{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.AlphaConversion where

import GhcPlugins hiding (empty)

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.List (intersect, (\\), nub)

import Language.HERMIT.Context
import Language.HERMIT.Monad
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.External
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC(freeVarsT, substR)

import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Common

import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH

import Prelude hiding (exp)

externals :: [External]
externals = map (.+ Deep)
         [  external "alpha" alpha
               [ "renames the bound variables at the current node."]
         ,  external "alpha-lam" (promoteExprR . alphaLam . Just)
               [ "renames the bound variable in a Lambda expression to the given name."]
         ,  external "alpha-lam" (promoteExprR $ alphaLam Nothing)
               [ "renames the bound variable in a Lambda expression."]
         ,  external "alpha-case-binder" (promoteExprR . alphaCaseBinder . Just)
               [ "renames the binder in a Case expression to the given name."]
         ,  external "alpha-case-binder" (promoteExprR $ alphaCaseBinder Nothing)
               [ "renames the binder in a Case expression."]
         ,  external "alpha-alt" (promoteAltR alphaAlt)
               [ "renames all binders in a Case alternative."]
         ,  external "alpha-case" (promoteExprR alphaCase)
               [ "renames all binders in a Case alternative."]
         ,  external "alpha-let" (promoteExprR . alphaLetOne . Just)
               [ "renames the bound variable in a Let expression with one binder to the given name."]
         ,  external "alpha-let" (promoteExprR alphaLet)
               [ "renames the bound variables in a Let expression."]
         ,  external "alpha-top" (promoteProgramR . alphaConsOne . Just)
               [ "renames the bound variable in a top-level binding with one binder to the given name."]
         ,  external "alpha-top" (promoteProgramR alphaCons)
               [ "renames the bound variables in a top-level binding."]

         , external "shadow-query" (promoteExprT shadowedNamesQuery)
                [ "List variable names shadowed by bindings in this expression." ] .+ Query
         , external "if-shadow" (promoteExprR ifShadowingR)
                [ "succeeds ONLY-IF bindings in this expression shadow free variable name(s)." ]

         , external "unshadow" unshadow
                [ "Rename local variable with manifestly unique names (x, x0, x1, ...)"]


-- freshNameGen is a function used in conjunction with cloneIdH, which clones an existing Id.
-- But, what name should the new Id have?
-- cloneIdH generates a new Unique -- so we are positive that the new Id will be new,
-- but freshNameGen tries to assign a Name that will be meaningful to the user, and
-- not shadow other names in scope.
-- So,  we start with the name of the original Id, and add an integer suffix
--  x  goes to x0 or x1 or ...
-- and we do not want this newly generated name to shadow either:
-- 1.  Any free variable name in the active Expr; or
-- 2.  Any bound variables in context.

visibleIds :: TranslateH CoreExpr [Id]
visibleIds = do ctx <- contextT
                frees <- freeVarsT
                return $ frees ++ (listBindings ctx)

freshNameGen :: (Maybe TH.Name) -> [Id] -> (String -> String)
freshNameGen newName idsToAvoid =
        case newName of
          Just name -> const (show name)
          Nothing   -> inventNames idsToAvoid

freshNameGenT :: (Maybe TH.Name) -> TranslateH CoreExpr (String -> String)
freshNameGenT newName =
        case newName of
          Just name -> return $ const (show name)
          Nothing -> do idsToAvoid <- visibleIds
                        return $ freshNameGen Nothing idsToAvoid

inventNames :: [Id] -> String -> String
inventNames curr old = head
                     [ nm
                     | nm <- old : [ base ++ show uq | uq <- [start ..] :: [Int] ]
                     , nm `notElem` names
           names = map getOccString curr
           nums = reverse $ takeWhile isDigit (reverse old)
           baseLeng = length $ drop (length nums) old
           base = take baseLeng old
           start = case reads nums of
                     [(v,_)] -> (v + 1)
                     _ -> 0

shadowedNamesT :: TranslateH CoreExpr [String]
shadowedNamesT = do ctx         <- contextT
                    frees       <- freeVarsT
                    bindingIds  <- extractT bindingVarsT
                    let shadows = intersect (map getOccString bindingIds)
                                            (map getOccString (frees ++ (listBindings ctx)))
                    return        shadows

