INCLUDE "" imports{ -- Below two imports are to avoid clashes of "list" as used by the AG system. -- Effectively, only list from the imported library needs to be qualified. import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen hiding (list) import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen as PPrint import Data.Char import Top.Types (isTupleConstructor) import Helium.Syntax.UHA_Syntax import Helium.Utils.Utils (internalError, hole) } { intErr :: String -> String -> a intErr = internalError "UHA_Pretty" opt :: Maybe Doc -> Doc opt = maybe empty id parensIf, backQuotesIf :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc parensIf p n = if p then parens n else n backQuotesIf p n = if p then text "`" <> n <> text "`" else n parensIfList :: [Bool] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] parensIfList ps ns = map (uncurry parensIf) (zip ps ns) tupled1 :: [Doc] -> Doc tupled1 [] = empty tupled1 xs = tupled xs tupled2 :: [Doc] -> Doc tupled2 [] = empty tupled2 xs = tupledUnit xs tupledUnit :: [Doc] -> Doc tupledUnit [x] = x tupledUnit xs = tupled xs commas :: [Doc] -> Doc commas docs = hcat (punctuate (comma <+> empty) docs) utrechtList :: Doc -> Doc -> [Doc] -> Doc utrechtList _ _ [] = empty utrechtList start end (d:ds) = let utrechtList' [] = end utrechtList' (doc:docs) = comma <+> doc <$> utrechtList' docs in start <+> d <$> utrechtList' ds } ATTR Module Export Body ImportDeclaration ImportSpecification Import Declaration Fixity Type SimpleType ContextItem Constructor FieldDeclaration AnnotatedType Expression Statement Qualifier Alternative RecordExpressionBinding RecordPatternBinding FunctionBinding LeftHandSide Pattern Literal Name Range Position [ | | text : Doc ] ATTR GuardedExpression RightHandSide [ | | text : { Doc -> Doc } ] ATTR GuardedExpressions [ | | text USE { : } { [] } : { [ Doc -> Doc ] } ] ATTR Constructors Exports ImportDeclarations Imports Declarations Types ContextItems FieldDeclarations AnnotatedTypes Expressions Statements Qualifiers Alternatives RecordExpressionBindings RecordPatternBindings FunctionBindings Patterns Names Strings [ | | text USE { : } { [] } : { [ Doc ] } ] ATTR MaybeExports MaybeDeclarations MaybeNames [ | | text : { Maybe [ Doc ] } ] ATTR MaybeExpression MaybeName MaybeInt MaybeImportSpecification [ | | text : { Maybe Doc } ] ATTR Name [ | | isOperator, isIdentifier, isSpecial USE { (error "Name has no children!") } { False } : Bool ] ATTR Names [ | | isOperator, isIdentifier, isSpecial USE { : } { [] } : { [Bool] } ] -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Modules -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEM Module | Module loc.text = maybe id ( \name body -> text "module" <+> name <+> (maybe (text "where") (\x -> indent 4 (utrechtList (text "(") (text ")") x <+> text "where")) @exports.text ) <$> empty <$> body ) @name.text @body.text -- range : Range -- name : MaybeName -- exports : MaybeExports -- body : Body SEM MaybeExports | Nothing loc.text = Nothing | Just loc.text = Just @exports.text -- exports : Exports SEM Export | Variable loc.text = @name.text -- range : Range -- name : Name | TypeOrClass loc.text = @name.text <> maybe empty tupled (@names.text) -- range : Range -- name : Name -- names : MaybeNames -- constructors or field names or class methods | TypeOrClassComplete loc.text = @name.text -- range : Range -- name : Name | Module loc.text = text "module" <+> @name.text -- range : Range -- name : Name -- this is a module name SEM MaybeNames | Nothing loc.text = Nothing | Just loc.text = Just @names.text -- names : Names -- Since the parser cannot distinguish between types or constructors, -- or between types and type classes, we do not have different cases (yet?). SEM Body | Hole loc.text = text hole | Body loc.text = vcat ( @importdeclarations.text ++ {-intersperse empty-} @declarations.text ) -- range : Range -- importdeclarations : ImportDeclarations -- declarations : Declarations SEM ImportDeclaration | Import loc.text = text "import" <+> (if @qualified then (text "qualified" <+>) else id) @name.text <+> maybe empty id @importspecification.text -- range : Range -- qualified : Bool -- name : Name -- asname : MaybeName -- importspecification : MaybeImportSpecification | Empty loc.text = empty SEM MaybeImportSpecification | Nothing loc.text = Nothing | Just loc.text = Just @importspecification.text -- importSpecification : ImportSpecification SEM ImportSpecification | Import loc.text = (if @hiding then (text "hiding" <+>) else id) (tupled @imports.text) -- range : Range -- hiding : Bool -- imports : Imports SEM Import | Variable loc.text = @name.text -- range : Range -- name : Name | TypeOrClass loc.text = @name.text <> maybe empty tupled1 @names.text -- range : Range -- name : Name -- names : Names -- constructors or field names or class methods | TypeOrClassComplete loc.text = @name.text -- range : Range -- name : Name -- cf. Export -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Declarations -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEM MaybeDeclarations | Nothing loc.text = Nothing -- | Just loc.text = Just @declarations.text | Just loc.text = case filter ((/= "") . show) @declarations.text of [] -> Nothing xs -> Just xs -- declarations : Declarations SEM Declaration {- *** -} | Hole loc.text = text hole | Type loc.text = text "type" <+> @simpletype.text <+> text "=" <+> @type.text -- range : Range -- simpletype : SimpleType -- type : Type | Data loc.text = text "data" <+> @contextDoc <> @simpletype.text <$> (indent 4 $ vcat ( text "=" <+> head @constructors.text : map (text "|" <+>) (tail @constructors.text) ++ [@derivingDoc] ) ) loc.contextDoc = case @context.text of [] -> empty [x] -> x <+> text "=>" <+> empty xs -> tupled xs <+> text "=>" <+> empty loc.derivingDoc = if null @derivings.text then empty else ( empty <+> text "deriving" <+> tupledUnit @derivings.text ) -- range : Range {- *** -} -- context : ContextItems -- simpletype : SimpleType -- constructors : Constructors -- derivings : Names | Newtype loc.text = text "newtype" <+> @contextDoc <> @simpletype.text <+> @constructor.text <> @derivingDoc loc.contextDoc = case @context.text of [] -> empty [x] -> x <+> text "=>" <+> empty xs -> tupled xs <+> text "=>" <+> empty loc.derivingDoc = if null @derivings.text then empty else ( empty <+> text "deriving" <+> tupledUnit @derivings.text ) -- range : Range -- context : ContextItems -- simpletype : SimpleType -- constructor : Constructor -- has only one field, no strictness -- derivings : Names | Class loc.text = text "{- !!! class decl -}" -- range : Range -- context : ContextItems -- is a "simple" context -- simpletype : SimpleType -- Haskell 98 allows only one variable -- where : MaybeDeclarations -- cannot have everything | Instance loc.text = text "{- !!! instance decl -}" -- range : Range -- context : ContextItems -- is a "simple" context -- name : Name -- types : Types -- Haskell 98 allows only one type -- that is severely restricted -- where : MaybeDeclarations -- cannot have everything | Default loc.text = text "default" <+> tupled @types.text -- range : Range -- types : Types -- should be instances of Num -- | FunctionBindings loc.text = foldl1 (<$>) @bindings.text | FunctionBindings loc.text = case filter ((/= "") . show) @bindings.text of -- AG: no eq for doc [] -> text hole -- empty xs -> foldl1 (<$>) xs -- range : Range {- *** -} -- bindings : FunctionBindings -- should all be for the same function | PatternBinding loc.text = @pattern.text <+> @righthandside.text (text "=") -- range : Range -- pattern : Pattern -- righthandside : RightHandSide | TypeSignature loc.text = commas @namesDocs <+> text "::" <+> @type.text loc.namesDocs = parensIfList @names.isOperator @names.text -- range : Range -- names : Names -- type : Type -- may have context | Fixity loc.text = @fixity.text <+> @ops loc.ops = opt @priority.text <+> commas (map (\(n, p) -> if p then text "`" <> n <> text "`" else n ) (zip @operators.text @operators.isIdentifier) ) -- range : Range -- fixity : Fixity -- priority : MaybeInt -- operators : Names | Empty loc.text = empty -- range : Range SEM Fixity | Infixl loc.text = text "infixl" -- range : Range | Infixr loc.text = text "infixr" -- range : Range | Infix loc.text = text "infix " -- space for alignment with infixl and infixr -- range : Range -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Types -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEM Type {- *** -} | Application loc.text = if @prefix then foldl (<+>) @function.text @arguments.text else if show @function.text == "[]" then PPrint.list @arguments.text else if isTupleConstructor (show @function.text) then tupled @arguments.text else case @arguments.text of [a, b] -> a <+> @function.text <+> b _ -> text "{- error: Unknown special application notation -}" -- range : Range -- prefix : Bool -- function : Type -- arguments : Types | Variable loc.text = @name.