module Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Local.Let
       ( -- * Rewrites on Let Expressions
       , letElim
       , letIntro
       , letFloatApp
       , letFloatArg
       , letFloatLet
       , letFloatLam
       , letFloatCase
       , letFloatCast
       , letFloatExpr
       , letFloatLetTop
       , letNonRecElim
       , letRecElim
       , letToCase
       , letUnfloat
       , letUnfloatApp
       , letUnfloatCase
       , letUnfloatLam
       , reorderNonRecLets

import GhcPlugins

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad

import Data.List
import Data.Monoid

import Language.HERMIT.Core
import Language.HERMIT.Monad
import Language.HERMIT.Kure
import Language.HERMIT.External
import Language.HERMIT.GHC

import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.Common
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.GHC hiding (externals)
import Language.HERMIT.Primitive.AlphaConversion hiding (externals)

import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH


-- | Externals relating to Let expressions.
externals :: [External]
externals =
    [ external "let-intro" (promoteExprR . letIntro :: TH.Name -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "e => (let v = e in v), name of v is provided" ]                      .+ Shallow .+ Introduce
    , external "dead-let-elimination" (promoteExprR letElim :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "dead-let-elimination removes an unused let binding."
        , "(let v = e1 in e2) ==> e2, if v is not free in e2."
        , "condition: let is not-recursive" ]                                   .+ Eval .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "dead-code-elimination" (promoteExprR letElim :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Synonym for dead-let-elimination [deprecated]" ]                     .+ Eval .+ Shallow -- TODO: delete this at some point
--    , external "let-constructor-reuse" (promoteR $ not_defined "constructor-reuse" :: RewriteH Core)
--        [ "let v = C in ... C ... ==> let v = C in ... v ..., fails otherwise" ] .+ Unimplemented .+ Eval
    , external "let-float-app" (promoteExprR letFloatApp :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "(let v = ev in e) x ==> let v = ev in e x" ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-arg" (promoteExprR letFloatArg :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "f (let v = ev in e) ==> let v = ev in f e" ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-lam" (promoteExprR letFloatLam :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "(\\ v1 -> let v2 = e1 in e2)  ==>  let v2 = e1 in (\\ v1 -> e2), if v1 is not free in e2."
        , "If v1 = v2 then v1 will be alpha-renamed." ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-let" (promoteExprR letFloatLet :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = (let w = ew in ev) in e ==> let w = ew in let v = ev in e" ] .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-case" (promoteExprR letFloatCase :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "case (let v = ev in e) of ... ==> let v = ev in case e of ..." ]     .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Eval .+ Bash
    , external "let-float-cast" (promoteExprR letFloatCast)
        [ "cast (let bnds in e) co ==> let bnds in cast e co" ]                 .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-top" (promoteProgR letFloatLetTop :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "v = (let w = ew in ev) : bds ==> w = ew : v = ev : bds" ]            .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-float" (promoteProgR letFloatLetTop <+ promoteExprR letFloatExpr :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Float a Let whatever the context." ]                                 .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Bash
    , external "let-to-case" (promoteExprR letToCase :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in e ==> case ev of v -> e" ]                             .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ PreCondition
--    , external "let-to-case-unbox" (promoteR $ not_defined "let-to-case-unbox" :: RewriteH Core)
--        [ "let v = ev in e ==> case ev of C -> let v = C in e" ] .+ Unimplemented
    , external "let-unfloat" (promoteExprR letUnfloat >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElim) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Unfloat a let if possible." ]                                        .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-unfloat-app" ((promoteExprR letUnfloatApp >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElim)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in f a ==> (let v = ev in f) (let v = ev in a)" ]         .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-unfloat-case" ((promoteExprR letUnfloatCase >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElim)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in case s of p -> e ==> case (let v = ev in s) of p -> let v = ev in e"
        , "if v does not shadow a pattern binder in p" ]                        .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "reorder-lets" (promoteExprR . reorderNonRecLets :: [TH.Name] -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "Re-order a sequence of nested non-recursive let bindings."
        , "The argument list should contain the let-bound variables, in the desired order." ]


