{-| Module      :  UnifierHeuristics
    License     :  GPL

    Maintainer  :  helium@cs.uu.nl
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

	A heuristic that tries to blaim two program locations that both contribute 
	to the type error, instead of preferring (or choosing) one location over the
	other. The type error messages will be more "symmetric".

module Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.UnifierHeuristics where

import Top.Types
import Top.Interface.TypeInference
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Basics
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.ClassMonadic
import Top.Implementation.TypeGraph.Heuristic
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Heuristics.RepairHeuristics
import Helium.StaticAnalysis.Miscellaneous.ConstraintInfo
import Data.Function
import Data.List (partition, sortBy)
import Data.Maybe

class IsUnifier a where
   typeErrorForUnifier :: (Tp, Tp) -> (a, a) -> a
   isUnifier :: a -> Maybe (Int, (String, LocalInfo, String))

unifierVertex :: (HasTypeGraph m info, IsUnifier info) => Selector m info
unifierVertex =
   Selector ("Unification vertex", f) where

 f (EdgeId _ _ this, info) =
    case isUnifier info of
       Nothing -> return Nothing
       Just (unifier, _) -> 
          do neighbours <- edgesFrom (VertexId unifier)
             let (unifiersUnsorted, contexts) = partition p (map f' neighbours)
                 f' (EdgeId (VertexId v1) (VertexId v2) _, info')
                     | v1 == unifier = (v2, info')
                     | otherwise     = (v1, info')
                 p (_, info') = 
                    case isUnifier info' of
                       Nothing    -> False
                       Just (u,_) -> u == unifier

                 -- sort this list by the ordering in which the type variables were assigned
                 -- to prevent undeterministic type error messages.
                 unifiers = sortBy (compare `on` fst) unifiersUnsorted

             doWithoutEdges neighbours $ 
                do synonyms      <- getTypeSynonyms

                   unifierMTypes <- mapM (substituteTypeSafe . TVar . fst) unifiers 
                   contextMTypes <- mapM (substituteTypeSafe . TVar . fst) contexts
                   if any isNothing (unifierMTypes ++ contextMTypes) then return Nothing else 

                      do let unifierTypes = map fromJust unifierMTypes 
                             contextTypes = map fromJust contextMTypes
                             indices =
                                let predicate i = unifiableList synonyms (deleteIndex i unifierTypes ++ contextTypes)
                                in filter predicate [0..length unifierTypes - 1]

                         case indices of
                            -- if there are exactly two branches that cause the problem, then report
                            -- these two in a type error
                            [index1, index2] | not (unifiableList synonyms (unifierTypes ++ contextTypes)) ->
                               let (v1, info1) = unifiers !! index1
                                   (v2, info2) = unifiers !! index2
                                   edges   = [ edge | (edge@(EdgeId (VertexId va) (VertexId vb) i), _) <- neighbours, predicate va vb, this==i ] 
                                   predicate va vb =  (va == unifier && vb `elem` [v1, v2])
                                           || (vb == unifier && va `elem` [v1, v2])
                                   newInfo = typeErrorForUnifier (TVar v1, TVar v2) (info1, info2) 
                               in return $ Just 
                                     (7, "two inconsistent branches", edges, newInfo)
                            _ -> return Nothing