* initscr error handling (nullPtr) * stdscr debugging * [21:23] < ibid> why does it state that literate programming was born in 1992? it's at least a decade off afaik < Igloo> I gave the date of Knuth's book (1992) rather than the paper (1984) as I intended. Maybe 1982 would be a better date, though * [21:39] < pesco> Ah, a suggestion: Introduce the Data module in the Plan chapter along with all the other modules. * [21:40] < Igloo> On June 27th I had something that used ncurses and the FFI but didn't really have much code (and no docs). I must have finished that snapshot on the 16th July * < pesco> I think it would be good to have a part talk about the actual process of producing the literal program. < Igloo> Hmmm, I have my project writeup that does that < pesco> Project writeup? < Igloo> Haskell2LaTeX was my undergrad project < pesco> Oic. < Igloo> This is more frmo the point of view of the user of the literate system < pesco> In that case I'd suggest a reference to it from the Hetris source. < pesco> s/source/documentation/ < pesco> Where can I find Haskell2LaTeX if I want to use it myself? < Igloo> Ah, good point. I need to put it somewhere first though, and that sort of implies polishing it off :-) * < pesco> Hm, the type Vector might be kind of misleading, one is tempted to suspect it to be a pair of Ints. < Igloo> I don't like it either, but couldn't think of anything better < pesco> I realize you must have spent some time already looking for a better name. < pesco> And it's not wrong in the mathematical sense. But an explicit mention of the unusual meaning might be a good idea anyway. < Igloo> *nod* < pesco> Especially in respect to it being used to represent a position on a rectangular grid. < Igloo> Yeah :-) < pesco> That almost feels as if indeed a 2D-vector would be justified. * [22:02] < pesco> Why is the clock part of the UI? < Igloo> Which page are you looking at? < pesco> 6 < pesco> I stumbled over the Tick event. < Igloo> Does it mention the UI on page 6? < pesco> Not directly. It talks about the Event data type. < Igloo> I don't understand what you mean, then < pesco> Page 5 mentions the Event data type serving the purpose of communicating events from the UI to the Main module. < Igloo> Timeouts happen in the UI module because the way they are done is dependent on the particular interface < pesco> Yes, that's what I would have guessed. < Igloo> e.g. they use the ncurses "timeout" function in the concrete module here < pesco> But it's a system artifact which doesn't become appearent to the user from common sense. < pesco> Would be nice to be able to isolate it, but I'm afraid there's no nice way to do it. < Igloo> Oh, I see, the UI is mentioned at the bottom of page 5. Hmmm. * Explicit import lists * Storable/peek needs to be talked about. * stdscr can now be used. * Do error handling properly