{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, MultiWayIf, LambdaCase #-}

module HERMIT.Dictionary.Local.Let
       ( -- * Rewrites on Let Expressions
         -- ** Let Elimination
       , letNonRecSubstR
       , letNonRecSubstSafeR
       , letSubstR
       , letSubstSafeR
       , letElimR
       , letNonRecElimR
       , letRecElimR
       , progBindElimR
       , progBindNonRecElimR
       , progBindRecElimR
         -- ** Let Introduction
       , letIntroR
       , letNonRecIntroR
       , progNonRecIntroR
       , nonRecIntroR
       , letIntroUnfoldingR
         -- ** Let Floating Out
       , letFloatAppR
       , letFloatArgR
       , letFloatLetR
       , letFloatLamR
       , letFloatCaseR
       , letFloatCastR
       , letFloatExprR
       , letFloatTopR
         -- ** Let Floating In
       , letFloatInR
       , letFloatInAppR
       , letFloatInCaseR
       , letFloatInLamR
         -- ** Miscallaneous
       , reorderNonRecLetsR
       , letTupleR
       , letToCaseR

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad

import Data.List
import Data.Monoid

import HERMIT.Core
import HERMIT.Context
import HERMIT.Monad
import HERMIT.Kure
import HERMIT.External
import HERMIT.Utilities

import HERMIT.Dictionary.Common
import HERMIT.Dictionary.GHC hiding (externals)
import HERMIT.Dictionary.Inline hiding (externals)
import HERMIT.Dictionary.AlphaConversion hiding (externals)

import HERMIT.Dictionary.Local.Bind hiding (externals)


