{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Highlight.Highlight.Run where

import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat

import Control.Exception (IOException)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString, empty)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Pipes (Producer)
import Text.RE.PCRE (RE, (*=~))
import Text.RE.Replace (replaceAll)

import Highlight.Common.Color
       (colorForFileNumber, colorReset, colorVividRedBold,
import Highlight.Common.Error (handleErr)
import Highlight.Highlight.Monad
       (FilenameHandlingFromFiles(..), FromGrepFilenameState, HighlightM,
        Output, compileHighlightRegexWithErr, createInputData,
        getColorGrepFilenamesM, getInputFilenamesM, getRecursiveM,
        handleInputData, runHighlightM, runOutputProducer, updateFilenameM)
import Highlight.Highlight.Options
        ColorGrepFilenames(ColorGrepFilenames, DoNotColorGrepFileNames),
import Highlight.Pipes (stdinLines)

run :: Options -> IO ()
run opts = do
  eitherRes <- runHighlightM opts prog
  either handleErr return eitherRes

prog :: HighlightM ()
prog = do
  outputProducer <- highlightOutputProducer stdinLines
  runOutputProducer outputProducer

  :: Producer ByteString HighlightM ()
  -> HighlightM (Producer Output HighlightM ())
highlightOutputProducer stdinProducer = do
  regex <- compileHighlightRegexWithErr
  inputFilenames <- getInputFilenamesM
  recursive <- getRecursiveM
  inputData <- createInputData recursive inputFilenames stdinProducer
  let outputProducer =
          (handleStdinInput regex)
          (handleFileInput regex)
  return outputProducer

  :: ( HasColorGrepFilenames r
     , MonadState FromGrepFilenameState m
     , MonadReader r m
  => RE -> ByteString -> m [ByteString]
handleStdinInput regex input = do
  colorGrepFilenames <- getColorGrepFilenamesM
  case colorGrepFilenames of
    DoNotColorGrepFileNames -> return $ formatNormalLine regex input
    ColorGrepFilenames -> do
      let (beforeColon, colonAndAfter) =
            Data.ByteString.Char8.break (== ':') input
      if colonAndAfter == empty
        then return $ formatNormalLine regex input
        else do
          let filePath = beforeColon
              lineWithoutColon = Data.ByteString.Char8.drop 1 colonAndAfter
          fileNumber <- updateFilenameM filePath
          return $
            formatLineWithFilename regex fileNumber filePath lineWithoutColon

  :: RE -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
formatLineWithFilename regex fileNumber filePath input =
  [ colorForFileNumber fileNumber
  , filePath
  , colorVividWhiteBold
  ,  ": "
  , colorReset
  , highlightMatchInRed regex input

formatNormalLine :: RE -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
formatNormalLine regex input =
  [highlightMatchInRed regex input]

  :: Monad m
  => RE
  -> FilenameHandlingFromFiles
  -> ByteString
  -> Int
  -> ByteString
  -> m [ByteString]
handleFileInput regex NoFilename _ _ input =
  return $ formatNormalLine regex input
handleFileInput regex PrintFilename filePath fileNumber input =
  return $ formatLineWithFilename regex fileNumber filePath input

  :: Monad m
  => ByteString -> IOException -> Maybe IOException -> m [ByteString]
handleError filePath _ (Just _) =
  return ["Error when trying to read file or directory \"", filePath , "\""]
handleError filePath _ Nothing =
  return ["Error when trying to read file \"", filePath , "\""]

highlightMatchInRed :: RE -> ByteString -> ByteString
highlightMatchInRed regex input =
  let matches = input *=~ regex
  in replaceAll replaceInRedByteString matches

replaceInRedByteString :: ByteString
replaceInRedByteString = colorVividRedBold <> "$0" <> colorReset