{- This module was generated from data in the Kate syntax highlighting file pascal.xml, version 1.22, by Unnamed people and Liu Sizhuang(oldherl@gmail.com) -} module Text.Highlighting.Kate.Syntax.Pascal (highlight, parseExpression, syntaxName, syntaxExtensions) where import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Types import Text.Highlighting.Kate.Common import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (State) import Data.Map (fromList) import Control.Monad.State import Data.Char (isSpace) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | Full name of language. syntaxName :: String syntaxName = "Pascal" -- | Filename extensions for this language. syntaxExtensions :: String syntaxExtensions = "*.pp;*.pas;*.p" -- | Highlight source code using this syntax definition. highlight :: String -> [SourceLine] highlight input = evalState (mapM parseSourceLine $ lines input) startingState parseSourceLine :: String -> State SyntaxState SourceLine parseSourceLine = mkParseSourceLine parseExpressionInternal pEndLine -- | Parse an expression using appropriate local context. parseExpression :: KateParser Token parseExpression = do st <- getState let oldLang = synStLanguage st setState $ st { synStLanguage = "Pascal" } context <- currentContext <|> (pushContext "Normal" >> currentContext) result <- parseRules context optional $ eof >> pEndLine updateState $ \st -> st { synStLanguage = oldLang } return result startingState = SyntaxState {synStContexts = fromList [("Pascal",["Normal"])], synStLanguage = "Pascal", synStLineNumber = 0, synStPrevChar = '\n', synStPrevNonspace = False, synStCaseSensitive = True, synStKeywordCaseSensitive = False, synStCaptures = []} pEndLine = do context <- currentContext case context of "Normal" -> return () "CharNum" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine "HexCharNum" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine "Hex" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine "String" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine "Prep1" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine "Prep2" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine "Comment1" -> return () "Comment2" -> return () "Comment3" -> (popContext) >> pEndLine _ -> return () withAttribute attr txt = do when (null txt) $ fail "Parser matched no text" updateState $ \st -> st { synStPrevChar = last txt , synStPrevNonspace = synStPrevNonspace st || not (all isSpace txt) } return (attr, txt) parseExpressionInternal = do context <- currentContext parseRules context <|> (pDefault >>= withAttribute (fromMaybe NormalTok $ lookup context defaultAttributes)) list_keywords = Set.fromList $ words $ "and array asm case const div do downto else file for function goto if in label mod nil not of operator or packed procedure program record repeat set then to type unit until uses var while with xor at automated break continue dispinterface dispose exit false finalization initialization library new published resourcestring self true" list_ISO'2fDelphi_Extended = Set.fromList $ words $ "abstract as bindable constructor destructor except export finally import implementation inherited inline interface is module on only otherwise override private property protected public read qualified raise restricted shl shr threadvar try virtual write" list_types = Set.fromList $ words $ "integer cardinal shortint smallint longint int64 byte word longword dword qword char ansichar widechar boolean bytebool wordbool longbool single double extended comp currency real real48 string shortstring ansistring widestring pointer variant file text" list_attention = Set.fromList $ words $ "fixme todo note ###" regex_'5cb'28begin'7ccase'7crecord'29'28'3f'3d'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'28'5b'5cs'5d'7c'24'7c'2f'2f'29'29 = compileRegex "\\b(begin|case|record)(?=(\\{[^}]*(\\}|$)|\\(\\*.*(\\*\\)|$))*([\\s]|$|//))" regex_'5cb'28'28object'7cclass'29'28'3f'3d'28'5c'28'2e'2a'5c'29'29'3f'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'3b'3f'28'5b'5cs'5d'7c'24'7c'2f'2f'29'29'7ctry'28'3f'3d'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'28'5b'5cs'5d'7c'24'7c'2f'2f'29'29'29 = compileRegex "\\b((object|class)(?