-- | Externals relating to 'Let' expressions.
externals :: [External]
externals =
    [ external "let-subst" (promoteExprR letSubstR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Let substitution: (let x = e1 in e2) ==> (e2[e1/x])"
        , "x must not be free in e1." ]                                         .+ Deep .+ Eval
    , external "let-subst-safe" (promoteExprR letSubstSafeR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Safe let substitution"
        , "let x = e1 in e2, safe to inline without duplicating work ==> e2[e1/x],"
        , "x must not be free in e1." ]                                         .+ Deep .+ Eval
    , external "let-nonrec-subst-safe" (promoteExprR letNonRecSubstSafeR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "As let-subst-safe, but does not try to convert a recursive let into a non-recursive let first." ] .+ Deep .+ Eval
    -- , external "safe-let-subst-plus" (promoteExprR safeLetSubstPlusR :: RewriteH Core)
    --     [ "Safe let substitution"
    --     , "let { x = e1, ... } in e2, "
    --     , "  where safe to inline without duplicating work ==> e2[e1/x,...],"
    --     , "only matches non-recursive lets" ]  .+ Deep .+ Eval
    , external "let-intro" (promoteExprR . letIntroR :: String -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "e => (let v = e in v), name of v is provided" ]                      .+ Shallow .+ Introduce
    , external "let-intro-unfolding" (promoteExprR . letIntroUnfoldingR :: String -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "e => let f' = defn[f'/f] in e[f'/f], name of f is provided" ]
    , external "let-elim" (promoteExprR letElimR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Remove an unused let binding."
        , "(let v = e1 in e2) ==> e2, if v is not free in e1 or e2." ]          .+ Eval .+ Shallow
--    , external "let-constructor-reuse" (promoteR $ not_defined "constructor-reuse" :: RewriteH Core)
--        [ "let v = C v1..vn in ... C v1..vn ... ==> let v = C v1..vn in ... v ..., fails otherwise" ] .+ Eval
    , external "let-float-app" (promoteExprR letFloatAppR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "(let v = ev in e) x ==> let v = ev in e x" ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-arg" (promoteExprR letFloatArgR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "f (let v = ev in e) ==> let v = ev in f e" ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-lam" (promoteExprR letFloatLamR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "The Full Laziness Transformation"
        , "(\\ v1 -> let v2 = e1 in e2)  ==>  let v2 = e1 in (\\ v1 -> e2), if v1 is not free in e2."
        , "If v1 = v2 then v1 will be alpha-renamed." ]                         .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-let" (promoteExprR letFloatLetR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = (let w = ew in ev) in e ==> let w = ew in let v = ev in e" ] .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-case" (promoteExprR letFloatCaseR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "case (let v = ev in e) of ... ==> let v = ev in case e of ..." ]     .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ Eval
    , external "let-float-cast" (promoteExprR letFloatCastR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "cast (let bnds in e) co ==> let bnds in cast e co" ]                 .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-top" (promoteProgR letFloatTopR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "v = (let bds in e) : prog ==> bds : v = e : prog" ]                  .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float" (promoteProgR letFloatTopR <+ promoteExprR letFloatExprR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Float a Let whatever the context." ]                                 .+ Commute .+ Shallow  -- Don't include in bash, as each sub-rewrite is tagged "Bash" already.
    , external "let-to-case" (promoteExprR letToCaseR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in e ==> case ev of v -> e" ]                             .+ Commute .+ Shallow .+ PreCondition
--    , external "let-to-case-unbox" (promoteR $ not_defined "let-to-case-unbox" :: RewriteH Core)
--        [ "let v = ev in e ==> case ev of C v1..vn -> let v = C v1..vn in e" ]
    , external "let-float-in" (promoteExprR letFloatInR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Float-in a let if possible." ]                                        .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-in-app" ((promoteExprR letFloatInAppR >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElimR)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in f a ==> (let v = ev in f) (let v = ev in a)" ]         .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-in-case" ((promoteExprR letFloatInCaseR >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElimR)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in case s of p -> e ==> case (let v = ev in s) of p -> let v = ev in e"
        , "if v does not shadow a pattern binder in p" ]                        .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "let-float-in-lam" ((promoteExprR letFloatInLamR >+> anybuR (promoteExprR letElimR)) :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "let v = ev in \\ x -> e ==> \\ x -> let v = ev in e"
        , "if v does not shadow x" ]                                            .+ Commute .+ Shallow
    , external "reorder-lets" (promoteExprR . reorderNonRecLetsR :: [String] -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "Re-order a sequence of nested non-recursive let bindings."
        , "The argument list should contain the let-bound variables, in the desired order." ]
    , external "let-tuple" (promoteExprR . letTupleR :: String -> RewriteH Core)
        [ "Combine nested non-recursive lets into case of a tuple."
        , "E.g. let {v1 = e1 ; v2 = e2 ; v3 = e3} in body ==> case (e1,e2,e3) of {(v1,v2,v3) -> body}" ] .+ Commute
    , external "prog-bind-elim" (promoteProgR progBindElimR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Remove unused top-level binding(s)."
        , "prog-bind-nonrec-elim <+ prog-bind-rec-elim" ]                       .+ Eval .+ Shallow
    , external "prog-bind-nonrec-elim" (promoteProgR progBindNonRecElimR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Remove unused top-level binding(s)."
        , "v = e : prog ==> prog, if v is not free in prog and not exported." ] .+ Eval .+ Shallow
    , external "prog-bind-rec-elim" (promoteProgR progBindRecElimR :: RewriteH Core)
        [ "Remove unused top-level binding(s)."
        , "v+ = e+ : prog ==> v* = e* : prog, where v* is a subset of v+ consisting"
        , "of vs that are free in prog or e+, or exported." ]                   .+ Eval .+ Shallow


-- | (let x = e1 in e2) ==> (e2[e1/x]), (x must not be free in e1)
letSubstR :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letSubstR = letAllR (tryR recToNonrecR) idR >>> letNonRecSubstR

-- | As 'letNonRecSubstSafeR', but attempting to convert a singleton recursive binding to a non-recursive binding first.
letSubstSafeR :: (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, ReadBindings c, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letSubstSafeR = letAllR (tryR recToNonrecR) idR >>> letNonRecSubstSafeR

-- | @Let (NonRec v e) body@ ==> @body[e/v]@
letNonRecSubstR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letNonRecSubstR = prefixFailMsg "Let substitution failed: " $
                  withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v rhs) body") $
    do Let (NonRec v rhs) body <- idR
       return (substCoreExpr v rhs body)

-- | Currently we always substitute types and coercions, and use a heuristic to decide whether to substitute expressions.
--   This may need revisiting.
letNonRecSubstSafeR :: forall c m. (AddBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, ReadBindings c, HasEmptyContext c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letNonRecSubstSafeR =
    do Let (NonRec v _) _ <- idR
       when (isId v) $ guardMsgM (safeSubstT v) "safety criteria not met."
    safeSubstT :: Id -> Transform c m CoreExpr Bool
    safeSubstT i = letNonRecT mempty safeBindT (safeOccursT i) (\ () -> (||))

