module Core.Select ( -- * Interacting with dmenu selectWith -- :: [String] -> [ByteString] -> String -> IO (Either ProcessError ByteString) -- * Interacting with the history file , tryRead -- :: FilePath -> IO Items , runUpdate -- :: ByteString -> Config -> Items -> IO () -- * Interacting with the system , getExecutables -- :: IO [ByteString] , evalDirs -- :: [ByteString] -> IO [ByteString] -- * Pretty printing , showItems -- :: Items -> ByteString -- * Utility , makeNewEntries -- :: [ByteString] -> Items , sortByValues -- :: Items -> [ByteString] ) where import Core.Parser (getHist) import Core.Toml (Config (Config, decay, files, histPath, open, term, tty)) import Core.Util hiding (()) import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Double.Conversion.ByteString (toShortest) import System.Posix.Directory.Foreign (DirType, dtDir, dtUnknown) import System.Posix.Directory.Traversals (allDirectoryContents', traverseDirectoryContents) import System.Posix.Env.ByteString (getEnvDefault) import System.Posix.FilePath (RawFilePath, ()) import System.Posix.Files.ByteString (fileExist, getFileStatus, isDirectory) import System.Process.ByteString (readCreateProcessWithExitCode) {- | When a spawned process fails, this type is used to represent the exit code and @stderr@ output. See . -} type ProcessError :: Type type ProcessError = (Int, ByteString) -- | Do the appropriate things with the user selection and update the -- history file. runUpdate :: ByteString -- ^ What the user picked. -> Config -- ^ User config containing things that interest us. -> Items -- ^ Map prior to selection. -> IO () runUpdate selection cfg@Config{ histPath, decay } itemMap = do spawn $ decideSelection selection cfg -- execute selected command histPath `BS.writeFile` showItems update -- update map and write to file where -- Update the items based on the users selection. update :: Items = Map.adjust (+ 1) selection ( (* decay) itemMap) {- | Run dmenu with the given command line options and a list of entries from which the user should choose. Originally . -} selectWith :: [String] -- ^ List of options to give to dmenu. -> [ByteString] -- ^ List of executables from which the user should select. -> String -- ^ The dmenu executable. -> IO (Either ProcessError ByteString) -- ^ The selection made by the user, or a 'ProcessError', if the user -- canceled. selectWith opts entries dmenu = do -- Spawn the process with the available options and entries. (exitCode, sOut, sErr) <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode (proc dmenu opts) (BS.unlines entries) pure case exitCode of -- Take first (= selected) word or return the error message. ExitFailure i -> Left (i, sErr) ExitSuccess -> Right $! BS.takeWhile (/= '\n') sOut -- | Try to read a file that contains a map. Return an empty map if the -- file doesn't exist. tryRead :: FilePath -> IO Items tryRead file = ifM (doesFileExist file) (getHist file) (pure mempty) -- | Get all executables from all dirs in $PATH. getExecutables :: IO [ByteString] getExecutables = fmap concat . traverse listExecutables . BS.split ':' =<< getEnvDefault "PATH" "" -- | List all executables in the given directory. Only try listing the -- directory if it actually exists; this is necessary, since people may -- have non-existent things in their path. listExecutables :: ByteString -> IO [ByteString] listExecutables dir = ifM (fileExist dir) (getDirContents dir) (pure []) where getDirContents :: ByteString -> IO [ByteString] getDirContents = traverseDirectoryContents (\xs (dt, name) -> isDirDT dt name <&> \d -> if d then xs else name : xs) [] -- | Apply 'evalDir' to some list of file paths. evalDirs :: [ByteString] -> IO [ByteString] evalDirs = fmap concat . traverse evalDir -- | How to eval a directory. type EvalMode :: Type data EvalMode = NoRecursion | Recurse -- | If the given file path is a directory, try to list all of its -- contents; otherwise just return the file path as is. evalDir :: ByteString -> IO [ByteString] evalDir dir = do (r, pth) <- shapePath isDir <- catch (isDirectory <$> getFileStatus pth) (\(_ :: SomeException) -> pure False) if isDir then case r of -- list directory NoRecursion -> map (dir ) <$> listExecutables pth Recurse -> allDirectoryContents' pth else pure [dir] where shapePath :: IO (EvalMode, ByteString) shapePath = do -- Try to make the path absolute. absPath <- do home <- getEnvDefault "HOME" "" pure $ if "~/" `BS.isPrefixOf` dir then home BS.drop 2 dir else dir let recurse | "**" `BS.isSuffixOf` absPath = (Recurse, BS.dropEnd 2 absPath) | otherwise = (NoRecursion, absPath) pure recurse -- | Check if the given file path is a directory. The given directory -- type @dt@ is assumed to be the actual one for @fp@. isDirDT :: DirType -> RawFilePath -> IO Bool isDirDT dt fp | dt == dtDir = pure True | dt == dtUnknown = isDirectory <$> getFileStatus fp | otherwise = pure False -- | Pretty print our items. showItems :: Items -> ByteString showItems = BS.unlines . map showItem . toList where -- Pretty print a single (application, score) tuple. showItem :: (ByteString, Double) -> ByteString showItem (k, v) = k <> " " <> toShortest v -- | Decide what to actually do with the user selection from dmenu. decideSelection :: ByteString -> Config -> ByteString decideSelection sel Config{ files, tty, term, open } | sel `elem` files = openWith (Open open) sel | sel `elem` tty = openWith (Term term) sel | otherwise = sel -- | Turn a list into 'Items' and set all starting values to 0. makeNewEntries :: [ByteString] -> Items makeNewEntries = Map.fromSet (const 0) . fromList -- | Sort 'Items' by its values and return the list of keys. -- This will make often used commands bubble up to the top. sortByValues :: Items -> [ByteString] sortByValues = map fst . sortBy (flip compare `on` snd) . toList