{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, InstanceSigs,
             ScopedTypeVariables, TupleSections, TypeFamilies #-}

module HERMIT.Dictionary.Reasoning
    ( -- * Equational Reasoning
    , CoreExprEquality(..)
    , RewriteCoreExprEqualityBox(..)
    , TransformCoreExprEqualityStringBox(..)
    , CoreExprEqualityProof
    , flipCoreExprEquality
    , eqLhsIntroR
    , eqRhsIntroR
    , birewrite
    , extensionalityR
    -- ** Lifting transformations over 'CoreExprEquality'
    , lhsT
    , rhsT
    , bothT
    , forallVarsT
    , lhsR
    , rhsR
    , bothR
    , ppCoreExprEqualityT
    , proveCoreExprEqualityT
    , verifyCoreExprEqualityT
    , verifyEqualityLeftToRightT
    , verifyEqualityCommonTargetT
    , verifyIsomorphismT
    , verifyRetractionT
    , retractionBR
    , alphaEqualityR
    , unshadowEqualityR
    , instantiateDictsR
    , instantiateEquality
    , instantiateEqualityVar
    , instantiateEqualityVarR
    , discardUniVars
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class

import Data.List (nubBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Typeable

import HERMIT.Context
import HERMIT.Core
import HERMIT.External
import HERMIT.Kure
import HERMIT.Monad
import HERMIT.ParserCore
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
import HERMIT.ParserType
import HERMIT.Utilities

import HERMIT.Dictionary.AlphaConversion hiding (externals)
import HERMIT.Dictionary.Common
import HERMIT.Dictionary.Fold hiding (externals)
import HERMIT.Dictionary.GHC hiding (externals)
import HERMIT.Dictionary.Local.Let (nonRecIntroR)
import HERMIT.Dictionary.Unfold hiding (externals)

import HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Common

import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.MarkedHughesPJ as PP


externals :: [External]
externals =
    [ external "retraction" ((\ f g r -> promoteExprBiR $ retraction (Just r) f g) :: CoreString -> CoreString -> RewriteH Core -> BiRewriteH Core)
        [ "Given f :: X -> Y and g :: Y -> X, and a proof that f (g y) ==> y, then"
        , "f (g y) <==> y."
        ] .+ Shallow
    , external "retraction-unsafe" ((\ f g -> promoteExprBiR $ retraction Nothing f g) :: CoreString -> CoreString -> BiRewriteH Core)
        [ "Given f :: X -> Y and g :: Y -> X, then"
        , "f (g y) <==> y."
        , "Note that the precondition (f (g y) == y) is expected to hold."
        ] .+ Shallow .+ PreCondition
    , external "alpha-equality" ((\ nm newName -> alphaEqualityR (cmpString2Var nm) (const newName)))
        [ "Alpha-rename a universally quantified variable." ]
    , external "unshadow-equality" unshadowEqualityR
        [ "Unshadow an equality." ]


-- | An equality is represented as a set of universally quantified binders, and then the LHS and RHS of the equality.
data CoreExprEquality = CoreExprEquality [CoreBndr] CoreExpr CoreExpr

data RewriteCoreExprEqualityBox =
        RewriteCoreExprEqualityBox (RewriteH CoreExprEquality) deriving Typeable

instance Extern (RewriteH CoreExprEquality) where
    type Box (RewriteH CoreExprEquality) = RewriteCoreExprEqualityBox
    box = RewriteCoreExprEqualityBox
    unbox (RewriteCoreExprEqualityBox r) = r

data TransformCoreExprEqualityStringBox =
        TransformCoreExprEqualityStringBox (TransformH CoreExprEquality String) deriving Typeable

instance Extern (TransformH CoreExprEquality String) where
    type Box (TransformH CoreExprEquality String) = TransformCoreExprEqualityStringBox
    box = TransformCoreExprEqualityStringBox
    unbox (TransformCoreExprEqualityStringBox t) = t

type CoreExprEqualityProof c m = (Rewrite c m CoreExpr, Rewrite c m CoreExpr)

-- | Flip the LHS and RHS of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
flipCoreExprEquality :: CoreExprEquality -> CoreExprEquality
flipCoreExprEquality (CoreExprEquality xs lhs rhs) = CoreExprEquality xs rhs lhs

-- | f == g  ==>  forall x.  f x == g x
extensionalityR :: Maybe String -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExprEquality
extensionalityR mn = prefixFailMsg "extensionality failed: " $
  do CoreExprEquality vs lhs rhs <- idR

     let tyL = exprKindOrType lhs
         tyR = exprKindOrType rhs
     guardMsg (tyL `typeAlphaEq` tyR) "type mismatch between sides of equality.  This shouldn't happen, so is probably a bug."

