-- Please, see the file LICENSE for copyright and license information. > module HFusion.Internal.Messages where alg/Inline.lhs > inlineTerm_Variable_Not_Found = "inlineTermS: Couldn't find the variable." > termS_Not_Expected_Form = "The TermS is not an expected form." > constructor_withOut_Variables = "A constructor has been detected without an empty variable associated with it." > definition_Fault = "Fault in the function's definition" > reading_Fault = "Error while loading the function" interprete/SystemInterface.lhs > functions_Not_Found nombre1 nombre2 = ("The functions " ++ (show nombre1) ++ " and " ++ (show nombre2) ++ " couldn't be found.") > function_Not_Found nombre1 = "The function " ++ (show nombre1) ++ " couldn't be found." > not_Found nombre1 = (show nombre1) ++ " couldn't be found." > file_Not_Found filename = "The file " ++ (show filename) ++ " couldn't be found." > function_Not_Found_Either_File_AND_System nombre1 = "The function " ++ (show nombre1) ++ " couldn't be found neither in the file nor the system." > function_Not_Found_In_File nombre1 = "The function " ++ (show nombre1) ++ " couldn't be found in the system." > function_Not_Found_In_System nombre1 = "The function " ++ (show nombre1) ++ " couldn't be found in the system." > couldnt_Load = "Couldn't load the file." > comparation = "COMPARISON" > both_Defs_Are_Same_Function = "Both definitions corresponds to the same function." > defintions_Are_Diferent_Functions name inlineMon inlineFile = "The definition of " ++ (show name) ++ " in the file: \n\n " ++ (show inlineMon) ++ "\n and in the file the " ++ (show name) ++ " is defined as follows: \n\n " ++ (show inlineFile) > couldnt_Load_From_File filename = "Could not load the definitions from the file: " ++ filename > not_Found_Specified_Functions = "Some of those function couldn't be found." > directory_Not_Found directorio = "The directory " ++ directorio ++ " couldn't be found." > unknown_Error_While_Loading archivo = "Unknow error while loading the file: " ++ archivo ++ "." > comparation_All_Functinos = "COMPARISON OF THE FRAMEWORK FUNCTIONS" > everyDef_Is_Ok = "Every definition from the framework match with the definition recorded in the files.\n" > the_Diff_Defs_Are_Listed_Below = "The functions which are has different definitions are the following:" > error_Trying_Load_Hylo def = "Error while loading hylomorphism = " ++ (show def) > ok_Comparison_Label = "OK " > err_Comparison_Label = "ERR_FUS " alg/FuseFace.lhs > left_Hylo_Not_Sigma_Form = "Leftmost hylomorphism is not in Sigma form, nor InF." > right_Hylo_Not_Tau_Form = "Rightmost hylomorphism is not in Tau form, nor OutF." > fuseOperation_Label ="fuse" > fuse_Tau_Operation_Label = "Taufuse" > first_Hylo_Not_OutF_Form = "The first hylomorphism isn't in a OutF's form." > second_Hylo_Not_Phi_Form = "The second hylomorphism isn't in a generic's form." > fuse_Sigma_Operation_Label = "Sigmafuse" > first_Hylo_Not_Psi_Form = "The first hylomorphism isn't in a generic's form." > second_Hylo_Not_InF_Form = "The second hylomorphism isn't in InF's form." > couldnt_Fuse_Hylos = "Couldn't fuse the hylomorphisms." alg/FunctorRep.lhs > coalgebra_Should_Not_Return_Terms_Diffrent_From_Vars = "getCata: The coalgebra shouldn't return non-variable terms." > not_Recibed_OutF = "etaPara: Didn't recived OutF." > var_Rec_Not_Binded = " A recursive variable is not bound" > tWeta_Unexpected = "Unexpected TWeta founded." > twaComp_Unexpected = " Unexpected TWacomp founded." > twBottom_Unexpected = " Unexpected TWbottom founded." > getCata_Label = "getCata" > unexpected_Constructed_Pair = " Expected pair." > unexpected_Non_Variables = "Unexpected non-variables." > unexpected_Pattern p = " Pattern didn't expected "++ show p > variable_Not_Found vt = " Input variable not found "++show vt lib/Utils.lhs > not_Defined_For_Applied_Pattern p = " Not defined for the applied pattern:"++show p > not_Defined_For_Applied_Term t = " Not defined for the applied term:"++show t lib/HsPretty.lhs > infix_Operator_Without_Characters_In_Name = "Infix operator without a