    -- what about other Expr constructors, e.g Cast?
    safeBindT :: Transform c m CoreExpr Bool
    safeBindT =
      do c <- contextT
         arr $ \ e ->
           case e of
             Var {} -> True
             Lam {} -> True
             App {} -> case collectArgs e of
                         (Var f,args) -> arityOf c f > length (filter (not . isTyCoArg) args) -- Neil: I've changed this to "not . isTyCoArg" rather than "not . isTypeArg".
                                                                                              -- This may not be the right thing to do though.
                         (other,args) -> case collectBinders other of
                                           (bds,_) -> length bds > length args
             _      -> False

    safeOccursT :: Id -> Transform c m CoreExpr Bool
    safeOccursT i =
      do depth <- varBindingDepthT i
         let occursHereT :: Transform c m Core ()
             occursHereT = promoteExprT (exprIsOccurrenceOfT i depth >>> guardT)

             -- lamOccurrenceT can only fail if the expression is not a Lam
             -- return either 2 (occurrence) or 0 (no occurrence)
             lamOccurrenceT :: Transform c m CoreExpr (Sum Int)
             lamOccurrenceT =  lamT mempty
                                    (mtryM (Sum 2 <$ extractT (onetdT occursHereT)))

             occurrencesT :: Transform c m Core (Sum Int)
             occurrencesT = prunetdT (promoteExprT lamOccurrenceT <+ (Sum 1 <$ occursHereT))

         extractT occurrencesT >>^ (getSum >>> (< 2))

(<$) :: Monad m => a -> m b -> m a
a <$ mb = mb >> return a


letElimR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letElimR = prefixFailMsg "Let elimination failed: " $
          withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let binds expr") $
          do Let bg _ <- idR
             case bg of
               NonRec{} -> letNonRecElimR
               Rec{}    -> letRecElimR

-- | Remove an unused non-recursive let binding.
--   @let v = E1 in E2@ ==> @E2@, if @v@ is not free in @E2@
letNonRecElimR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letNonRecElimR = withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
                do Let (NonRec v _) e <- idR
                   guardMsg (v `notElemVarSet` freeVarsExpr e) "let-bound variable appears in the expression."
                   return e

-- | Remove all unused recursive let bindings in the current group.
letRecElimR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letRecElimR = withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (Rec v e1) e2") $
    do Let (Rec bnds) body <- idR
       let bodyFrees   = freeIdsExpr body
           bsAndFrees  = map (second freeIdsExpr) bnds
           usedIds     = chaseDependencies bodyFrees bsAndFrees
           bs          = mkVarSet (map fst bsAndFrees)
           liveBinders = bs `intersectVarSet` usedIds
       if isEmptyVarSet liveBinders
          then return body
          else if bs `subVarSet` liveBinders
                 then fail "no dead binders to eliminate."
                 else return $ Let (Rec $ filter ((`elemVarSet` liveBinders) . fst) bnds) body

progBindElimR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreProg
progBindElimR = progBindNonRecElimR <+ progBindRecElimR

progBindNonRecElimR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreProg
progBindNonRecElimR = withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "ProgCons (NonRec v e1) e2") $ do
    ProgCons (NonRec v _) p <- idR
    guardMsg (v `notElemVarSet` freeVarsProg p) "variable appears in program body."
    guardMsg (not (isExportedId v)) "variable is exported."
    return p

-- | Remove all unused bindings at the top level.
progBindRecElimR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreProg
progBindRecElimR = withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "ProgCons (Rec v e1) e2") $
    do ProgCons (Rec bnds) p <- idR
       let pFrees      = freeVarsProg p
           bsAndFrees  = map (second freeIdsExpr) bnds
           usedIds     = chaseDependencies pFrees bsAndFrees
           bs          = mkVarSet (map fst bsAndFrees)
           liveBinders = (bs `intersectVarSet` usedIds) `unionVarSet` (filterVarSet isExportedId bs)
       if isEmptyVarSet liveBinders
          then return p
          else if bs `subVarSet` liveBinders
                 then fail "no dead binders to eliminate."
                 else return $ ProgCons (Rec $ filter ((`elemVarSet` liveBinders) . fst) bnds) p

chaseDependencies :: VarSet -> [(Var,VarSet)] -> VarSet
chaseDependencies usedIds bsAndFrees = case partition ((`elemVarSet` usedIds) . fst) bsAndFrees of
                                          ([],_)        -> usedIds
                                          (used,unused) -> chaseDependencies (unionVarSets (usedIds : map snd used)) unused


