# HGIS (aichgis) ## About This is a library and command-line tool for GIS. Currently, it generates maps and computes perimters, areas, and compactness. You can use it to look at your congressional district for evidence of gerrymandering. ## Installation hgis is best installed with [stack](https://haskellstack.org/). Try ``` stack install hgis ``` or ``` stack install hgis --flag hgis:-cairo ``` to install with bindings [cairo](https://cairographics.org/) library, which will enable outputs as PNGs. You can also clone this repository and type `stack build` if you want to start hacking. ## Usage ### Command-line From the command line, type ``` hgis map --output OUTPUT.svg FILE.shp ``` to read a shapefile and write an svg. You can use e.g. ``` hgis map --output OUTPUT.svg --projection bonne FILE.shp ``` to force the use of the Bonne projection. ### Library ## Documentation ### Haddock Haddock documentation can be accessed through hackage.