-- | Output a list of all variables that shadowed by bindings in the is expression.
shadowedNamesQuery :: TranslateH CoreExpr String
shadowedNamesQuery = shadowedNamesT >>^ (("Names shadowed by bindings in the current expression: " ++) . show)

ifShadowingR :: RewriteH CoreExpr
ifShadowingR = do shadows <- shadowedNamesT
                  case shadows of
                    [] -> fail "Bindings at this node do not shadow."
                    _  -> idR

-- | Arguments are the original identifier and the replacement identifier, respectively.
renameIdR :: (Injection a Core, Generic a ~ Core) => Id -> Id -> RewriteH a
renameIdR v v' = extractR $ tryR $ substR v (Var v')

-- | Given an identifier to replace, and a replacement, produce an 'Id' @->@ 'Id' function that
--   acts as in identity for all 'Id's except the one to replace, for which it returns the replacment.
--   Don't export this, it'll likely just cause confusion.
replaceId :: Id -> Id -> (Id -> Id)
replaceId v v' i = if v == i then v' else i


-- | Alpha rename a lambda binder.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaLam :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLam mn = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Lam v e") $
              do (v, nameModifier) <- lamT (freshNameGenT mn) (,)
                 v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameModifier v)
                 lamT (renameIdR v v') (\ _ -> Lam v')


-- | Alpha rename a case binder.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaCaseBinder :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaCaseBinder mn = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Case e v ty alts") $
                     do Case _ v _ _ <- idR
                        nameModifier <- freshNameGenT mn
                        v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameModifier v)
                        caseT idR (\ _ -> renameIdR v v') (\ e _ t alts -> Case e v' t alts)


-- | Rename the specified identifier in a case alternative.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaAltId :: Maybe TH.Name -> Id -> RewriteH CoreAlt
alphaAltId mn v = do nameModifier <- altT (freshNameGenT mn) (\ _ _ nameGen -> nameGen)
                     v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameModifier v)
                     altT (renameIdR v v') (\ con vs e -> (con, map (replaceId v v') vs, e))

-- | Rename all identifiers bound in a case alternative.
alphaAlt :: RewriteH CoreAlt
alphaAlt = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "(con,vs,e)") $
           do (_, vs, _) <- idR
              andR $ map (alphaAltId Nothing) vs


-- | Rename all identifiers bound in a case expression.
alphaCase :: RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaCase = alphaCaseBinder Nothing >+> caseAnyR (fail "") (const alphaAlt)


-- | Alpha rename a non-recursive let binder.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaLetNonRec :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLetNonRec mn = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
                    do (v, nameModifier) <- letNonRecT idR (freshNameGenT mn) (\ v _ nameMod -> (v, nameMod))
                       v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameModifier v)
                       letNonRecT idR (renameIdR v v') (\ _ e1 e2 -> Let (NonRec v' e1) e2)

-- | Rename the specified identifier bound in a recursive let.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaLetRecId :: Maybe TH.Name -> Id -> RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLetRecId mn v = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Let (Rec bs) e") $
                     do Let (Rec {}) _ <- idR
                        ctx <- contextT
                         -- Cannot use freshNameGen directly, because we want to include
                         -- free variables from every bound expression, in the name generation function
                         -- as a result we must replicate the essence of freshNameGen in the next few lines
                        frees <- letRecDefT (\ _ -> freeVarsT) freeVarsT (\ bindFrees exprFrees -> (concat (map snd bindFrees)) ++ exprFrees)
                        let nameGen = case mn of
                                        Just name -> const (show name)
                                        Nothing -> inventNames (frees ++ (listBindings ctx))
                        v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameGen v)

                        letRecDefT (\ _ -> renameIdR v v') (renameIdR v v') (\ bs e -> Let (Rec $ (map.first) (replaceId v v') bs) e)

