{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Monad import Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), encode) import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder as Builder import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Builder.ASCII as ASCIIBuilder import Data.Function (fix) import Data.IORef import Data.List import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import Data.Time.Clock import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.Vector as V import Options.Applicative hiding (action) import System.IO import Text.Read import Text.Show.Pretty import Hemokit import Hemokit.Start import Hemokit.Internal.Utils (withJustM, textBase64) import SocketUtils (makeTCPServer) import WebsocketUtils (makeWSServer) -- | Arguments for the EEG dump application. data DumpArgs = DumpArgs { emotivArgs :: EmotivArgs , mode :: DumpMode -- ^ What to dump. , realtime :: Bool -- ^ In case fromFile is used, throttle to 128 Hz. , listDevices :: Bool -- ^ Do not do anything, print available devices. , format :: OutputFormat -- ^ How to print the output. , serve :: Maybe ServeMethod -- ^ Serve via TCP or websockets on host:port. } -- | Whether to dump raw data, hardware-sent packages, cumulative states, -- or measurements of device-computer latency. data DumpMode = Raw | Packets | State | Measure deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | In what format to print the output. -- `Default` is raw bytes to stdout for `Raw` mode and `show` for everything else. data OutputFormat = Default | Json | Spaced | SensorBytes deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Whether to serve via plain TCP or Websockets (hostname and port). data ServeMethod = TCP String Int | Websocket String Int -- | Parser for `DumpArgs`. dumpArgsParser :: Parser DumpArgs dumpArgsParser = DumpArgs <$> emotivArgsParser <*> option (eitherReader parseDumpMode) ( long "mode" <> value State <> help "What to dump. Can be 'raw', 'packets', 'state' or 'measure'" ) <*> switch ( long "realtime" <> help "In case --from-file is used, throttle data to 128 Hz like on real device" ) <*> switch ( long "list" <> help "Show all available Emotiv devices and exit" ) <*> option (eitherReader parseOutputFormat) ( long "format" <> value Default <> help "Format output as Haskell value, JSON or space-separated" ) <*> (optional . option (eitherReader parseHostPort)) ( long "serve" <> metavar "HOST:PORT" <> help ("Serve output via a TCP server, e.g. " ++ "(port 1234, only localhost) or (all interfaces). " ++ "Use 'ws://' before the host to serve via websockets") ) -- | `DumpMode` command line parser. parseDumpMode :: Monad m => String -> m DumpMode parseDumpMode s = case s of "raw" -> return Raw "packets" -> return Packets "state" -> return State "measure" -> return Measure _ -> fail "Mode is not valid. Must be 'raw', 'packets', or 'state'." -- | `OutputFormat` command line parser. parseOutputFormat :: Monad m => String -> m OutputFormat parseOutputFormat s = case s of "default" -> return Default "json" -> return Json "spaced" -> return Spaced "sensorbytes" -> return SensorBytes _ -> fail "Format is not valid. Must be 'default', 'json', 'spaced' or 'sensorbytes'." -- | Parses host and port from a string like "". parseHostPort :: String -> Either String ServeMethod parseHostPort hostPortWs = case readMaybe portStr of Nothing -> Left $ show portStr ++ " is not a valid port number" Just p -> Right $ if ws then Websocket host p else TCP host p where (ws, hostPort) = case stripPrefix "ws://" hostPortWs of Just rest -> (True, rest) Nothing -> (False, hostPortWs) (host, portStr) = splitLast ":" hostPort splitLast :: String -> String -> (String, String) splitLast sep s = let sp = splitOn sep s -- splitOn never returns [] in (intercalate sep (init sp), last sp) -- | Space-separates all values in the order -- `[counter] [battery] [gyroX] [gyroY] [sensors..] [qualities..]