     -- TODO: use the fresh-name-generator in AlphaConversion to avoid shadowing.
     (argTy,_) <- splitFunTypeM tyL
     v <- constT $ newVarH (fromMaybe "x" mn) argTy

     let x = varToCoreExpr v

     return $ CoreExprEquality (vs ++ [v])
                               (mkCoreApp lhs x)
                               (mkCoreApp rhs x)


-- | @e@ ==> @let v = lhs in e@
eqLhsIntroR :: CoreExprEquality -> Rewrite c HermitM Core
eqLhsIntroR (CoreExprEquality bs lhs _) = nonRecIntroR "lhs" (mkCoreLams bs lhs)

-- | @e@ ==> @let v = rhs in e@
eqRhsIntroR :: CoreExprEquality -> Rewrite c HermitM Core
eqRhsIntroR (CoreExprEquality bs _ rhs) = nonRecIntroR "rhs" (mkCoreLams bs rhs)


-- | Create a 'BiRewrite' from a 'CoreExprEquality'.
-- The high level idea: create a temporary function with two definitions.
-- Fold one of the defintions, then immediately unfold the other.
birewrite :: (AddBindings c, ReadBindings c, ExtendPath c Crumb, ReadPath c Crumb, HasEmptyContext c) => CoreExprEquality -> BiRewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
birewrite (CoreExprEquality bnds l r) = bidirectional (foldUnfold l r) (foldUnfold r l)
    where foldUnfold lhs rhs = transform $ \ c e -> do
            let lhsLam = mkCoreLams bnds lhs
            -- we use a unique, transitory variable for the 'function' we are folding
            v <- newIdH "biTemp" (exprType lhsLam)
            e' <- maybe (fail "folding LHS failed") return (fold v lhsLam e)
            let rhsLam = mkCoreLams bnds rhs
                -- create a temporary context with an unfolding for the
                -- transitory function so we can reuse unfoldR.
                c' = addHermitBindings [(v, NONREC rhsLam, mempty)] c
            apply unfoldR c' e'

-- | Lift a transformation over 'CoreExpr' into a transformation over the left-hand side of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
lhsT :: (AddBindings c, Monad m, ReadPath c Crumb) => Transform c m CoreExpr b -> Transform c m CoreExprEquality b
lhsT t = idR >>= \ (CoreExprEquality vs lhs _) -> return lhs >>> withVarsInScope vs t

-- | Lift a transformation over 'CoreExpr' into a transformation over the right-hand side of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
rhsT :: (AddBindings c, Monad m, ReadPath c Crumb) => Transform c m CoreExpr b -> Transform c m CoreExprEquality b
rhsT t = idR >>= \ (CoreExprEquality vs _ rhs) -> return rhs >>> withVarsInScope vs t

-- | Lift a transformation over 'CoreExpr' into a transformation over both sides of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
bothT :: (AddBindings c, Monad m, ReadPath c Crumb) => Transform c m CoreExpr b -> Transform c m CoreExprEquality (b,b)
bothT t = liftM2 (,) (lhsT t) (rhsT t) -- Can't wait for Applicative to be a superclass of Monad

-- | Lift a transformation over '[Var]' into a transformation over the universally quantified variables of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
forallVarsT :: Monad m => Transform c m [Var] b -> Transform c m CoreExprEquality b
forallVarsT t = idR >>= \ (CoreExprEquality vs _ _) -> return vs >>> t

-- | Lift a rewrite over 'CoreExpr' into a rewrite over the left-hand side of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
lhsR :: (AddBindings c, Monad m, ReadPath c Crumb) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr -> Rewrite c m CoreExprEquality
lhsR r = do
    CoreExprEquality vs lhs rhs <- idR
    lhs' <- withVarsInScope vs r <<< return lhs
    return $ CoreExprEquality vs lhs' rhs

-- | Lift a rewrite over 'CoreExpr' into a rewrite over the right-hand side of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
rhsR :: (AddBindings c, Monad m, ReadPath c Crumb) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr -> Rewrite c m CoreExprEquality
rhsR r = do
    CoreExprEquality vs lhs rhs <- idR
    rhs' <- withVarsInScope vs r <<< return rhs
    return $ CoreExprEquality vs lhs rhs'

