{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-} module Main (main) where import Prelude hiding (catch) import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Monoid (mappend) import Data.Time import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX import qualified Test.Framework as Test (Test, defaultMain) import qualified Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit as Test (testCase) import qualified Test.HUnit as HUnit import Database.Redis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main and helpers -- main :: IO () main = do conn <- connect defaultConnectInfo Test.defaultMain (tests conn) type Test = Connection -> Test.Test testCase :: String -> Redis () -> Test testCase name r conn = Test.testCase name $ do withTimeLimit 0.5 $ runRedis conn $ flushdb >>=? Ok >> r where withTimeLimit limit act = do start <- getCurrentTime act deltaT <-fmap (`diffUTCTime` start) getCurrentTime when (deltaT > limit) $ putStrLn $ name ++ ": " ++ show deltaT (>>=?) :: (Eq a, Show a) => Redis (Either Reply a) -> a -> Redis () redis >>=? expected = do a <- redis liftIO $ case a of Left reply -> HUnit.assertFailure $ "Redis error: " ++ show reply Right actual -> expected HUnit.@=? actual assert :: Bool -> Redis () assert = liftIO . HUnit.assert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Tests -- tests :: Connection -> [Test.Test] tests conn = map ($conn) $ concat [ testsMisc, testsKeys, testsStrings, [testHashes], testsLists, testsSets , testsZSets, [testPubSub], [testTransaction], [testScripting] , testsConnection, testsServer, [testQuit] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Miscellaneous -- testsMisc :: [Test] testsMisc = [ testConstantSpacePipelining, testForceErrorReply, testPipelining , testEvalReplies ] testConstantSpacePipelining :: Test testConstantSpacePipelining = testCase "constant-space pipelining" $ do -- This testcase should not exceed the maximum heap size, as set in -- the run-test.sh script. replicateM_ 100000 ping -- If the program didn't crash, pipelining takes constant memory. assert True testForceErrorReply :: Test testForceErrorReply = testCase "force error reply" $ do set "key" "value" -- key is not a hash -> wrong kind of value reply <- hkeys "key" assert $ case reply of Left (Error _) -> True _ -> False testPipelining :: Test testPipelining = testCase "pipelining" $ do let n = 10 tPipe <- deltaT $ do pongs <- replicateM n ping assert $ pongs == replicate n (Right Pong) tNoPipe <- deltaT $ replicateM_ n (ping >>=? Pong) -- pipelining should at least be twice as fast. assert $ tNoPipe / tPipe > 2 where deltaT redis = do start <- liftIO $ getCurrentTime redis liftIO $ fmap (`diffUTCTime` start) getCurrentTime testEvalReplies :: Test testEvalReplies conn = testCase "eval unused replies" go conn where go = do _ignored <- set "key" "value" (liftIO $ do threadDelay $ 10^(5::Int) mvar <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ runRedis conn (get "key") >>= putMVar mvar takeMVar mvar) >>=? Just "value" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Keys -- testsKeys :: [Test] testsKeys = [ testKeys, testExpireAt, testSort, testGetType, testObject ] testKeys :: Test testKeys = testCase "keys" $ do set "key" "value" >>=? Ok get "key" >>=? Just "value" exists "key" >>=? True keys "*" >>=? ["key"] randomkey >>=? Just "key" move "key" 13 >>=? True select 13 >>=? Ok expire "key" 1 >>=? True pexpire "key" 1000 >>=? True Right t <- ttl "key" assert $ t `elem` [0..1] Right pt <- pttl "key" assert $ pt `elem` [990..1000] persist "key" >>=? True Right s <- dump "key" restore "key'" 0 s >>=? Ok rename "key" "key'" >>=? Ok renamenx "key'" "key" >>=? True del ["key"] >>=? 