-- | e => (let v = e in v), name of v is provided
letIntro ::  TH.Name -> RewriteH CoreExpr
letIntro nm = prefixFailMsg "Let-introduction failed: " $
              contextfreeT $ \ e -> do guardMsg (not $ isTypeArg e) "let expressions may not return a type."
                                       v <- newIdH (show nm) (exprTypeOrKind e)
                                       return $ Let (NonRec v e) (Var v)

letElim :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letElim = letNonRecElim <+ letRecElim

-- | Remove an unused non-recursive let binding.
--   (let v = E1 in E2) => E2, if v is not free in E2
letNonRecElim :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letNonRecElim = prefixFailMsg "Dead-let-elimination failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
                do Let (NonRec v _) e <- idR
                   guardMsg (v `notElem` coreExprFreeVars e) "let-bound variable appears in the expression."
                   return e

-- TODO: find the GHC way to do this, as this implementation will be defeated by mutual recursion
-- | Remove all unused recursive let bindings in the current group.
letRecElim :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letRecElim = prefixFailMsg "Dead-let-elimination failed: " $ do
    Let (Rec bnds) body <- idR
    (vsAndFrees, bodyFrees) <- letT (recT (\_ -> defT freeVarsT (,)) id) freeVarsT (,)
    -- binder is alive if it is found free anywhere but its own rhs
    let living = [ v
                 | (v,_) <- vsAndFrees
                 , v `elem` bodyFrees || v `elem` (concat [ fs | (v',fs) <- vsAndFrees, v' /= v ])
    if null living
        then return body
        else if length living == length bnds
                then fail "no dead code."
                else return $ Let (Rec [ (v,rhs) | (v,rhs) <- bnds, v `elem` living ]) body

-- | let v = ev in e ==> case ev of v -> e
letToCase :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letToCase = prefixFailMsg "Converting Let to Case failed: " $
            withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
  do Let (NonRec v ev) _ <- idR
     guardMsg (not $ isTyCoArg ev) "cannot case on a type or coercion."
     nameModifier <- freshNameGenT Nothing
     caseBndr <- constT (cloneVarH nameModifier v)
     letT mempty (replaceVarR v caseBndr) $ \ () e' -> Case ev caseBndr (varType v) [(DEFAULT, [], e')]


-- | (let v = ev in e) x ==> let v = ev in e x
letFloatApp :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatApp = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from App function failed: " $
  do vs <- appT letVarsT freeVarsT intersect
     let letAction = if null vs then idR else alphaLet
     appT letAction idR $ \ (Let bnds e) x -> Let bnds $ App e x

-- | f (let v = ev in e) ==> let v = ev in f e
letFloatArg :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatArg = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from App argument failed: " $
  do vs <- appT freeVarsT letVarsT intersect
     let letAction = if null vs then idR else alphaLet
     appT idR letAction $ \ f (Let bnds e) -> Let bnds $ App f e

-- | let v = (let w = ew in ev) in e ==> let w = ew in let v = ev in e
letFloatLet :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatLet = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Let failed: " $
  do vs <- letNonRecT letVarsT freeVarsT (\ _ -> intersect)
     let bdsAction = if null vs then idR else nonRecR alphaLet
     letT bdsAction idR $ \ (NonRec v (Let bds ev)) e -> Let bds $ Let (NonRec v ev) e

-- | (\ v1 -> let v2 = e1 in e2)  ==>  let v2 = e1 in (\ v1 -> e2)
--   Fails if v1 occurs in e1.
--   If v1 = v2 then v1 will be alpha-renamed.
letFloatLam :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatLam = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Lam failed: " $
              withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Lam v1 (Let (NonRec v2 e1) e2)") $
  do Lam v1 (Let (NonRec v2 e1) e2) <- idR
     guardMsg (v1 `notElem` coreExprFreeVars e1) $ var2String v1 ++ " occurs in the definition of " ++ var2String v2 ++ "."
     if v1 == v2
      then alphaLam Nothing >>> letFloatLam
      else return (Let (NonRec v2 e1) (Lam v1 e2))

-- | @case (let bnds in e) of wild alts ==> let bnds in (case e of wild alts)@
--   Fails if any variables bound in @bnds@ occurs in @alts@.
letFloatCase :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatCase = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Case failed: " $
  do captures <- caseT letVarsT
                       (\ _ -> altFreeVarsExclWildT)
                       (\ vs wild _ fs -> vs `intersect` concatMap ($ wild) fs)
     caseT (if null captures then idR else alphaLetVars captures)
           (const idR)
           (\ (Let bnds e) wild ty alts -> Let bnds (Case e wild ty alts))

