-- | This contains the main program executable for the program when built with
-- the Cairo libary
module GIS.Exe.OptCairo
    ( -- * Data types
    Program (..)
    -- * Functions
    , exec
    ) where

import GIS.Hylo
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad
import Options.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Monoid hiding (getAll)
import System.Directory
import GIS.Utils
import GIS.Math.Projections
import GIS.Math.Spherical
import GIS.Graphics.PlotSVG
import GIS.Graphics.PlotPNG
import GIS.Types
import GIS.Exe.Opt hiding (exec, pick)
import GIS.Exe.Parser
import GIS.Graphics.Types

-- | Main executable; parses command line options and runs program
exec :: IO ()
exec = pick =<< execParser helpDisplay

-- | Execute the program with parsed command-line input
pick :: Program -> IO ()
pick (Program (MapMaker outfile False projection) infile) = let p = pickProjection projection in
    mkMap outfile =<< districtToMapP p <$> getDistricts infile -- svg now idk?
pick (Program (MapMaker outfile True projection) infile) = let p = pickProjection projection in
    makeFoldersPng =<< districtToMapFilesP p <$> getDistricts infile -- TODO fix this
pick (Program (Computation comp Nothing) infile) = --slightly wrong but eh. 
    case comp of
        "perimeter" -> putStrLn =<< districtPerimeter <$> getDistricts infile
        "area" -> putStrLn =<< districtArea <$> getDistricts infile
        "compactness" -> putStrLn =<< districtCompactness <$> getDistricts infile
        _ -> putStrLn "computation not recognized"
pick (Program (MapLabel outfile False projection lensName) infile) = let p = pickProjection projection in
    mkLensMap "" outfile (pickLens lensName) =<< getDistricts infile -- FIXME make it work with -a (generate-all) and make it not bind things together??

-- | Make maps as png files.
makeFoldersPng :: [Map] -> IO ()
makeFoldersPng maps = do
    createDirectoryIfMissing False "maps"
    mapM_ (\m -> mkMapPng ("maps/" <> (view title m) <> ".png") m) maps