1 select 0 >>=? Ok testExpireAt :: Test testExpireAt = testCase "expireat" $ do set "key" "value" >>=? Ok t <- ceiling . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds <$> liftIO getCurrentTime let expiry = t+1 expireat "key" expiry >>=? True pexpireat "key" (expiry*1000) >>=? True testSort :: Test testSort = testCase "sort" $ do lpush "ids" ["1","2","3"] >>=? 3 sort "ids" defaultSortOpts >>=? ["1","2","3"] sortStore "ids" "anotherKey" defaultSortOpts >>=? 3 mset [("weight_1","1") ,("weight_2","2") ,("weight_3","3") ,("object_1","foo") ,("object_2","bar") ,("object_3","baz") ] let opts = defaultSortOpts { sortOrder = Desc, sortAlpha = True , sortLimit = (1,2) , sortBy = Just "weight_*" , sortGet = ["#", "object_*"] } sort "ids" opts >>=? ["2", "bar", "1", "foo"] testGetType :: Test testGetType = testCase "getType" $ do getType "key" >>=? None forM_ ts $ \(setKey, typ) -> do setKey getType "key" >>=? typ del ["key"] >>=? 1 where ts = [ (set "key" "value" >>=? Ok, String) , (hset "key" "field" "value" >>=? True, Hash) , (lpush "key" ["value"] >>=? 1, List) , (sadd "key" ["member"] >>=? 1, Set) , (zadd "key" [(42,"member"),(12.3,"value")] >>=? 2, ZSet) ] testObject :: Test testObject = testCase "object" $ do set "key" "value" >>=? Ok objectRefcount "key" >>=? 1 Right _ <- objectEncoding "key" objectIdletime "key" >>=? 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Strings -- testsStrings :: [Test] testsStrings = [testStrings, testBitops] testStrings :: Test testStrings = testCase "strings" $ do setnx "key" "value" >>=? True getset "key" "hello" >>=? Just "value" append "key" "world" >>=? 10 strlen "key" >>=? 10 setrange "key" 0 "hello" >>=? 10 getrange "key" 0 4 >>=? "hello" mset [("k1","v1"), ("k2","v2")] >>=? Ok msetnx [("k1","v1"), ("k2","v2")] >>=? False mget ["key"] >>=? [Just "helloworld"] setex "key" 1 "42" >>=? Ok psetex "key" 1000 "42" >>=? Ok decr "key" >>=? 41 decrby "key" 1 >>=? 40 incr "key" >>=? 41 incrby "key" 1 >>=? 42 incrbyfloat "key" 1 >>=? 43 del ["key"] >>=? 1 setbit "key" 42 "1" >>=? 0 getbit "key" 42 >>=? 1 bitcount "key" >>=? 1 bitcountRange "key" 0 (-1) >>=? 1 testBitops :: Test testBitops = testCase "bitops" $ do set "k1" "a" >>=? Ok set "k2" "b" >>=? Ok bitopAnd "k3" ["k1", "k2"] >>=? 1 bitopOr "k3" ["k1", "k2"] >>=? 1 bitopXor "k3" ["k1", "k2"] >>=? 1 bitopNot "k3" "k1" >>=? 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Hashes -- testHashes :: Test testHashes = testCase "hashes" $ do hset "key" "field" "value" >>=? True hsetnx "key" "field" "value" >>=? False hexists "key" "field" >>=? True hlen "key" >>=? 1 hget "key" "field" >>=? Just "value" hmget "key" ["field", "-"] >>=? [Just "value", Nothing] hgetall "key" >>=? [("field","value")] hkeys "key" >>=? ["field"] hvals "key" >>=? ["value"] hdel "key" ["field"] >>=? 1 hmset "key" [("field","40")] >>=? Ok hincrby "key" "field" 2 >>=? 