module Text.XML.Expat.Namespaced
( NName (..)
, NNode
, NNodes
, NAttributes
, mkNName
, mkAnNName
, toNamespaced
, fromNamespaced
, xmlnsUri
, xmlns
) where
import Text.XML.Expat.Tree
import Text.XML.Expat.Qualified
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Maybe as DM
import qualified Data.List as L
data NName text =
NName {
nnNamespace :: Maybe text,
nnLocalPart :: !text
deriving (Eq,Show)
instance NFData text => NFData (NName text) where
rnf (NName ns loc) = rnf (ns, loc)
type NNodes text = Nodes (NName text) text
type NNode text = Node (NName text) text
type NAttributes text = Attributes (NName text) text
mkNName :: text -> text -> NName text
mkNName prefix localPart = NName (Just prefix) localPart
mkAnNName :: text -> NName text
mkAnNName localPart = NName Nothing localPart
type NsPrefixMap text = M.Map (Maybe text) (Maybe text)
type PrefixNsMap text = M.Map (Maybe text) (Maybe text)
xmlUri :: (GenericXMLString text) => text
xmlUri = gxFromString ""
xml :: (GenericXMLString text) => text
xml = gxFromString "xml"
xmlnsUri :: (GenericXMLString text) => text
xmlnsUri = gxFromString ""
xmlns :: (GenericXMLString text) => text
xmlns = gxFromString "xmlns"
baseNsBindings :: (GenericXMLString text, Ord text)
=> NsPrefixMap text
baseNsBindings = M.fromList
[ (Nothing, Nothing)
, (Just xml, Just xmlUri)
, (Just xmlns, Just xmlnsUri)
basePfBindings :: (GenericXMLString text, Ord text)
=> PrefixNsMap text
basePfBindings = M.fromList
[ (Nothing, Nothing)
, (Just xmlUri, Just xml)
, (Just xmlnsUri, Just xmlns)
toNamespaced :: (GenericXMLString text, Ord text, Show text)
=> QNode text -> NNode text
toNamespaced = nodeWithNamespaces baseNsBindings
nodeWithNamespaces :: (GenericXMLString text, Ord text, Show text)
=> NsPrefixMap text -> QNode text -> NNode text
nodeWithNamespaces _ (Text t) = Text t
nodeWithNamespaces bindings (Element qname qattrs qchildren) = Element nname nattrs nchildren
for = flip map
(nsAtts, otherAtts) = L.partition ((== Just xmlns) . qnPrefix . fst) qattrs
(dfAtt, normalAtts) = L.partition ((== QName Nothing xmlns) . fst) otherAtts
nsMap = M.fromList $ for nsAtts $ \((QName _ lp), uri) -> (Just lp, Just uri)
dfMap = M.fromList $ for dfAtt $ \q -> (Nothing, Just $ snd q)
chldBs = M.unions [dfMap, nsMap, bindings]
trans bs (QName pref qual) = case pref `M.lookup` bs of
Nothing -> error
$ "Namespace prefix referenced but never bound: '"
++ (show . DM.fromJust) pref
++ "'"
Just mUri -> NName mUri qual
nname = trans chldBs qname
attBs = M.insert Nothing (nnNamespace nname) chldBs
transAt (qn, v) = (trans attBs qn, v)
nNsAtts = map transAt nsAtts
nDfAtt = map transAt dfAtt
nNormalAtts = map transAt normalAtts
nattrs = concat [nNsAtts, nDfAtt, nNormalAtts]
nchildren = for qchildren $ nodeWithNamespaces chldBs
fromNamespaced :: (GenericXMLString text, Ord text) => NNode text -> QNode text
fromNamespaced = nodeWithQualifiers 1 basePfBindings
nodeWithQualifiers :: (GenericXMLString text, Ord text)
=> Int -> PrefixNsMap text -> NNode text -> QNode text
nodeWithQualifiers _ _ (Text text) = Text text
nodeWithQualifiers cntr bindings (Element nname nattrs nchildren) = Element qname qattrs qchildren
for = flip map
(nsAtts, otherAtts) = L.partition ((== Just xmlnsUri) . nnNamespace . fst) nattrs
(dfAtt, normalAtts) = L.partition ((== NName Nothing xmlns) . fst) otherAtts
nsMap = M.fromList $ for nsAtts $ \((NName _ lp), uri) -> (Just uri, Just lp)
dfMap = M.fromList $ for dfAtt $ \(_, uri) -> (Just uri, Just xmlns)
chldBs = M.unions [dfMap, nsMap, bindings]
trans (i, bs, as) (NName nspace qual) =
case nspace `M.lookup` bs of
Nothing -> let
pfx = gxFromString $ "ns" ++ show i
bs' = M.insert nspace (Just pfx) bs
as' = (NName (Just xmlnsUri) pfx, DM.fromJust nspace) : as
in trans (i+1, bs', as') (NName nspace qual)
Just pfx -> ((i, bs, as), QName pfx qual)
transAt ibs (nn, v) = let (ibs', qn) = trans ibs nn
in (ibs', (qn, v))
((i', bs', as'), qname) = trans (cntr, chldBs, []) nname
((i'', bs'', as''), qNsAtts) = L.mapAccumL transAt (i', bs', as') nsAtts
((i''', bs''', as'''), qDfAtt) = L.mapAccumL transAt (i'', bs'', as'') dfAtt
((i'''', bs'''', as''''), qNormalAtts) = L.mapAccumL transAt (i''', bs''', as''') normalAtts
(_, qas) = L.mapAccumL transAt (i'''', bs'''', as'''') as''''
qattrs = concat [qNsAtts, qDfAtt, qNormalAtts, qas]
qchildren = for nchildren $ nodeWithQualifiers i'''' bs''''