{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, CPP, FlexibleContexts, GADTs, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}

module HERMIT.Shell.Command
    ( -- * The HERMIT Command-line Shell
    , interpShellCommand
    , unicodeConsole
    , diffDocH
    , diffR
      -- ** Exported for hermit-web
    , performQuery
    , cl_kernel_env
    , getFocusPath
    , shellComplete
    , evalScript
    ) where

import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Char
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, partition)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid

import HERMIT.Context
import HERMIT.External
import qualified HERMIT.GHC as GHC
import HERMIT.Kernel.Scoped hiding (abortS, resumeS)
import HERMIT.Kure
import HERMIT.Parser

import HERMIT.Plugin.Display
import HERMIT.Plugin.Renderer

import HERMIT.PrettyPrinter.Common

import HERMIT.Shell.Completion
import HERMIT.Shell.Externals
import HERMIT.Shell.Interpreter
import HERMIT.Shell.KernelEffect
import HERMIT.Shell.Proof
import HERMIT.Shell.ScriptToRewrite
import HERMIT.Shell.ShellEffect
import HERMIT.Shell.Types

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
import HERMIT.Win32.Console

import System.IO

-- import System.Console.ANSI
import System.Console.Haskeline hiding (catch, display)


banner :: String
banner = unlines
    [ "===================== Welcome to HERMIT ======================"
    , "HERMIT is a toolkit for the interactive transformation of GHC"
    , "core language programs. Documentation on HERMIT can be found"
    , "on the HERMIT web page at:"
    , "http://www.ittc.ku.edu/csdl/fpg/software/hermit.html"
    , ""
    , "You have just loaded the interactive shell. To exit, type "
    , "\"abort\" or \"resume\" to abort or resume GHC compilation."
    , ""
    , "Type \"help\" for instructions on how to list or search the"
    , "available HERMIT commands."
    , ""
    , "To get started, you could try the following:"
    , "  - type \"binding-of 'foo\", where \"foo\" is a function"
    , "    defined in the module;"
    , "  - type \"set-pp-type Show\" to display full type information;"
    , "  - type \"info\" for more information about the current node;"
    , "  - to descend into a child node, type the name of the child"
    , "    (\"info\" includes a list of children of the current node);"
    , "  - to ascend, use the \"up\" command;"
    , "  - type \"log\" to display an activity log."
    , "=============================================================="

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
cygwinWarning :: String
cygwinWarning = unlines
    [ "WARNING: HERMIT invoked in a Unix-like shell such as Cygwin."
    , "Cygwin does not handle Ctrl-C or tab completion well in some"
    , "Haskell executables. It is recommended that you use a native"
    , "Windows console (such as cmd.exe or PowerShell) instead."

-- | The first argument includes a list of files to load.
commandLine :: forall m. (MonadCatch m, MonadException m, CLMonad m)
            => [Interp m ()] -> [GHC.CommandLineOption] -> [External] -> m ()
commandLine intp opts exts = do
    let (flags, filesToLoad) = partition (isPrefixOf "-") opts
        ws_complete = " ()"

    modify $ \ st -> st { cl_externals = shell_externals ++ exts }

    let loop :: InputT m ()
        loop = do
            st <- lift get
            let SAST n = cl_cursor st
            mLine <- if cl_nav st
                     then liftIO getNavCmd
                     else getInputLine $ "hermit<" ++ show n ++ "> "

            case mLine of
                Nothing          -> lift $ performShellEffect Resume
                Just ('-':'-':_) -> loop
                Just line        -> if all isSpace line
                                    then loop
                                    else lift (evalScript intp line `catchFailHard` cl_putStrLn) >> loop

    -- Display the banner
    if any (`elem` ["-v0", "-v1"]) flags
        then return ()
        else cl_putStrLn banner

#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
    isCyg <- liftIO isCygwinConsole
    if isCyg
        then cl_putStrLn cygwinWarning
        else return ()

    -- Load and run any scripts
    setRunningScript $ Just []
    sequence_ [ case fileName of
                 "abort"  -> performShellEffect Abort
                 "resume" -> performShellEffect Resume
                 _        -> performScriptEffect (runExprH intp) $ loadAndRun fileName
              | fileName <- reverse filesToLoad
              , not (null fileName)
              ] `catchFailHard` \ msg -> cl_putStrLn $ "Booting Failure: " ++ msg
    setRunningScript Nothing