42 hincrbyfloat "key" "field" 2 >>=? 44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Lists -- testsLists :: [Test] testsLists = [testLists, testBpop] testLists :: Test testLists = testCase "lists" $ do lpushx "notAKey" "-" >>=? 0 rpushx "notAKey" "-" >>=? 0 lpush "key" ["value"] >>=? 1 lpop "key" >>=? Just "value" rpush "key" ["value"] >>=? 1 rpop "key" >>=? Just "value" rpush "key" ["v2"] >>=? 1 linsertBefore "key" "v2" "v1" >>=? 2 linsertAfter "key" "v2" "v3" >>=? 3 lindex "key" 0 >>=? Just "v1" lrange "key" 0 (-1) >>=? ["v1", "v2", "v3"] lset "key" 1 "v2" >>=? Ok lrem "key" 0 "v2" >>=? 1 llen "key" >>=? 2 ltrim "key" 0 1 >>=? Ok testBpop :: Test testBpop = testCase "blocking push/pop" $ do lpush "key" ["v3","v2","v1"] >>=? 3 blpop ["key"] 1 >>=? Just ("key","v1") brpop ["key"] 1 >>=? Just ("key","v3") rpush "k1" ["v1","v2"] >>=? 2 brpoplpush "k1" "k2" 1 >>=? Just "v2" rpoplpush "k1" "k2" >>=? Just "v1" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sets -- testsSets :: [Test] testsSets = [testSets, testSetAlgebra] testSets :: Test testSets = testCase "sets" $ do sadd "set" ["member"] >>=? 1 sismember "set" "member" >>=? True scard "set" >>=? 1 smembers "set" >>=? ["member"] srandmember "set" >>=? Just "member" spop "set" >>=? Just "member" srem "set" ["member"] >>=? 0 smove "set" "set'" "member" >>=? False testSetAlgebra :: Test testSetAlgebra = testCase "set algebra" $ do sadd "s1" ["member"] >>=? 1 sdiff ["s1", "s2"] >>=? ["member"] sunion ["s1", "s2"] >>=? ["member"] sinter ["s1", "s2"] >>=? [] sdiffstore "s3" ["s1", "s2"] >>=? 1 sunionstore "s3" ["s1", "s2"] >>=? 1 sinterstore "s3" ["s1", "s2"] >>=? 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sorted Sets -- testsZSets :: [Test] testsZSets = [testZSets, testZStore] testZSets :: Test testZSets = testCase "sorted sets" $ do zadd "key" [(1,"v1"),(2,"v2"),(40,"v3")] >>=? 3 zcard "key" >>=? 3 zscore "key" "v3" >>=? Just 40 zincrby "key" 2 "v3" >>=? 42 zrank "key" "v1" >>=? Just 0 zrevrank "key" "v1" >>=? Just 2 zcount "key" 10 100 >>=? 1 zrange "key" 0 1 >>=? ["v1","v2"] zrevrange "key" 0 1 >>=? ["v3","v2"] zrangeWithscores "key" 0 1 >>=? [("v1",1),("v2",2)] zrevrangeWithscores "key" 0 1 >>=? [("v3",42),("v2",2)] zrangebyscore "key" 0.5 1.5 >>=? ["v1"] zrangebyscoreWithscores "key" 0.5 1.5 >>=? [("v1",1)] zrangebyscoreLimit "key" 0.5 2.5 0 1 >>=? ["v1"] zrangebyscoreWithscoresLimit "key" 0.5 2.5 0 1 >>=? [("v1",1)] zrevrangebyscore "key" 1.5 0.5 >>=? ["v1"] zrevrangebyscoreWithscores "key" 1.5 0.5 >>=? [("v1",1)] zrevrangebyscoreLimit "key" 2.5 0.5 0 1 >>=? ["v2"] zrevrangebyscoreWithscoresLimit "key" 2.5 0.5 0 1 >>=? [("v2",2)] zrem "key" ["v2"] >>=? 1 zremrangebyscore "key" 10 100 >>=? 1 zremrangebyrank "key" 0 0 >>=? 1 testZStore :: Test testZStore = testCase "zunionstore/zinterstore" $ do zadd "k1" [(1, "v1"), (2, "v2")] zadd "k2" [(2, "v2"), (3, "v3")] zinterstore "newkey" ["k1","k2"] Sum >>=? 1 zinterstoreWeights "newkey" [("k1",1),("k2",2)] Max >>=? 1 zunionstore "newkey" ["k1","k2"] Sum >>=? 3 zunionstoreWeights "newkey" [("k1",1),("k2",2)] Min >>=? 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Pub/Sub -- testPubSub :: Test testPubSub conn = testCase "pubSub" go conn where go = do -- producer liftIO $ forkIO $ do runRedis conn $ do let t = 10^(5 :: Int) liftIO $ threadDelay t publish "chan1" "hello" >>=? 