# Herm's ![Travis build](https://api.travis-ci.org/JackKiefer/herms.svg?branch=master) HeRM's: a Haskell-based Recipe Manager (yes, food recipes) for the command line. ![Herm's Interface](https://i.imgur.com/u9fPapw.jpg) ### Features - Add recipes! :) - Look at recipes! :D - Edit recipes! :DD - Serving size adjustment! :DDD - Remove recipes :( - View metric recipes in imperial units and vice-versa - Import recipe files - Generate shopping lists - Keep track of recipes with tags ### Installation Via Hackage: ``` cabal update cabal install herms ``` Manually cloning and installing from source: ``` git clone https://github.com/JackKiefer/herms cd herms cabal update cabal install -j ``` ### Usage ``` Usage: herms list [-g|--group] [--tags TAGS] list recipes [--name-only ] herms add add a new recipe (interactively) herms edit RECIPE_NAME edit a recipe herms import FILE_NAME import a recipe file herms remove RECIPE_NAMES remove the particular recipes herms view RECIPE_NAMES [-s|--serving INT] view the particular recipes [-t|--step] [-c|--convert CONV_UNIT] herms shopping RECIPE_NAMES [-s|--serving INT] generate shopping list for particular recipes Available options: -h|--help Show this help text RECIPE_NAME index or Recipe name --sort SORT_ORDER 'tags' to sort by tags -s|--serving INT specify serving size when viewing. E.g., 'herms view -s 2 {recipe}' for two servings -t|--step View recipe in "one-step-at-a-time" mode (press enter between each direction) -g|--group group recipes by tags --tags TAGS show recipes with particular flags --name-only only list recipes by name -c|--convert CONV_UNIT view the recipe converted to imperial or metric E.g., 'herms view 2 -c imperial' ``` In honor of Logan, Utah's greatest Breakfast & Brunch. ![Herm's Inn](https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Firs2.4sqi.net%2Fimg%2Fgeneral%2F600x600%2F803_DzmDgevV4Yw5OrVsh9c4iaE7Bx8aSA0AY7y4L5Um7Qg.jpg&f=1)