`. whitespaceFormat :: EmotivState -> BSL.ByteString whitespaceFormat EmotivState{ counter, battery, gyroX, gyroY, sensors, qualities } = Builder.toLazyByteString . mconcat . intersperse (Builder.char8 ' ') . map ASCIIBuilder.intDec $ ints where ints = [ counter, battery, gyroX, gyroY ] ++ V.toList sensors ++ V.toList qualities -- | Formats all sensor values as 16 bit ints (big endian) into a `ByteString`. sensorBytesFormat :: EmotivState -> BSL.ByteString sensorBytesFormat EmotivState{ sensors } = Builder.toLazyByteString . V.foldl1' (<>) . V.map (Builder.word16BE . fromIntegral) $ sensors main :: IO () main = do DumpArgs{ emotivArgs , mode , realtime , listDevices , format , serve } <- parseArgs "Dumps Emotiv data" dumpArgsParser -- Catch invalid mode/format combinations immediately -- (so that we don't block first and error afterwards, see `formatOutput`). when (format `elem` [Spaced, SensorBytes] && mode /= State) $ error $ "cannot space-format in " ++ show mode ++ " mode" if listDevices -- Only list devices then getEmotivDevices >>= putStrLn . ("Available devices:\n" ++) . ppShow else do e'device <- getEmotivDeviceFromArgs emotivArgs -- Do we have a device? case e'device of Left err -> error err Right device -> do let formatOutput x = case format of Default -> BSL8.pack (show x) Json -> encode x Spaced -> error "hemokit-dump BUG: formatOutput/spaced not caught early" SensorBytes -> error "hemokit-dump BUG: formatOutput/sensorbytes not caught early" -- Print to stdout or serve via websockets? Show the datatype or format via JSON? -- `output` accepts anything that's JSON-formattable and showable (wrapped in JsonShowable). output <- case serve of -- TODO use Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8.fromString instead of BSL8 to prevent unicode errors Nothing -> return (\x -> BSL8.putStrLn x >> hFlush stdout) Just (Websocket host port) -> do sendFn <- makeWSServer host port return sendFn Just (TCP host port) -> do sendFn <- makeTCPServer host port return sendFn -- For --mode measure: See how long a 0-128 cycle takes timeRef <- newIORef =<< getCurrentTime countRef <- newIORef (0 :: Int) -- Packet loop fix $ \loop -> do timeBefore <- getCurrentTime -- Output accumulative state, device-sent packet, or raw data? moreInput <- case mode of Packets -> readEmotiv device `withJustM` \(_, packet) -> output $ formatOutput packet State -> readEmotiv device `withJustM` \(state, _) -> case format of Spaced -> output $ whitespaceFormat state SensorBytes -> output $ sensorBytesFormat state _ -> output $ formatOutput state Raw -> readEmotivRaw device `withJustM` \rawBytes -> do case format of Default -> -- raw data stdout; flush so that consuming apps immediately get it BS.putStr (emotivRawDataBytes rawBytes) >> hFlush stdout _ -> -- use EmotivRawData newtype for base64 encoding output $ formatOutput rawBytes Measure -> readEmotivRaw device `withJustM` \_ -> do -- When a full cycle is done, print how long it took. count <- readIORef countRef modifyIORef' countRef (+1) when (count == 128) $ do cycleTime <- diffUTCTime <$> getCurrentTime <*> readIORef timeRef output . formatOutput $ toDouble cycleTime writeIORef countRef 0 writeIORef timeRef =<< getCurrentTime where toDouble x = fromRational (toRational x) :: Double -- When realtime is on, throttle the reading to 1/129 (a real -- device's frequency). But take into the account the time that -- we have spent reading from the device. when realtime $ do timeTaken <- (`diffUTCTime` timeBefore) <$> getCurrentTime let delayUs = 1000000 `div` 129 - round (timeTaken * 1000000) when (delayUs > 0) $ threadDelay delayUs when moreInput loop -- * JSON instances instance ToJSON EmotivPacket instance ToJSON EmotivState instance ToJSON EmotivRawData where toJSON = toJSON . textBase64 . emotivRawDataBytes instance ToJSON Sensor where toJSON = toJSON . show