1 liftIO $ threadDelay t publish "chan2" "world" >>=? 1 return () -- consumer pubSub (subscribe ["chan1"]) $ \msg -> do -- ready for a message case msg of Message{..} -> return (unsubscribe [msgChannel] `mappend` psubscribe ["chan*"]) PMessage{..} -> return (punsubscribe [msgPattern]) pubSub (subscribe [] `mappend` psubscribe []) $ \_ -> do liftIO $ HUnit.assertFailure "no subs: should return immediately" undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Transaction -- testTransaction :: Test testTransaction = testCase "transaction" $ do watch ["k1", "k2"] >>=? Ok unwatch >>=? Ok set "foo" "foo" set "bar" "bar" foobar <- multiExec $ do foo <- get "foo" bar <- get "bar" return $ (,) <$> foo <*> bar assert $ foobar == TxSuccess (Just "foo", Just "bar") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Scripting -- testScripting :: Test testScripting conn = testCase "scripting" go conn where go = do let script = "return {false, 42}" scriptRes = (False, 42 :: Integer) Right scriptHash <- scriptLoad script eval script [] [] >>=? scriptRes evalsha scriptHash [] [] >>=? scriptRes scriptExists [scriptHash, "notAScript"] >>=? [True, False] scriptFlush >>=? Ok -- start long running script from another client configSet "lua-time-limit" "100" >>=? Ok liftIO $ do forkIO $ runRedis conn $ do -- we must pattern match to block the thread Left _ <- eval "while true do end" [] [] :: Redis (Either Reply Integer) return () threadDelay $ 10^(5 :: Int) scriptKill >>=? Ok ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Connection -- testsConnection :: [Test] testsConnection = [ testEcho, testPing, testSelect ] testEcho :: Test testEcho = testCase "echo" $ echo ("value" ) >>=? "value" testPing :: Test testPing = testCase "ping" $ ping >>=? Pong testQuit :: Test testQuit = testCase "quit" $ quit >>=? Ok testSelect :: Test testSelect = testCase "select" $ do select 13 >>=? Ok select 0 >>=? Ok ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Server -- testsServer :: [Test] testsServer = [testServer, testBgrewriteaof, testFlushall, testInfo, testConfig ,testSlowlog, testDebugObject] testServer :: Test testServer = testCase "server" $ do Right (_,_) <- time slaveof "no" "one" >>=? Ok return () testBgrewriteaof :: Test testBgrewriteaof = testCase "bgrewriteaof/bgsave/save" $ do save >>=? Ok Right (Status _) <- bgsave -- Redis needs time to finish the bgsave liftIO $ threadDelay (10^(5 :: Int)) Right (Status _) <- bgrewriteaof return () testConfig :: Test testConfig = testCase "config/auth" $ do configGet "requirepass" >>=? [("requirepass", "")] configSet "requirepass" "pass" >>=? Ok auth "pass" >>=? Ok configSet "requirepass" "" >>=? Ok testFlushall :: Test testFlushall = testCase "flushall/flushdb" $ do flushall >>=? Ok flushdb >>=? Ok testInfo :: Test testInfo = testCase "info/lastsave/dbsize" $ do Right _ <- info Right _ <- lastsave dbsize >>=? 0 configResetstat >>=? Ok testSlowlog :: Test testSlowlog = testCase "slowlog" $ do slowlogReset >>=? Ok slowlogGet 5 >>=? [] slowlogLen >>=? 0 testDebugObject :: Test testDebugObject = testCase "debugObject/debugSegfault" $ do set "key" "value" >>=? Ok Right _ <- debugObject "key" return ()