    -- Start the CLI
    let settings = setComplete (completeWordWithPrev Nothing ws_complete shellComplete) defaultSettings
    runInputT settings loop

-- | Like 'catchM', but checks the 'cl_failhard' setting and does so if needed.
catchFailHard :: (MonadCatch m, CLMonad m) => m () -> (String -> m ()) -> m ()
catchFailHard m failure = catchM m $ \ msg -> ifM (gets cl_failhard) (performQuery Display (CmdName "display") >> cl_putStrLn msg >> abort) (failure msg)

evalScript :: (MonadCatch m, CLMonad m) => [Interp m ()] -> String -> m ()
evalScript intp = parseScriptCLT >=> mapM_ (runExprH intp)

runExprH :: (MonadCatch m, CLMonad m) => [Interp m ()] -> ExprH -> m ()
runExprH intp expr = prefixFailMsg ("Error in expression: " ++ unparseExprH expr ++ "\n") $ interpExprH intp expr

-- | Interpret a boxed thing as one of the four possible shell command types.
interpShellCommand :: (MonadCatch m, MonadException m, CLMonad m) => [Interp m ()]
interpShellCommand =
  [ interpEM $ \ (RewriteCoreBox rr)           -> applyRewrite rr
  , interpEM $ \ (RewriteCoreTCBox rr)         -> applyRewrite rr
  , interpEM $ \ (BiRewriteCoreBox br)         -> applyRewrite $ whicheverR br
  , interpEM $ \ (CrumbBox cr)                 -> setPath (return (mempty @@ cr) :: TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH)
  , interpEM $ \ (PathBox p)                   -> setPath (return p :: TransformH CoreTC LocalPathH)
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCorePathBox tt)     -> setPath tt
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCoreTCPathBox tt)   -> setPath tt
  , interpEM $ \ (StringBox str)               -> performQuery (message str)
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCoreStringBox tt)   -> performQuery (QueryString tt)
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCoreTCStringBox tt) -> performQuery (QueryString tt)
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCoreTCDocHBox tt)   -> performQuery (QueryDocH $ unTransformDocH tt)
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCoreCheckBox tt)    -> performQuery (CorrectnessCritera tt)
  , interpEM $ \ (TransformCoreTCCheckBox tt)  -> performQuery (CorrectnessCritera tt)
  , interpEM $ \ (effect :: KernelEffect)      -> flip performKernelEffect effect
  , interpM  $ \ (effect :: ShellEffect)       -> performShellEffect effect
  , interpM  $ \ (effect :: ScriptEffect)      -> performScriptEffect (runExprH interpShellCommand) effect
  , interpEM $ \ (query :: QueryFun)           -> performQuery query
  , interpM  $ \ (cmd :: ProofCommand)         -> performProofCommand cmd


-- TODO: This can be refactored. We always showWindow. Also, Perhaps return a modifier, not ()
--   UPDATE: Not true.  We don't always showWindow.
-- TODO: All of these should through an exception if they fail to execute the command as given.


getNavCmd :: IO (Maybe String)
getNavCmd = do
        b_in <- hGetBuffering stdin
        hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
        b_out <- hGetBuffering stdin
        hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
        ec_in <- hGetEcho stdin
        hSetEcho stdin False
        putStr "(navigation mode; use arrow keys, escape to quit, '?' for help)"
        r <- readCh []
        putStr "\n"
        hSetBuffering stdin b_in
        hSetBuffering stdout b_out
        hSetEcho stdin ec_in
        return r
   readCh xs = do
        x <- getChar
        let str = xs ++ [x]
        (fromMaybe reset $ lookup str cmds) str

   reset _ = do
        putStr "\BEL"
        readCh []

   res str _ = return (Just str)

   cmds = [ ("\ESC" , \ str -> ifM (hReady stdin)
                                   (readCh str)
                                   (return $ Just "command-line"))
          , ("\ESC[" , readCh)
          , ("\ESC[A", res "up")
          , ("\ESC[B", res "down")
          , ("\ESC[C", res "right")
          , ("\ESC[D", res "left")
          , ("?",      res "nav-commands")
          , ("f",      res "step")
          ] ++
          [ (show n, res (show n)) | n <- [0..9] :: [Int] ]