module Options ( Options , optAction , optPaths , parser ) where import qualified ExitCode import Types import Control.Applicative import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Options.Applicative.Builder import Options.Applicative.Common import Options.Applicative.Extra import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen as Leijen hiding ((<$>), (<>)) data Options = Options { optPrintDiffs :: Bool , optPrintSources :: Bool , optPrintFilePaths :: Bool , optWriteSources :: Bool , optPaths :: [FilePath] } optAction :: Options -> Action optAction options | optPrintDiffs options = PrintDiffs | optPrintFilePaths options = PrintFilePaths | optPrintSources options = PrintSources | optWriteSources options = WriteSources | optPaths options == ["-"] = PrintSources | otherwise = PrintDiffs optionParser :: Parser Options optionParser = Options <$> switch (long "print-diffs" <> short 'd' <> help "If a file's formatting is different, print a diff.") <*> switch (long "print-sources" <> short 's' <> hidden <> help "If a file's formatting is different, print its source.") <*> switch (long "print-paths" <> short 'l' <> hidden <> help "If a file's formatting is different, print its path.") <*> switch (long "write-sources" <> short 'w' <> hidden <> help "If a file's formatting is different, overwrite it.") <*> many pathOption where pathOption = strArgument (metavar "FILE" <> pathOptionHelp) pathOptionHelp = helpDoc $ Just $ text "Explicit paths to process." <> line <> unorderdedList " - " [ text "A single '-' will process standard input." , text "Files will be processed directly." , text "Directories will be recursively searched for source files to process." , text ".cabal files will be parsed and all specified source directories and files processed." , text "If no paths are given, the current directory will be searched for .cabal files to process, if none are found the current directory will be recursively searched for source files to process." ] unorderdedList :: String -> [Doc] -> Doc unorderdedList prefix = vsep . map ((text prefix <>) . align) optionParserInfo :: ParserInfo Options optionParserInfo = info (helper <*> optionParser) (fullDesc <> header "hfmt - Format Haskell programs" <> progDesc "Reformats Haskell source files by applying HLint, hindent, and stylish-haskell." <> footerDoc (Just ExitCode.helpDoc) <> failureCode ExitCode.operationalFailureCode) parser :: ParserInfo Options parser = optionParserInfo