-- | Lift a rewrite over 'CoreExpr' into a rewrite over both sides of a 'CoreExprEquality'.
bothR :: (AddBindings c, MonadCatch m, ReadPath c Crumb) => Rewrite c m CoreExpr -> Rewrite c m CoreExprEquality
bothR r = lhsR r >+> rhsR r


ppCoreExprEqualityT :: PrettyPrinter -> TransformH CoreExprEquality DocH
ppCoreExprEqualityT pp = do
    let pos = pOptions pp
    d1 <- forallVarsT (liftPrettyH pos $ pForall pp)
    (d2,d3) <- bothT (liftPrettyH pos $ extractT $ pCoreTC pp)
    return $ PP.sep [d1,d2,syntaxColor (PP.text "="),d3]


-- Idea: use Haskell's functions to fill the holes automagically
-- plusId <- findIdT "+"
-- timesId <- findIdT "*"
-- mkEquality $ \ x -> ( mkCoreApps (Var plusId)  [x,x]
--                     , mkCoreApps (Var timesId) [Lit 2, x])
-- TODO: need to know type of 'x' to generate a variable.
class BuildEquality a where
    mkEquality :: a -> HermitM CoreExprEquality

instance BuildEquality (CoreExpr,CoreExpr) where
    mkEquality :: (CoreExpr,CoreExpr) -> HermitM CoreExprEquality
    mkEquality (lhs,rhs) = return $ CoreExprEquality [] lhs rhs

instance BuildEquality a => BuildEquality (CoreExpr -> a) where
    mkEquality :: (CoreExpr -> a) -> HermitM CoreExprEquality
    mkEquality f = do
        x <- newIdH "x" (error "need to create a type")
        CoreExprEquality bnds lhs rhs <- mkEquality (f (varToCoreExpr x))
        return $ CoreExprEquality (x:bnds) lhs rhs


-- | Verify that a 'CoreExprEquality' holds, by applying a rewrite to each side, and checking that the results are equal.
proveCoreExprEqualityT :: forall c m. (AddBindings c, Monad m, ReadPath c Crumb)
                        => CoreExprEqualityProof c m -> Transform c m CoreExprEquality ()
proveCoreExprEqualityT (l,r) = lhsR l >>> rhsR r >>> verifyCoreExprEqualityT

-- | Verify that the left- and right-hand sides of a 'CoreExprEquality' are alpha equivalent.
verifyCoreExprEqualityT :: Monad m => Transform c m CoreExprEquality ()
verifyCoreExprEqualityT = do
    CoreExprEquality _ lhs rhs <- idR
    guardMsg (exprAlphaEq lhs rhs) "the two sides of the equality do not match."


-- TODO: are these other functions used? If so, can they be rewritten in terms of lhsR and rhsR as above?

-- | Given two expressions, and a rewrite from the former to the latter, verify that rewrite.
verifyEqualityLeftToRightT :: MonadCatch m => CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Rewrite c m CoreExpr -> Transform c m a ()
verifyEqualityLeftToRightT sourceExpr targetExpr r =
  prefixFailMsg "equality verification failed: " $
  do resultExpr <- r <<< return sourceExpr
     guardMsg (exprAlphaEq targetExpr resultExpr) "result of running proof on lhs of equality does not match rhs of equality."

-- | Given two expressions, and a rewrite to apply to each, verify that the resulting expressions are equal.
verifyEqualityCommonTargetT :: MonadCatch m => CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExprEqualityProof c m -> Transform c m a ()
verifyEqualityCommonTargetT lhs rhs (l,r) =
  prefixFailMsg "equality verification failed: " $
  do lhsResult <- l <<< return lhs
     rhsResult <- r <<< return rhs
     guardMsg (exprAlphaEq lhsResult rhsResult) "results of running proofs on both sides of equality do not match."


-- Note: We use global Ids for verification to avoid out-of-scope errors.

-- | Given f :: X -> Y and g :: Y -> X, verify that f (g y) ==> y and g (f x) ==> x.
verifyIsomorphismT :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr -> Transform c HermitM a ()
verifyIsomorphismT f g fgR gfR = prefixFailMsg "Isomorphism verification failed: " $
   do (tyX, tyY) <- funExprsWithInverseTypes f g
      x          <- constT (newGlobalIdH "x" tyX)
      y          <- constT (newGlobalIdH "y" tyY)
      verifyEqualityLeftToRightT (App f (App g (Var y))) (Var y) fgR
      verifyEqualityLeftToRightT (App g (App f (Var x))) (Var x) gfR

-- | Given f :: X -> Y and g :: Y -> X, verify that f (g y) ==> y.
verifyRetractionT :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr -> Transform c HermitM a ()
verifyRetractionT f g r = prefixFailMsg "Retraction verification failed: " $
   do (_tyX, tyY) <- funExprsWithInverseTypes f g
      y           <- constT (newGlobalIdH "y" tyY)
      let lhs = App f (App g (Var y))
          rhs = Var y
      verifyEqualityLeftToRightT lhs rhs r