name" > infix_Constructor_Without_Characters_In_Name = "Infix constructor without a name" > display_Not_Define_For_Term = "It is not defined the way to show the term." alg/HyloRep > no_Sound_Operation_Aplication = "It has no sense to invoke the requested operation." interprete/Sistema.hs > could_not_read_any_input = "We could not read any input. Chances are that the file is empty,\n"++ > "does not exist or you don't have enough privileges to read it." > problem_Label = "Problem: " > nonCommand_Label = "Not a command." > error_Found_In_Grammar m line = "Error found in the grammar, " ++ m ++ "\n" ++ line > bad_File_Form = "The file is not in the proper format." > not_Tau_Derived_For_Function = "The requested function doesn't have the Tau derived." > not_Sigma_Derived_For_Function = "The requested function doesn't have the Sigma derivated." > here_We_Display_All_Defs = "This is the list of definitions in the environment" > finish_OK_Label = "Successfully terminated." > error_Exception ctx = "An error exception detected:" ++ ctx > welcmssg = "Welcome to the Interactive Fusion System." > homedir = "/inco/group02/fusion/usr/mgiorgi/src" > load_command = "load fn load definitions form file fn" > cmd_command = "!cmd executes de cmd command" > save_command = "save f1..fn saves all files f1..fn" > hylo_command = "hn: dispplays the definition of hn as hylomorphism" > envi_command = "env displays the list of definitions in the environment" > def_command = "hn displays the recursive definition of hn" > fuse_command = "nh = h1 . h2 fuse h1.h2 & binds the result to the identifier nh" > help_command = "help shows the available commands" > check_command = "checkfile fn matches the definitions of previous fusions calculations in a repository" > assertEq_command= "assertEq f g prints an error messages if the definitions are different (modulus alpha conversion)" > cata_command = "cata h displays h as catamorphism" > ana_command = "ana h displays h as anamorphism" > quit_command = "quit ends the program" /parser/HsLexer > iError_Empty_Context = "Internal error: empty context in lexToken" > iError_Empty_Input_In_LexToken = "Internal error: empty input in lexToken" > iError_lexChar = "Internal error: lexChar" > illegal_Float = "Illegal float" > illegal_Character c = "illegal character \'" ++ show c ++ "\'\n" > improperly_Terminated_Char_Const = "Improperly terminated character constant" > improperly_Terminated_Str = "Improperly terminated string" > illegal_Char_Str_Gap = "Illegal character in string gap" > iError_stringGap = "Internal error: stringGap" > illegal_Ctrl_Char = "Illegal control character" > iError_nestedComment = "Internal error: nestedComment" /parser/Env.hs > isNot_Env n = "getAllDefEnv: " ++ n ++ " is not in environment" /parser/HsParseMonad.hs > iError_Empty_Context_In_PopContext = "Internal error: empty context in popContext" > error_Label = "ERROR: " /interprete/Exception.hs > cannot_Find_Label x = "cannot find " ++ show x /alg/SystemMonDef.lhs > not_Satured t = "The term (" ++ (show t) ++ ") is a recursive call (possibly mutual) which changes\n"++ > "an argument other than the last one.\n"++ > "Only the last recursive argument may differ from that of the initial invocation.\n"++ > "Is there any way you could rewrite the definition to meet this restriction?" "It also may be the case that equations of a definition where typed giving \n"++ "different names to constant arguments in some of them.\n"++ "Example:\n\n"++ "filter p [] = ... \n"++ "filter q (a:as) = ... \n"++ "Please rewrite the equations so they use the same names for the same\n constant arguments.\n\n"++ "Example:\n"++ "filter p [] = ... \n"++ "filter p (a:as) = ... \n" > not_Expected t = "Not expected: (" ++ (show t) ++ ")." > not_Derivable = "Not derivable." > not_Legal_Term = "Not legal term." > not_InF_Term = "The algebra of the hylomorphism is not InF." > not_OutF_Term = "The coalgebra of the hylomorphism is not OutF." > unmatched_F_Error = "The funtors do not match" > debug_Message t chrs = "Debug message for the term " ++ (show t) ++ ":" ++ chrs > error_Message chrs = chrs