hgis- Package and command-line for GIS with Haskell

Safe HaskellNone



Module to generate PNGs from shapefiles



fileOptions :: FileOptions Source #

Default file options: PNG output and 1920x1080. To change the file size, you can do e.g. > fo_size .~ (640,480) $ fileOptions

mkMap :: FilePath -> Map -> IO () Source #

Given a Map write it to file, where the format is determined by the extension.

mkLensMap :: Show a => String -> FilePath -> Lens' District a -> [District] -> IO () Source #

Given a Map write it to file, where the format is determined by the extension.

mkMapPng :: FilePath -> Map -> IO () Source #

Given a Map, write it to file.

makeLensMapPng :: Show a => String -> FilePath -> Lens' District a -> [District] -> IO () Source #