-- | Given f :: X -> Y and g :: Y -> X, and a proof that f (g y) ==> y, then f (g y) <==> y.
retractionBR :: forall c. Maybe (Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr) -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> BiRewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
retractionBR mr f g = beforeBiR
                         (prefixFailMsg "Retraction failed: " $
                          do whenJust (verifyRetractionT f g) mr
                             y        <- idR
                             (_, tyY) <- funExprsWithInverseTypes f g
                             guardMsg (exprKindOrType y `typeAlphaEq` tyY) "type of expression does not match given retraction components."
                             return y
                         (\ y -> bidirectional
                                   (return $ App f (App g y))
    retractionL :: Rewrite c HermitM CoreExpr
    retractionL =  prefixFailMsg "Retraction failed: " $
                   withPatFailMsg (wrongExprForm "App f (App g y)") $
      do App f' (App g' y) <- idR
         guardMsg (exprAlphaEq f f' && exprAlphaEq g g') "given retraction components do not match current expression."
         return y

-- | Given @f :: X -> Y@ and @g :: Y -> X@, and a proof that @f (g y)@ ==> @y@, then @f (g y)@ <==> @y@.
retraction :: Maybe (RewriteH Core) -> CoreString -> CoreString -> BiRewriteH CoreExpr
retraction mr = parse2beforeBiR (retractionBR (extractR <$> mr))


-- TODO: revisit this for binder re-ordering issue
instantiateDictsR :: RewriteH CoreExprEquality
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
instantiateDictsR = prefixFailMsg "Dictionary instantiation failed: " $ do
    bs <- forallVarsT idR
    let dArgs = filter (\b -> isId b && isDictTy (varType b)) bs
        uniqDs = nubBy (\ b1 b2 -> eqType (varType b1) (varType b2)) dArgs
    guardMsg (not (null uniqDs)) "no universally quantified dictionaries can be instantiated."
    ds <- forM uniqDs $ \ b -> constT $ do
            guts <- getModGuts
            (i,bnds) <- liftCoreM $ buildDictionary guts b
            let dExpr = case bnds of
                            [NonRec v e] | i == v -> e -- the common case that we would have gotten a single non-recursive let
                            _ -> mkCoreLets bnds (varToCoreExpr i)
                new = varSetElems $ delVarSetList (localFreeVarsExpr dExpr) bs
            return (b,dExpr,new)
    let buildSubst :: Monad m => Var -> m (Var, CoreExpr, [Var])
        buildSubst b = case [ (b,e,[]) | (b',e,_) <- ds, eqType (varType b) (varType b') ] of
                        [] -> fail "cannot find equivalent dictionary expression (impossible!)"
                        [t] -> return t
                        _   -> fail "multiple dictionary expressions found (impossible!)"
        lookup3 :: Var -> [(Var,CoreExpr,[Var])] -> (Var,CoreExpr,[Var])
        lookup3 v l = head [ t | t@(v',_,_) <- l, v == v' ]
    allDs <- forM dArgs $ \ b -> constT $ do
                if b `elem` uniqDs
                then return $ lookup3 b ds
                else buildSubst b
    contextfreeT $ instantiateEquality allDs
instantiateDictsR = fail "Dictionaries cannot be instantiated in GHC 7.6"


alphaEqualityR :: (Var -> Bool) -> (String -> String) -> RewriteH CoreExprEquality
alphaEqualityR p f = prefixFailMsg "Alpha-renaming binder in equality failed: " $ do
    CoreExprEquality bs lhs rhs <- idR
    guardMsg (any p bs) "specified variable is not universally quantified."

    let (bs',i:vs) = break p bs -- this is safe because we know i is in bs
    i' <- constT $ cloneVarH f i

    let inS           = delVarSetList (unionVarSets (map localFreeVarsExpr [lhs, rhs] ++ map freeVarsVar vs)) (i:i':vs)
        subst         = extendSubst (mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSet inS)) i (varToCoreExpr i')
        (subst', vs') = substBndrs subst vs
        lhs'          = substExpr (text "coreExprEquality-lhs") subst' lhs
        rhs'          = substExpr (text "coreExprEquality-rhs") subst' rhs
    return $ CoreExprEquality (bs'++(i':vs')) lhs' rhs'