-- | @let v = ev in e@ ==> @case ev of v -> e@
letToCaseR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, ReadBindings c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letToCaseR = prefixFailMsg "Converting Let to Case failed: " $
            withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v e1) e2") $
  do Let (NonRec v ev) _ <- idR
     guardMsg (not $ isTyCoArg ev) "cannot case on a type or coercion."
     caseBndr <- extractT (cloneVarAvoidingT v Nothing [v])
     letT mempty (replaceVarR v caseBndr) $ \ () e' -> Case ev caseBndr (varType v) [(DEFAULT, [], e')]


-- | @(let v = ev in e) x@ ==> @let v = ev in e x@
letFloatAppR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatAppR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from App function failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "App (Let bnds body) e") $
  do App (Let bnds body) e <- idR
     let vs = mkVarSet (bindVars bnds) `intersectVarSet` freeVarsExpr e
     if isEmptyVarSet vs
        then return $ Let bnds (App body e)
        else appAllR (alphaLetVarsR $ varSetElems vs) idR >>> letFloatAppR

-- | @f (let v = ev in e)@ ==> @let v = ev in f e@
letFloatArgR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatArgR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from App argument failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "App f (Let bnds body)") $
  do App f (Let bnds body) <- idR
     let vs = mkVarSet (bindVars bnds) `intersectVarSet` freeVarsExpr f
     if isEmptyVarSet vs
        then return $ Let bnds (App f body)
        else appAllR idR (alphaLetVarsR $ varSetElems vs) >>> letFloatArgR

-- | @let v = (let bds in e1) in e2@ ==> @let bds in let v = e1 in e2@
letFloatLetR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatLetR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Let failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let (NonRec v (Let bds e1)) e2") $
  do Let (NonRec v (Let bds e1)) e2 <- idR
     let vs = mkVarSet (bindVars bds) `intersectVarSet` freeVarsExpr e2
     if isEmptyVarSet vs
       then return $ Let bds (Let (NonRec v e1) e2)
       else letNonRecAllR idR (alphaLetVarsR $ varSetElems vs) idR >>> letFloatLetR

-- | @(\ v -> let binds in e2)@  ==>  @let binds in (\ v1 -> e2)@
--   Fails if @v@ occurs in the RHS of @binds@.
--   If @v@ is shadowed in binds, then @v@ will be alpha-renamed.
letFloatLamR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatLamR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Lam failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Lam v1 (Let bds body)") $
  do Lam v (Let binds body) <- idR
     let bs  = bindVars binds
         fvs = freeVarsBind binds
     guardMsg (v `notElemVarSet` fvs) (var2String v ++ " occurs in the RHS of the let-bindings.")
     if v `elem` bs
      then alphaLamR Nothing >>> letFloatLamR
      else return $ Let binds (Lam v body)

-- | @case (let bnds in e) of bndr alts@ ==> @let bnds in (case e of bndr alts)@
--   Fails if any variables bound in @bnds@ occurs in @alts@.
letFloatCaseR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatCaseR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Case failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Case (Let bnds e) w ty alts") $
  do Case (Let bnds e) w ty alts <- idR
     let captures = mkVarSet (bindVars bnds) `intersectVarSet` delVarSet (unionVarSets $ map freeVarsAlt alts) w
     if isEmptyVarSet captures
       then return $ Let bnds (Case e w ty alts)
       else caseAllR (alphaLetVarsR $ varSetElems captures) idR idR (const idR) >>> letFloatCaseR

-- | @cast (let bnds in e) co@ ==> @let bnds in cast e co@
letFloatCastR :: MonadCatch m => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letFloatCastR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating from Cast failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Cast (Let bnds e) co") $
  do Cast (Let bnds e) co <- idR
     return $ Let bnds (Cast e co)

-- | Float a 'Let' through an expression, whatever the context.
letFloatExprR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatExprR = setFailMsg "Unsuitable expression for Let floating." $
               letFloatArgR <+ letFloatAppR <+ letFloatLetR <+ letFloatLamR <+ letFloatCaseR <+ letFloatCastR

