module Heist.Splices.Html where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Text.XmlHtml as X
import Heist.Interpreted.Internal
import Heist.Internal.Types.HeistState
-- | Name for the html splice.
htmlTag :: Text
htmlTag = "html"
-- | The html splice runs all children and then traverses the returned node
-- forest removing all head nodes. Then it merges them all and prepends it to
-- the html tag's child list.
htmlImpl :: Monad n => Splice n
htmlImpl = do
node <- getParamNode
children <- runNodeList $ X.childNodes node
let (heads, mnode) = extractHeads $ node { X.elementChildren = children }
new (X.Element t a c) = X.Element t a $
X.Element "head" [] heads : c
new n = n
return [maybe node new mnode]
-- | Extracts all heads from a node tree.
extractHeads :: X.Node
-- ^ The root (html) node
-> ([X.Node], Maybe X.Node)
-- ^ A tuple of a list of head nodes and the original tree with
-- heads removed.
extractHeads (X.Element t a c)
| t == "head" = (c, Nothing)
| otherwise = (concat heads, Just $ X.Element t a (catMaybes mcs))
(heads, mcs) = unzip $ map extractHeads c
extractHeads n = ([], Just n)