unshadowEqualityR :: RewriteH CoreExprEquality
unshadowEqualityR = prefixFailMsg "Unshadowing equality failed: " $ do
    c@(CoreExprEquality bs _ _) <- idR
    bvs <- boundVarsT
    let visible = unionVarSets [bvs , freeVarsEquality c]
    ss <- varSetElems <$> detectShadowsM bs visible
    guardMsg (not (null ss)) "no shadows to eliminate."
    let f = freshNameGenAvoiding Nothing . extendVarSet visible
    andR [ alphaEqualityR (==s) (f s) | s <- reverse ss ] >>> bothR (tryR unshadowExprR)

freeVarsEquality :: CoreExprEquality -> VarSet
freeVarsEquality (CoreExprEquality bs lhs rhs) =
    delVarSetList (unionVarSets (map freeVarsExpr [lhs,rhs])) bs


instantiateEqualityVarR :: (Var -> Bool) -> CoreString -> RewriteH CoreExprEquality
instantiateEqualityVarR p cs = prefixFailMsg "instantiation failed: " $ do
    bs <- forallVarsT idR
    (e,new) <- case filter p bs of
                [] -> fail "no universally quantified variables match predicate."
                (b:_) | isId b    -> let (before,_) = break (==b) bs
                                     in liftM (,[]) $ withVarsInScope before $ parseCoreExprT cs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
                      | otherwise -> do let (before,_) = break (==b) bs
                                        (ty, tvs) <- withVarsInScope before $ parseTypeWithHolesT cs
                                        return (Type ty, tvs)
                      | otherwise -> fail "cannot instantiate type binders in GHC 7.6"
    eq <- contextfreeT $ instantiateEqualityVar p e new
    (_,_) <- return eq >>> bothT lintExprT -- sanity check
    return eq

-- | Instantiate one of the universally quantified variables in a 'CoreExprEquality'.
-- Note: assumes implicit ordering of variables, such that substitution happens to the right
-- as it does in case alternatives. Only first variable that matches predicate is
-- instantiated.
instantiateEqualityVar :: MonadIO m => (Var -> Bool) -- predicate to select var
                                    -> CoreExpr      -- expression to instantiate with
                                    -> [Var]         -- new binders to add in place of var
                                    -> CoreExprEquality -> m CoreExprEquality
instantiateEqualityVar p e new (CoreExprEquality bs lhs rhs)
    | not (any p bs) = fail "specified variable is not universally quantified."
    | otherwise = do
        let (bs',i:vs) = break p bs -- this is safe because we know i is in bs
            tyVars    = filter isTyVar bs'
            failMsg   = fail "type of provided expression differs from selected binder."

            -- unifyTypes will give back mappings from a TyVar to itself
            -- we don't want to do these instantiations, or else variables
            -- become unbound
            dropSelfSubst :: [(TyVar, Type)] -> [(TyVar,Type)]
            dropSelfSubst ps = [ (v,t) | (v,t) <- ps, case t of
                                                        TyVarTy v' | v' == v -> False
                                                        _ -> True ]
        tvs <- maybe failMsg (return . tyMatchesToCoreExpr . dropSelfSubst)
                $ unifyTypes tyVars (varType i) (exprKindOrType e)

        let inS           = delVarSetList (unionVarSets (map localFreeVarsExpr [lhs, rhs, e] ++ map freeVarsVar vs)) (i:vs)
            subst         = extendSubst (mkEmptySubst (mkInScopeSet inS)) i e
            (subst', vs') = substBndrs subst vs
            lhs'          = substExpr (text "coreExprEquality-lhs") subst' lhs
            rhs'          = substExpr (text "coreExprEquality-rhs") subst' rhs
        instantiateEquality (noAdds tvs) $ CoreExprEquality (bs'++new++vs') lhs' rhs'

noAdds :: [(Var,CoreExpr)] -> [(Var,CoreExpr,[Var])]
noAdds ps = [ (v,e,[]) | (v,e) <- ps ]

-- | Instantiate a set of universally quantified variables in a 'CoreExprEquality'.
-- It is important that all type variables appear before any value-level variables in the first argument.
instantiateEquality :: MonadIO m => [(Var,CoreExpr,[Var])] -> CoreExprEquality -> m CoreExprEquality
instantiateEquality = flip (foldM (\ eq (v,e,vs) -> instantiateEqualityVar (==v) e vs eq)) . reverse
-- foldM is a left-to-right fold, so the reverse is important to do substitutions in reverse order
-- which is what we want (all value variables should be instantiated before type variables).


discardUniVars :: CoreExprEquality -> CoreExprEquality
discardUniVars (CoreExprEquality _ lhs rhs) = CoreExprEquality [] lhs rhs