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- name : Name | Constructor loc.text = @name.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- name : Name | Qualified loc.text = case @context.text of [ct] -> ct <+> text "=>" <+> @type.text cts -> parens (commas cts) <+> text "=>" <+> @type.text -- range : Range -- context : ContextItems -- type : Type | Forall loc.text = foldl (<+>) (text "forall") @typevariables.text <> text "." <> @type.text -- range : Range -- typevariables : Names forall a b . Num a => a -- type : Type | Exists loc.text = foldl (<+>) (text "exists") @typevariables.text <> text "." <> @type.text -- range : Range -- typevariables : Names -- type : Type | Parenthesized loc.text = parens @type.text -- range : Range -- type : Type SEM SimpleType | SimpleType loc.text = foldl (<+>) @name.text @typevariables.text -- name : Name -- typevariables : Names SEM ContextItem | ContextItem loc.text = @name.text <+> head @types.text -- no parens because it is always a var -- range : Range -- name : Name -- that is the class -- types : Types -- in Haskell 98, this is only one type SEM Constructor | Constructor loc.text = foldl (<+>) (parensIf @constructor.isOperator @constructor.text) @types.text -- range : Range -- constructor : Name -- types : AnnotatedTypes | Infix loc.text = @leftType.text <+> @constructorOperator.text <+> @rightType.text -- range : Range -- leftType : AnnotatedType -- constructorOperator : Name -- rightType : AnnotatedType | Record loc.text = text "{- !!! record constructor -}" -- range : Range -- constructor : Name -- fieldDeclarations : FieldDeclarations SEM FieldDeclaration | FieldDeclaration loc.text = text "{- !!! field declaration -}" -- range : Range -- names : Names -- type : AnnotatedType SEM AnnotatedType | AnnotatedType loc.text = (if @strict then (text "!" <+>) else id) @type.text -- ToDo: or _Type? -- range : Range -- strict : Bool -- type : Type -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Expressions -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEM MaybeExpression | Nothing loc.text = Nothing | Just loc.text = Just @expression.text -- expression : Expression SEM Expression {- *** -} | Hole loc.text = text hole {- *** -} -- range : Range -- id : Integer | Literal loc.text = @literal.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- literal : Literal | Variable loc.text = @name.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- name : Name | Constructor loc.text = @name.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- name : Name | Parenthesized loc.text = parens @expression.text -- range : Range -- expression : Expression | NormalApplication loc.text = foldl (<+>) @function.text @arguments.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- function : Expression -- arguments : Expressions | InfixApplication loc.text = let f [] m = m f (c:cs) m = if isAlpha c && all (\ch -> ch == '_' || ch == '\'' || isAlphaNum ch) cs then char '`' <> m <> char '`' else m in case (@leftExpression.text, @rightExpression.text) of (Nothing, Nothing) -> parens @operator.text (Just l , Nothing) -> parens (l <+> @operator.text) (Nothing, Just r ) -> parens (@operator.text <+> r) (Just l , Just r ) -> l <+> f (show @operator.text) @operator.text <+> r -- range : Range -- leftExpression : MaybeExpression -- operator : Expression -- rightExpression : MaybeExpression | If loc.text = text "if" <+> @guardExpression.text <$> indent 4 (text "then" <+> @thenExpression.text <$> text "else" <+> @elseExpression.text) -- range : Range -- guardExpression : Expression -- thenExpression : Expression -- elseExpression : Expression | Lambda loc.text = text "\\" <+> foldl1 (<+>) @patterns.text <+> text "->" <+> @expression.text -- range : Range -- patterns : Patterns -- expression : Expression | Case loc.text = (text "case" <+> @expression.text <+> text "of" <$> (indent 4 $ vcat @alternatives.text) <$> empty ) -- range : Range -- expression : Expression -- alternatives : Alternatives -- | Let loc.text = align (text "let"<+> align (vcat @declarations.text) <$> -- text "in" <+> @expression.text) <$> empty | Let loc.text = (text "let"<$> (indent 4 $ vcat @declarations.text) <+> text "in" <$> (indent 4 $ @expression.text) ) <$> empty -- range : Range -- declarations : Declarations -- expression : Expression | Do loc.text = text "do" <$> (indent 4 $ vcat @statements.text) <$> empty -- range : Range -- statements : Statements | List loc.text = PPrint.list @expressions.text -- range : Range -- expressions : Expressions | Tuple loc.text = tupled @expressions.text -- range : Range -- expressions : Expressions | Comprehension loc.text = text "[" <+> @expression.text <+> text "|" <+> commas @qualifiers.text <+> text "]" -- range : Range -- expression : Expression -- qualifiers : Qualifiers | Typed loc.text = @expression.text <+> text "::" <+> @type.text {- ??? -} -- range : Range -- expression : Expression -- type : Type | RecordConstruction loc.text = intErr "Expression" "record construction" -- range : Range -- name : Name -- recordExpressionBindings : RecordExpressionBindings | RecordUpdate loc.text = intErr "Expression" "record update" -- range : Range -- expression : Expression -- recordExpressionBindings : RecordExpressionBindings | Enum loc.text = text "[" <> @from.text <> maybe empty (text "," <+>) @then.text <+> text ".." <+> opt @to.text <> text "]" -- range : Range -- from : Expression -- then : MaybeExpression -- to : MaybeExpression | Negate loc.text = text "-" <> @expression.text | NegateFloat loc.text = text "-." <> @expression.text -- range : Range -- expression : Expression SEM Statement | Expression loc.text = @expression.text -- range : Range -- expression : Expression | Let loc.text = text "let" <$> (indent 4 $ vcat @declarations.text) -- range : Range -- declarations : Declarations | Generator loc.text = @pattern.text <+> text "<-" <+> @expression.text -- range : Range -- pattern : Pattern -- expression : Expression | Empty loc.text = empty -- range : Range SEM Qualifier | Guard loc.text = @guard.text -- range : Range -- guard : Expression -- type: Boolean | Let loc.text = text "let" <$> (indent 4 $ vcat @declarations.text) -- range : Range -- declarations : Declarations | Generator loc.text = @pattern.text <+> text "<-" <+> @expression.text -- range : Range -- pattern : Pattern -- expression : Expression | Empty loc.text = empty -- range : Range SEM Alternative | Hole loc.text = text hole | Alternative loc.text = @pattern.text <$> indent 2 (@righthandside.text (text "->")) -- range : Range -- pattern : Pattern -- righthandside : RightHandSide | Empty loc.text = empty -- range : Range SEM GuardedExpression -- ToDo: or _Guard? | GuardedExpression loc.text = \assign -> text "|" <+> @guard.text <+> assign <+> @expression.text -- range : Range -- guard : Expression -- type: Boolean -- expression : Expression SEM RecordExpressionBinding | RecordExpressionBinding loc.text = text "{- !!! record expression binding -}" -- ToDo: or _Binding? -- range : Range -- name : Name -- expression : Expression SEM RecordPatternBinding | RecordPatternBinding loc.text = text "{- !!! record pattern binding -}" -- ToDo: or _Binding? -- range : Range -- name : Name -- pattern : Pattern SEM FunctionBinding | Hole loc.text = empty --text "" | FunctionBinding loc.text = @lefthandside.text <+> @righthandside.text (text "=") -- range : Range -- lefthandside : LeftHandSide -- righthandside : RightHandSide SEM LeftHandSide | Function loc.text = foldl (<+>) (parensIf @name.isOperator @name.text) @patterns.text -- range : Range -- name : Name -- patterns : Patterns | Infix loc.text = @leftPattern.text <+> backQuotesIf (not @operator.isOperator) @operator.text <+> @rightPattern.text -- range : Range -- leftPattern : Pattern -- operator : Name -- rightPattern : Pattern | Parenthesized loc.text = foldl (<+>) (parens @lefthandside.text) @patterns.text -- range : Range -- lefthandside : LeftHandSide -- patterns : Patterns SEM RightHandSide | Expression loc.text = \assign -> assign <$> @justText loc.justText = indent 4 ( @expression.text <> maybe empty (\ds -> PPrint.empty <$> text "where" <$> indent 4 (vcat ds)) @where.text ) -- -- loc.text = \assign -> assign <+> @justText -- loc.justText = -- @expression.text -- <> maybe -- empty -- (\ds -> PPrint.empty <$> indent 4 (text "where" <$> indent 4 (vcat ds))) -- @where.text -- range : Range -- expression : Expression -- where : MaybeDeclarations | Guarded loc.text = \assign -> ( PPrint.empty <$> vsep (zipWith (\f x -> indent 4 (f x)) @guardedexpressions.text (repeat assign)) <> maybe empty (\ds -> PPrint.empty <$> indent 4 (text "where" <$> indent 4 (vcat ds))) @where.text ) -- range : Range -- guardedexpressions : GuardedExpressions -- where : MaybeDeclarations -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Patterns -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEM Pattern | Hole loc.text = text hole | Literal loc.text = @literal.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- literal : Literal | Variable loc.text = parensIf @name.isOperator @name.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- name : Name | Constructor loc.text = foldl (<+>) (parensIf @name.isOperator @name.text) @patterns.text {- *** -} -- range : Range -- name : Name -- patterns : Patterns | Parenthesized loc.text = parens @pattern.text -- range : Range -- pattern : Pattern | InfixConstructor loc.text = @leftPattern.text <+> @constructorOperator.text <+> @rightPattern.text -- range : Range -- leftPattern : Pattern -- constructorOperator : Name -- rightPattern : Pattern | List loc.text = PPrint.list @patterns.text -- range : Range -- patterns : Patterns | Tuple loc.text = tupled @patterns.text -- range : Range -- patterns : Patterns | Record loc.text = text "{- !!! record pattern -}" -- range : Range -- name : Name -- recordPatternBindings : RecordPatternBindings | Negate loc.text = text "-" <> @literal.text -- range : Range -- literal : Literal -- only numbers allowed here | NegateFloat loc.text = text "-." <> @literal.text -- range : Range -- literal : Literal -- only numbers allowed here | As loc.text = @name.text <> text "@" <> @pattern.text {- ??? -} -- range : Range -- name : Name -- pattern : Pattern | Wildcard loc.text = text "_" -- range : Range | Irrefutable loc.text = text "~" <> @pattern.text -- range : Range -- pattern : Pattern | Successor loc.text = @name.text <+> text "+" <+> @literal.text -- n+k patterns -- range : Range -- name : Name -- literal : Literal -- only integers allowed here -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- Basics -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SEM Literal {- *** -} | Int loc.text = text @value {- *** -} -- range : Range -- value : String | Char loc.text = text ("'" ++ @value ++ "'") -- range : Range -- value : String -- without the quotes | Float loc.text = text @value -- range : Range -- value : String | String loc.text = text ("\"" ++ @value ++ "\"") -- range : Range -- value : String -- without the quotes SEM MaybeName | Nothing loc.text = Nothing | Just loc.text = Just @name.text -- name : Name SEM Name {- *** -} | Identifier loc.text = text @name {- *** -} lhs.isIdentifier = True -- range : Range -- module : Strings -- name : String | Operator loc.text = text @name lhs.isOperator = True -- range : Range -- module : Strings -- name : String | Special loc.text = text @name lhs.isSpecial = True -- range : Range -- module : Strings -- name : String SEM MaybeInt | Nothing loc.text = Nothing | Just loc.text = Just (int @int) -- int is a pprint util from PPrint.hs -- int : Int SEM Range | Range loc.text = text "{-" <+> @start.text <+> text ", " <+> @stop.text <+> text "-}" -- start : Position -- stop : Position SEM Position | Position loc.text = text @filename <> tupled [int @line, int @column] -- filename : String -- line : Int -- column : Int | Unknown loc.text = text "Unknown"