [ v ])
Nothing | isTop -> Just (varName free)
| otherwise -> Nothing
Pointer Ptr _ _ -> Nothing
Pointer Ref _ t ->
case (mbFreeType' False t) of
Just v -> Just (funApp (prefix freePrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib ref)) [v])
Nothing | isTop -> Just (varName free)
| otherwise -> Nothing
Array aty _
| needsFreeing aty -> Just (varName free)
| isTop -> Just (varName free)
| otherwise -> Nothing
String{} -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib stringName)))
WString{} -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkQVarName wStringLib wstring)))
Sequence{} -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkQVarName hdirectLib "Sequence")))
Enum{} -> Nothing
Struct tg fields _
| any (needsFreeing.fieldType) fields -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkVarName (idName tg))))
| otherwise -> Nothing
Union i _ _ _ switches
| swNeedsFreeing switches -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkVarName (idName i))))
| otherwise -> Nothing
UnionNon i switches
| swNeedsFreeing switches -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkVarName (idName i))))
| otherwise -> Nothing
CUnion i fields _
| any (needsFreeing.fieldType) fields -> Just (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkVarName (idName i))))
| otherwise -> Nothing
Name nm _ mod mb_attrs mb_ty mb_ti
| don'tFree mb_attrs ||
(isJust mb_ti &&
finalised (fromJust mb_ti)) -> Nothing
| isJust mb_ti && isJust (free_type (fromJust mb_ti)) -> fmap varName (free_type (fromJust mb_ti))
| otherwise ->
case mb_ty of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just t
| isConstructedTy (nukeNames t) ->
case mbFreeType' False t of
Just _ | isTop -> Just (funApply (varName (prefix freePrefix (mkQConName mod (mkHaskellTyConName nm))))
_ -> Nothing
| otherwise ->
case mbFreeType' False t of
Just aty | not (don'tFree mb_attrs) -> Just aty
| otherwise -> Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
| isNonEncUnionTy t = [read_tag]
| otherwise = []
attrs = fromMaybe [] mb_attrs
read_tag =
case getSwitchIsAttribute attrs of
Nothing -> lit (iLit ((1)::Int))
Just v -> coreToHaskellExpr v
_ -> Nothing
don'tFree Nothing = False
don'tFree (Just ls) = ls `hasAttributeWithName` "nofree"
needsFreeing :: Type -> Bool
needsFreeing t = go True t
go toplevel ty =
case ty of
Pointer _ _ (Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti)) | is_pointed ti -> not (finalised ti)
Pointer Unique _ pty -> needsFreeing pty
Pointer Ref _ pty -> needsFreeing pty
Pointer Ptr _ _ -> False
Array _ _ -> True
String{} -> toplevel
WString{} -> toplevel
Name _ _ _ _ _ (Just ti) -> not (finalised ti)
Name _ _ _ _ mb_ty _ -> mapFromMb False needsFreeing mb_ty
Struct _ fields _ -> any ((go False).fieldType) fields
Union _ _ _ _ switches -> any sw_go switches
UnionNon _ switches -> any sw_go switches
CUnion _ fields _ -> any ((go False).fieldType) fields
_ -> False
sw_go (SwitchEmpty _) = False
sw_go s = go False (switchType s)
swNeedsFreeing :: [Switch] -> Bool
swNeedsFreeing [] = False
swNeedsFreeing (SwitchEmpty _ : xs) = swNeedsFreeing xs
swNeedsFreeing (s : xs) = (needsFreeing (switchType s)) || swNeedsFreeing xs