module Control.Monad.State.Persistent( PersistentStateT
                                     , PersistentState
                                     , store
                                     , runPersistentStateT
                                     , runPersistentState
                                     ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity(Identity(..))

import Data.List.NonEmpty(NonEmpty(..),(<|),toList)


-- | A State monad that can store earlier versions of the state.
newtype PersistentStateT s m a =
  PersistentStateT { runPersistentStateT' :: StateT (NonEmpty s) m a }
  deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad)
           -- We store all the versions in reverse order

-- | Create a snapshot of the current state and add it to the list of states
-- that we store.
store :: Monad m => PersistentStateT s m ()
store = PersistentStateT $ do
  ss@(s :| _) <- get
  put (s <| ss)

instance Monad m => MonadState s (PersistentStateT s m) where
  state f = PersistentStateT $ do
              (s :| os) <- get
              let (x,s') = f s
              put (s' :| os)
              return x

-- | run a persistentStateT, returns a triplet with the value, the last state
-- and a list of all states (including the last one) in chronological order
runPersistentStateT :: Functor m => PersistentStateT s m a -> s -> m (a,s,[s])
runPersistentStateT (PersistentStateT act) initS = f <$> runStateT act (initS :| [])
    f (x,ss@(s :| _)) = (x, s, reverse $ toList ss)


type PersistentState s = PersistentStateT s Identity

runPersistentState     :: PersistentState s a -> s -> (a,s,[s])
runPersistentState act = runIdentity . runPersistentStateT act