{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, DefaultSignatures #-}

-- | Format string with named args
-- >-- Named args
-- >"My name is {name}, I am {age} years old" ~~ ("name" ~% "Joe") ~~ ("age" ~% 24) ≡ "My name is Joe, I am 24 years old"
-- >-- Arg can have default value
-- >"{var:x} = {val:10}" ~~ ("var" ~% y) ≡ "y = 10"
-- >-- Numeric position can be used
-- >"{0} {1} {0}" ~~ "foo" ~~ "bar" ≡ "foo bar foo"
-- >-- Positions can be omitted
-- >"{} {}" ~~ "foo" ~~ 10 ≡ "foo 10"
-- >-- Double braces to escape them
-- >"{} and {{}}" ~~ 10 ≡ "10 and {}"
module Text.Format (
	FormatArg(..), Format(..), Formatter(..),
	prebuild, build,
	FormatBuild(..), Hole(..), fmt, FormatResult(..),
	format, formats, (~~), (~%)
	) where

import Prelude.Unicode

import Control.Applicative
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text, unpack)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import Data.String
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP

data FormatArg = FormatNamed String Builder | FormatPos Builder

data Format = Format {
	formatString  String,
	formatArgs  [FormatArg] }

instance Show Format where
	show = unpack  prebuild

instance IsString Format where
	fromString str = Format str []

data Formatter = Formatter {
	formatter  Either String Int,
	formatterDefault  Maybe String }

instance Show Formatter where
	show (Formatter f def) = "{" ++ either id show f ++ maybe "" (':':) def ++ "}"

instance Read Formatter where
	readsPrec _ = readP_to_S $ between (char '{') (char '}') $ do
		n  munch1 ( ":}")
		v  option Nothing $ do
			_  char ':'
			v'  munch1 ( '}')
			return $ Just v'
		return $ Formatter (maybe (Left n) Right $ readMaybe n) v

prebuild  Format  Text
prebuild = buildFormat True

build  Format  Text
build = buildFormat False

buildFormat  Bool  Format  Text
buildFormat pre fstr = B.toLazyText $ mconcat $ build' 0 fstr where
	build'  Int  Format  [Builder]
	build' _ (Format "" _) = []
	build' i (Format ('{':'{':fstr') args) = B.singleton '{' : build' i (Format fstr' args)
	build' i (Format ('}':'}':fstr') args) = B.singleton '}' : build' i (Format fstr' args)
	build' i (Format ('{':'}':fstr') args) = formatArg' (Formatter (Right i) Nothing) args : build' (succ i) (Format fstr' args)
	build' i (Format ('{':fstr') args) = case reads ('{':fstr') of
		[]  error $ "Can't parse formatter at " ++ fstr'
		(f, fstr''):_  formatArg' f args : build' i (Format fstr'' args)
	build' i (Format fstr' args) = fromString s : build' i (Format fstr'' args) where
		(s, fstr'') = break ( "{}") fstr'
	formatArg'  Formatter  [FormatArg]  Builder
	formatArg' f@(Formatter (Left name) defVal) args
		| pre = fromMaybe (formatBuild f) lookArg
		| otherwise = fromMaybe (error $ "Argument " ++ name ++ " not set") (lookArg <|> fmap formatBuild defVal)
			lookArg = do
				FormatNamed _ fval  find byName args
				return fval
			byName (FormatNamed n _) = n  name
			byName _ = False
	formatArg' f@(Formatter (Right i) defVal) args
		| pre = fromMaybe (formatBuild f) lookIdx
		| otherwise = fromMaybe (error $ "Argument at index " ++ show i ++ " not set") (lookIdx <|> fmap formatBuild defVal)
			lookIdx = do
				FormatPos fval  listToMaybe $ drop i $ filter isPos args
				return fval
			isPos (FormatPos _) = True
			isPos _ = False

-- | FormatBuild class, by default using @show@
class FormatBuild a where
	formatBuild  a  Builder
	default formatBuild  Show a  a  Builder
	formatBuild = B.fromString  show

instance FormatBuild String where
	formatBuild = B.fromString

instance FormatBuild Char where
	formatBuild = B.singleton

instance FormatBuild Int
instance FormatBuild Integer
instance FormatBuild Double
instance FormatBuild Float
instance FormatBuild Bool

instance FormatBuild Text where
	formatBuild = B.fromLazyText

instance FormatBuild T.Text where
	formatBuild = B.fromText

instance FormatBuild Formatter where
	formatBuild = formatBuild  show

class Hole a where
	hole  a  [FormatArg]

instance Hole Builder where
	hole = return  FormatPos

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Hole FormatArg where
	hole = return

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Hole [FormatArg] where
	hole = id

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Hole [[FormatArg]] where
	hole = concat

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} FormatBuild a  Hole a where
	hole = return  FormatPos  formatBuild

fmt  FormatBuild a  a  FormatArg
fmt = FormatPos  formatBuild

class FormatResult r where
	formatResult  Format  r

instance FormatResult Format where
	formatResult = id

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} FormatResult Text where
	formatResult = build

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} IsString s  FormatResult s where
	formatResult = fromString  unpack  formatResult

format  FormatResult r  String  r
format = formatResult  fromString

formats  FormatResult r  String  [FormatArg]  r
formats f = formatResult  Format f

infixl 7 ~~

(~~)  (Hole a, FormatResult r)  Format  a  r
fstr ~~ arg = formatResult $ fstr { formatArgs = formatArgs fstr ++ hole arg }

infixr 8 ~%

(~%)  FormatBuild a  String  a  FormatArg
name ~% value = FormatNamed name (formatBuild value)