-- | @'ProgCons' ('NonRec' v ('Let' bds e)) p@ ==> @'ProgCons' bds ('ProgCons' ('NonRec' v e) p)@
letFloatTopR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, BoundVars c) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreProg
letFloatTopR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating to top level failed: " $
               withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "NonRec v (Let bds e) `ProgCons` p") $
               do ProgCons (NonRec v (Let bds e)) p <- idR
                  let bs = bindVars bds
                  guardMsg (all isId bs) "type and coercion bindings are not allowed at the top level."
                  let vs = intersectVarSet (mkVarSet bs) (freeVarsProg p)
                  if isEmptyVarSet vs
                    then return $ ProgCons bds (ProgCons (NonRec v e) p)
                    else consNonRecAllR idR (alphaLetVarsR $ varSetElems vs) idR >>> letFloatTopR


-- | Float in a 'Let' if possible.
letFloatInR :: (AddBindings c, BoundVars c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatInR = letFloatInCaseR <+ letFloatInAppR <+ letFloatInLamR

-- | @let v = ev in case s of p -> e@ ==> @case (let v = ev in s) of p -> let v = ev in e@,
--   if @v@ does not shadow a pattern binder in @p@
letFloatInCaseR :: (AddBindings c, BoundVars c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatInCaseR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating in to case failed: " $
                  withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (Case s w ty alts)") $
  do Let bnds (Case s w ty alts) <- idR
     let bs = bindVars bnds
         captured = bs `intersect` (w : concatMap altVars alts)
     guardMsg (null captured) "let bindings would capture case pattern bindings."
     let unbound = mkVarSet bs `intersectVarSet` (tyVarsOfType ty `unionVarSet` freeVarsVar w)
     guardMsg (isEmptyVarSet unbound) "type variables in case signature would become unbound."
     return (Case (Let bnds s) w ty alts) >>> caseAllR idR idR idR (\_ -> altAllR idR (\_ -> idR) (arr (Let bnds) >>> alphaLetR))

-- | @let v = ev in f a@ ==> @(let v = ev in f) (let v = ev in a)@
letFloatInAppR :: (AddBindings c, BoundVars c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb) => Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letFloatInAppR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating in to app failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (App e1 e2)") $
  do Let bnds (App e1 e2) <- idR
     lhs <- return (Let bnds e1) >>> alphaLetR
     return $ App lhs (Let bnds e2)

-- | @let v = ev in \ x -> e@ ==> @\x -> let v = ev in e@
--   if @v@ does not shadow @x@
letFloatInLamR :: (ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, AddBindings c, MonadCatch m) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr
letFloatInLamR = prefixFailMsg "Let floating in to lambda failed: " $
                withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "Let bnds (Lam v e)") $
  do Let bnds (Lam v e) <- idR
     safe <- letT (arr bindVars) lamVarT $ flip notElem
     guardMsg safe "let bindings would capture lambda binding."
     return $ Lam v $ Let bnds e


-- | Re-order a sequence of nested non-recursive let bindings.
--   The argument list should contain the let-bound variables, in the desired order.
reorderNonRecLetsR :: MonadCatch m => [String] -> Rewrite c m CoreExpr
reorderNonRecLetsR nms = prefixFailMsg "Reorder lets failed: " $
                 do guardMsg (notNull nms) "no names given."
                    guardMsg (nodups nms) "duplicate names given."
                    e <- idR
                    (ves,x) <- setFailMsg "insufficient non-recursive lets." $ takeNonRecLets (length nms) e
                    guardMsg (noneFreeIn ves) "some of the bound variables appear in the right-hand-sides."
                    e' <- mkNonRecLets `liftM` mapM (lookupName ves) nms `ap` return x
                    guardMsg (not $ exprSyntaxEq e e') "bindings already in specified order."
                    return e'
    takeNonRecLets :: Monad m => Int -> CoreExpr -> m ([(Var,CoreExpr)],CoreExpr)
    takeNonRecLets 0 x                      = return ([],x)
    takeNonRecLets n (Let (NonRec v1 e1) x) = first ((v1,e1):) `liftM` takeNonRecLets (n-1) x
    takeNonRecLets _ _                      = fail "insufficient non-recursive lets."

    noneFreeIn :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> Bool
    noneFreeIn ves = let (vs,es) = unzip ves
                      in all (`notElemVarSet` unionVarSets (map freeVarsExpr es)) vs

    lookupName :: Monad m => [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> String -> m (Var,CoreExpr)
    lookupName ves nm = case filter (cmpString2Var nm . fst) ves of
                            []   -> fail $ "name " ++ nm ++ " not matched."
                            [ve] -> return ve
                            _    -> fail $ "multiple matches for " ++ nm ++ "."