=(\\(.*\\))?(\\{[^}]*(\\}|$)|\\(\\*.*(\\*\\)|$))*;?([\\s]|$|//))|try(?=(\\{[^}]*(\\}|$)|\\(\\*.*(\\*\\)|$))*([\\s]|$|//)))" regex_'5cbend'28'3f'3d'28'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'29'28'5b'2e'3b'5cs'5d'7c'24'29'7c'2f'2f'7c'24'29 = compileRegex "\\bend(?=((\\{[^}]*(\\}|$)|\\(\\*.*(\\*\\)|$))*)([.;\\s]|$)|//|$)" regex_'5b'5e0'2d9'5d = compileRegex "[^0-9]" regex_'5b'5ea'2dfA'2dF0'2d9'5d = compileRegex "[^a-fA-F0-9]" defaultAttributes = [("Normal",NormalTok),("CharNum",StringTok),("HexCharNum",BaseNTok),("Hex",BaseNTok),("String",StringTok),("Prep1",OtherTok),("Prep2",OtherTok),("Comment1",CommentTok),("Comment2",CommentTok),("Comment3",CommentTok)] parseRules "Normal" = (((pRegExpr regex_'5cb'28begin'7ccase'7crecord'29'28'3f'3d'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'28'5b'5cs'5d'7c'24'7c'2f'2f'29'29 >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5cb'28'28object'7cclass'29'28'3f'3d'28'5c'28'2e'2a'5c'29'29'3f'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'3b'3f'28'5b'5cs'5d'7c'24'7c'2f'2f'29'29'7ctry'28'3f'3d'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'28'5b'5cs'5d'7c'24'7c'2f'2f'29'29'29 >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5cbend'28'3f'3d'28'28'5c'7b'5b'5e'7d'5d'2a'28'5c'7d'7c'24'29'7c'5c'28'5c'2a'2e'2a'28'5c'2a'5c'29'7c'24'29'29'2a'29'28'5b'2e'3b'5cs'5d'7c'24'29'7c'2f'2f'7c'24'29 >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_keywords >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_ISO'2fDelphi_Extended >>= withAttribute KeywordTok)) <|> ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_types >>= withAttribute DataTypeTok)) <|> ((pFloat >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pInt >>= withAttribute DecValTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '$' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ pushContext "Hex") <|> ((pDetectChar False '#' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext "CharNum") <|> ((pDetectChar False '\'' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ pushContext "String") <|> ((pString False "(*$" >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ pushContext "Prep1") <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '{' '$' >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ pushContext "Prep2") <|> ((pDetectChar False '{' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ pushContext "Comment1") <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '(' '*' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ pushContext "Comment2") <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '/' '/' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ pushContext "Comment3")) parseRules "CharNum" = (((pDetectChar False '$' >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ pushContext "HexCharNum") <|> ((pRegExpr regex_'5b'5e0'2d9'5d >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext))) parseRules "HexCharNum" = ((pRegExpr regex_'5b'5ea'2dfA'2dF0'2d9'5d >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ (popContext >> popContext)) parseRules "Hex" = ((pRegExpr regex_'5b'5ea'2dfA'2dF0'2d9'5d >>= withAttribute BaseNTok) >>~ (popContext)) parseRules "String" = ((pDetectChar False '\'' >>= withAttribute StringTok) >>~ (popContext)) parseRules "Prep1" = ((pDetect2Chars False '*' ')' >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ (popContext)) parseRules "Prep2" = ((pDetectChar False '}' >>= withAttribute OtherTok) >>~ (popContext)) parseRules "Comment1" = (((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_attention >>= withAttribute AlertTok)) <|> ((pDetectChar False '}' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ (popContext))) parseRules "Comment2" = (((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_attention >>= withAttribute AlertTok)) <|> ((pDetect2Chars False '*' ')' >>= withAttribute CommentTok) >>~ (popContext))) parseRules "Comment3" = ((pKeyword " \n\t.():!+,-<=>%&*/;?[]^{|}~\\" list_attention >>= withAttribute AlertTok)) parseRules "" = parseRules "Normal" parseRules x = fail $ "Unknown context" ++ x