heredoc- multi-line string / here document using QuasiQuotes

Safe HaskellNone




here :: QuasiQuoterSource

Create a string-literal expression from the string being quoted.

Newline literals are normalized to UNIX newlines (one '\n' character).

there :: QuasiQuoterSource

Create a string-literal expression from the contents of the file at the filepath being quoted.

Newline literals are normalized to UNIX newlines (one '\n' character).

str :: QuasiQuoterSource

Create a multi-line string literal whose left edge is demarcated by the pipe character ('|'). For example,

famousQuote = [str|Any dictator would admire the
                  |uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.
                  |    -- Noam Chomsky

is functionally equivalent to

famousQuote = "Any dictator would admire the\n" ++
              "uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.\n" ++
              "\n" ++
              "    -- Noam Chomsky\n"

If desired, you can have a ragged left-edge, so

myHtml = [str|<html>
                     |<h1>My home page</h1>

is functionally equivalent to

myHtml = "<html>\n" ++
         "<body>\n" ++
         "<h1>My home page</h1>\n" ++
          "</body>\n" ++