    mkNonRecLets :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
    mkNonRecLets []          x  = x
    mkNonRecLets ((v,e):ves) x  = Let (NonRec v e) (mkNonRecLets ves x)


-- | Combine nested non-recursive lets into case of a tuple.
--   E.g. let {v1 = e1 ; v2 = e2 ; v3 = e3} in body ==> case (e1,e2,e3) of {(v1,v2,v3) -> body}
letTupleR :: String -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letTupleR nm = prefixFailMsg "Let-tuple failed: " $
      do (bnds, body) <- arr collectLets
         let numBnds = length bnds
         guardMsg (numBnds > 1) "at least two non-recursive let bindings of identifiers required."

         let (vs, rhss) = unzip bnds

         -- check if tupling the bindings would cause unbound variables
         let frees  = map freeVarsExpr (drop 1 rhss)
             used   = unionVarSets $ zipWith intersectVarSet (map (mkVarSet . (`take` vs)) [1..]) frees
         if isEmptyVarSet used
           then let rhs = mkCoreTup rhss
                in constT $ do bndr <- newIdH nm (exprType rhs)
                               return $ mkSmallTupleCase vs body bndr rhs

           else fail $ "the following bound variables are used in subsequent bindings: " ++ showVarSet used

    -- we only collect identifiers (not type or coercion vars) because we intend to case on them.
    collectLets :: CoreExpr -> ([(Id, CoreExpr)],CoreExpr)
    collectLets (Let (NonRec v e) body) | isId v = first ((v,e):) (collectLets body)
    collectLets expr                             = ([],expr)


-- TODO: come up with a better naming scheme for these

-- This code could be factored better.

-- | @e@ ==> @let v = e in v@
letIntroR :: String -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letIntroR nm = do e <- idR
                  Let (NonRec v e') _ <- letNonRecIntroR nm e
                  return $ Let (NonRec v e') (varToCoreExpr v)

-- | @body@ ==> @let v = e in body@
letNonRecIntroR :: String -> CoreExpr -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letNonRecIntroR nm e = prefixFailMsg "Let-introduction failed: " $
     contextfreeT $ \ body -> do let tyk = exprKindOrType e
                                 v <- if | isTypeArg e  -> newTyVarH nm tyk
                                         | isCoArg e    -> newCoVarH nm tyk
                                         | otherwise    -> newIdH nm tyk
                                 return $ Let (NonRec v e) body

-- This isn't a "Let", but it's serving the same role.  Maybe create a Local/Prog module?

-- | @prog@ ==> @'ProgCons' (v = e) prog@
progNonRecIntroR :: String -> CoreExpr -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreProg
progNonRecIntroR nm e = prefixFailMsg "Top-level binding introduction failed: " $
  do guardMsg (not $ isTyCoArg e) "Top-level type or coercion definitions are prohibited."
     contextfreeT $ \ prog -> do i <- newIdH nm (exprType e)
                                 return $ ProgCons (NonRec i e) prog

-- | nonRecIntroR nm e = 'letNonRecIntroR nm e' <+ 'progNonRecIntroR nm e'
nonRecIntroR :: String -> CoreExpr -> Rewrite c HermitM Core
nonRecIntroR nm e = readerT $ \case
                      ExprCore{} -> promoteExprR (letNonRecIntroR nm e)
                      ProgCore{} -> promoteProgR (progNonRecIntroR nm e)
                      _          -> fail "can only introduce non-recursive bindings at Program or Expression nodes."

-- | Introduce a local definition for a (possibly imported) identifier.
-- Rewrites occurences of the identifier to point to this new local definiton.
letIntroUnfoldingR :: (BoundVars c, ReadBindings c) => String -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
letIntroUnfoldingR nm = do
    i <- findIdT nm
    (rhs,_) <- getUnfoldingT AllBinders <<< return i
    contextfreeT $ \ body -> do
        i' <- cloneVarH id i
        let subst = substCoreExpr i (varToCoreExpr i')
            bnd = if i `elemUFM` freeVarsExpr rhs then Rec [(i', subst rhs)]
                                                  else NonRec i' rhs
            body' = subst body
        return $ mkCoreLet bnd body'