-- | @cast (let bnds in e) co ==> let bnds in cast e co@
letFloatCast :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatCast = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Cast failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Cast (Let bnds e) co") $
  do Cast (Let bnds e) co <- idR
     return (Let bnds (Cast e co))

-- | Float a Let through an expression, whatever the context.
letFloatExpr :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letFloatExpr = setFailMsg "Unsuitable expression for Let floating." $
               letFloatArg <+ letFloatApp <+ letFloatLet <+ letFloatLam <+ letFloatCase <+ letFloatCast

-- | NonRec v (Let (NonRec w ew) ev) `ProgCons` p ==> NonRec w ew `ProgCons` NonRec v ev `ProgCons` p
letFloatLetTop :: RewriteH CoreProg
letFloatLetTop = prefixFailMsg "Let floating to top level failed: " $
                 withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "NonRec v (Let (NonRec w ew) ev) `ProgCons` p") $
  do NonRec v (Let (NonRec w ew) ev) `ProgCons` p <- idR
     guardMsg (not $ isTyCoArg ew) "type and coercion bindings are not allowed at the top level."
     return (NonRec w ew `ProgCons` NonRec v ev `ProgCons` p)


letUnfloat :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letUnfloat = letUnfloatCase <+ letUnfloatApp <+ letUnfloatLam

letUnfloatCase :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letUnfloatCase = prefixFailMsg "Let unfloating from case failed: " $
                 withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (Case s w ty alts)") $
  do Let bnds (Case s w ty alts) <- idR
     captured <- letT bindVarsT caseVarsT intersect
     guardMsg (null captured) "let bindings would capture case pattern bindings."
     return $ Case (Let bnds s) w ty $ mapAlts (Let bnds) alts

letUnfloatApp :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letUnfloatApp = prefixFailMsg "Let unfloating from app failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (App e1 e2)") $
  do Let bnds (App e1 e2) <- idR
     return $ App (Let bnds e1) (Let bnds e2)

letUnfloatLam :: RewriteH CoreExpr
letUnfloatLam = prefixFailMsg "Let unfloating from lambda failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (Lam v e)") $
  do Let bnds (Lam v e) <- idR
     safe <- letT bindVarsT lamVarT $ flip notElem
     guardMsg safe "let bindings would capture lambda binding."
     return $ Lam v $ Let bnds e


-- | Re-order a sequence of nested non-recursive let bindings.
--   The argument list should contain the let-bound variables, in the desired order.
reorderNonRecLets :: [TH.Name] -> RewriteH CoreExpr
reorderNonRecLets ns = prefixFailMsg "Reorder lets failed: " $
                 do guardMsg (not $ null ns) "no names given."
                    guardMsg (nodups ns) "duplicate names given."
                    e <- idR
                    (ves,x) <- setFailMsg "insufficient non-recursive lets." $ takeNonRecLets (length ns) e
                    guardMsg (noneFreeIn ves) "some of the bound variables appear in the right-hand-sides."
                    e' <- mkNonRecLets <$> mapM (lookupName ves) ns <*> pure x
                    guardMsg (not $ exprEqual e e') "bindings already in specified order."
                    return e'

    takeNonRecLets :: Monad m => Int -> CoreExpr -> m ([(Var,CoreExpr)],CoreExpr)
    takeNonRecLets 0 x                      = return ([],x)
    takeNonRecLets n (Let (NonRec v1 e1) x) = first ((v1,e1):) `liftM` takeNonRecLets (n-1) x
    takeNonRecLets _ _                      = fail "insufficient non-recursive lets."

    noneFreeIn :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> Bool
    noneFreeIn ves = let (vs,es) = unzip ves
                      in all (`notElem` concatMap coreExprFreeVars es) vs

    lookupName :: Monad m => [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> TH.Name -> m (Var,CoreExpr)
    lookupName ves nm = case filter (cmpTHName2Var nm . fst) ves of
                          []   -> fail $ "name " ++ show nm ++ " not matched."
                          [ve] -> return ve
                          _    -> fail $ "multiple matches for " ++ show nm ++ "."

    mkNonRecLets :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
    mkNonRecLets []          x  = x
    mkNonRecLets ((v,e):ves) x  = Let (NonRec v e) (mkNonRecLets ves x)
