{-# LANGUAGE CPP, FlexibleContexts #-}
module HERMIT.Plugin.Renderer where

import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.List (isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf)
import Data.Monoid

import HERMIT.Dictionary (traceR)
import HERMIT.Kure
import HERMIT.Plugin.Types
import HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Common
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import HERMIT.Win32.IO (hPutStr, hPutStrLn)

import System.Console.ANSI
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.IO hiding (hPutStr, hPutStrLn)
import System.IO
import System.IO.Temp
import System.Process

changeRenderer :: String -> PluginM ()
changeRenderer renderer = modify $ \ st ->
        case lookup renderer shellRenderers of
          Nothing -> st          -- TODO: should fail with message
          Just r  -> st { ps_render = r }

shellRenderers :: [(String,Handle -> PrettyOptions -> Either String DocH -> IO ())]
shellRenderers = [ ("unicode-terminal", unicodeConsole) ]
              ++ [ (nm, \ h opts -> either (hPutStr h) (hPutStr h . fn opts)) | (nm,fn) <- coreRenders ]


newtype UnicodeTerminal = UnicodeTerminal (Handle -> Maybe PathH -> IO ())

instance RenderSpecial UnicodeTerminal where
        renderSpecial sym = UnicodeTerminal $ \ h _ -> hPutStr h [ch]
                where (Unicode ch) = renderSpecial sym

instance Monoid UnicodeTerminal where
        mempty = UnicodeTerminal $ \ _ _ -> return ()
        mappend (UnicodeTerminal f1) (UnicodeTerminal f2) = UnicodeTerminal $ \ h p -> f1 h p >> f2 h p

unicodeConsole :: Handle -> PrettyOptions -> Either String DocH -> IO ()
unicodeConsole h _    (Left str)  = hPutStr h str
unicodeConsole h opts (Right doc) = let UnicodeTerminal r = renderCode opts doc
                                     in r h $ po_focus opts

doSGR :: [SGR] -> UnicodeTerminal
doSGR cmds = UnicodeTerminal $ \ h _ -> hSetSGR h cmds

undoSGRWith :: [SGR] -> [Attr] -> UnicodeTerminal
undoSGRWith cmds stk = doSGR cmds `mappend` rDoHighlight Nothing stk

setHighlight :: PathH -> Handle -> Maybe PathH -> IO ()
setHighlight _ _ Nothing   = return ()
setHighlight p h (Just fp) = hSetSGR h (if fp `isPrefixOf` p then [ SetUnderlining SingleUnderline ] else [ Reset ])

instance RenderCode UnicodeTerminal where
        rPutStr txt  = UnicodeTerminal $ \ h _ -> hPutStr h txt

        -- TODO: if we want an inplace CLI... rStart = UnicodeTerminal $ \ h _ -> hClearScreen h >> hSetCursorPosition h 0 0
        rEnd = UnicodeTerminal $ \ h _ -> hSetSGR h [ Reset ] >> hPutStrLn h ""

        -- anything that doesn't just change the foreground color needs to end itself cleanly
        rDoHighlight (Just (Color KeywordColor)) stk = undoSGRWith [SetConsoleIntensity NormalIntensity] stk
        rDoHighlight (Just (Color WarningColor)) stk = undoSGRWith [SetSwapForegroundBackground False] stk
        rDoHighlight _ [] = doSGR [ Reset ]
        rDoHighlight _ (Color col:_) =
            doSGR $ case col of
                        KeywordColor  -> [ SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity
                                         , SetColor Foreground Dull Blue
                        SyntaxColor   -> [ SetColor Foreground Dull Red ]
                        IdColor       -> [] -- equivalent to Reset
                        CoercionColor -> [ SetColor Foreground Dull Yellow ]
                        TypeColor     -> [ SetColor Foreground Dull Green ]
                        LitColor      -> [ SetColor Foreground Dull Cyan ]
                        WarningColor  -> [ SetSwapForegroundBackground True, SetColor Foreground Vivid Yellow ]
-- TODO: enable        rDoHighlight _ (PathAttr p:_) = UnicodeTerminal $ setHighlight $ snocPathToPath p
        rDoHighlight o (_:rest) = rDoHighlight o rest


-- TODO: this should be in PrettyPrinter.Common, but is here because it relies on
--       unicodeConsole to get nice colored diffs. We can either switch to straight unicode
--       renderer and give up on color, or come up with a clever solution.
diffDocH :: (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m) => PrettyPrinter -> DocH -> DocH -> m String
diffDocH pp doc1 doc2 =
    liftAndCatchIO $
        withSystemTempFile "A.dump" $ \ fp1 h1 ->
            withSystemTempFile "B.dump" $ \ fp2 h2 ->
                withSystemTempFile "AB.diff" $ \ fp3 h3 -> do
                    let opts = pOptions pp
                    unicodeConsole h1 opts (Right doc1)
                    hFlush h1
                    unicodeConsole h2 opts (Right doc2)
                    hFlush h2
                    let cmd = unwords ["diff", "-b", "-U 5", fp1, fp2]
                        p = (shell cmd) { std_out = UseHandle h3 , std_err = UseHandle h3 }
                    (_,_,_,h) <- createProcess p
                    _ <- waitForProcess h
                    res <- readFile fp3
                    -- strip out some of the diff lines
                    return $ unlines [ l | l <- lines res, not (fp1 `isInfixOf` l || fp2 `isInfixOf` l)
                                                         , not ("@@" `isPrefixOf` l && "@@" `isSuffixOf` l) ]

-- TODO: again this should be elsewhere, but is here because diffDocH is here.
diffR :: Injection a CoreTC => PrettyPrinter -> String -> RewriteH a -> RewriteH a
diffR pp msg rr = do
    let ppT = extractT $ liftPrettyH (pOptions pp) (pCoreTC pp)
        runDiff b a = do
            doc1 <- return b >>> ppT
            doc2 <- return a >>> ppT
            r <- diffDocH pp doc1 doc2
            return a >>> traceR (msg ++ " diff:\n" ++ r)

    -- Be careful to only run the rr once, in case it has side effects.
    (e,r) <- idR &&& attemptM rr
    either fail (runDiff e) r