-- | Rename all identifiers bound in a recursive let.
alphaLetRec :: RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLetRec = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Let (Rec bs) e") $
              do Let (Rec bs) _ <- idR
                 andR $ map (alphaLetRecId Nothing . fst) bs

-- | Rename the identifier bound in a recursive let with a single recursively bound identifier.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaLetRecOne :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLetRecOne mn = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Let (Rec [(v,e1)]) e2") $
                    do Let (Rec [(v, _)]) _ <- idR
                       alphaLetRecId mn v

-- | Rename the identifier bound in a let with a single bound identifier.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaLetOne :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLetOne mn = alphaLetNonRec mn <+ alphaLetRecOne mn

-- | Rename all identifiers bound in a Let.
alphaLet :: RewriteH CoreExpr
alphaLet = alphaLetRec <+ alphaLetNonRec Nothing


-- | Alpha rename a non-recursive top-level binder.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaConsNonRec :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreProgram
alphaConsNonRec mn = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "NonRec v e : prog") $
                     do NonRec v _ : _ <- idR
                        nameModifier <- consNonRecT (freshNameGenT mn) idR (\ _ nameGen _ -> nameGen)
                        v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameModifier v)
                        consNonRecT idR (renameIdR v v') (\ _ e1 e2 -> NonRec v' e1 : e2)

-- | Rename the specified identifier bound in a recursive top-level binder.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaConsRecId :: Maybe TH.Name -> Id -> RewriteH CoreProgram
alphaConsRecId mn v = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Rec bs : prog") $
                      do rbs@(Rec _) : _ <- idR
                         -- Cannot use freshNameGen directly, because we want to include
                         -- free variables from every bound expression, in the name generation function
                         -- as a result we must replicate the essence of freshNameGen in the next few lines
                         ctx <- contextT
                         frees <- consRecDefT (\ _ -> freeVarsT) idR (\ frees _ -> concat (map snd frees))
                         let idsToAvoid = ((nub frees) \\ (bindings rbs)) ++ (listBindings ctx)
                             nameGen = case mn of
                                         Just name -> const (show name)
                                         Nothing -> inventNames idsToAvoid
                         v' <- constT (cloneIdH nameGen v)
                         consRecDefT (\ _ -> renameIdR v v') (renameIdR v v') (\ bs e -> Rec ((map.first) (replaceId v v') bs) : e)

-- | Rename all identifiers bound in a recursive top-level binder.
alphaConsRec :: RewriteH CoreProgram
alphaConsRec = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Rec bs : prog") $
               do Rec bs : _ <- idR
                  andR $ map (alphaConsRecId Nothing . fst) bs

-- | Rename the identifier bound in a recursive top-level binder with a single recursively bound identifier.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaConsRecOne :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreProgram
alphaConsRecOne mn = setFailMsg (wrongFormForAlpha "Rec [(v,e)] : prog") $
                     do Rec [(v, _)] : _ <- idR
                        alphaConsRecId mn v

-- | Rename the identifier bound in a top-level binder with a single bound identifier.  Optionally takes a suggested new name.
alphaConsOne :: Maybe TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreProgram
alphaConsOne mn = alphaConsNonRec mn <+ alphaConsRecOne mn

-- | Rename all identifiers bound in a Let.
alphaCons :: RewriteH CoreProgram
alphaCons = alphaConsRec <+ alphaConsNonRec Nothing


-- | Alpha rename any bindings at this node.  Note: does not rename case alternatives unless invoked on the alternative.
alpha :: RewriteH Core
alpha = setFailMsg "Cannot alpha-rename here." $
           promoteExprR (alphaLam Nothing <+ alphaCaseBinder Nothing <+ alphaLet)
        <+ promoteProgramR alphaCons

unshadow :: RewriteH Core
unshadow = setFailMsg "No shadows to eliminate." $
           anytdR (promoteExprR (ifShadowingR >>> (alphaLam Nothing <+ alphaCase <+ alphaLet)))


wrongFormForAlpha :: String -> String
wrongFormForAlpha s = "Cannot alpha-rename: " ++ wrongExprForm s