{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | All types.

module HIndent.Types
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (MonadState(..),State)
import Data.Data
import Data.Default
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Comments
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc

-- | A pretty printing monad.
newtype Printer s a =
  Printer {runPrinter :: State (PrintState s) a}
  deriving (Applicative,Monad,Functor,MonadState (PrintState s))

-- | The state of the pretty printer.
data PrintState s =
  PrintState {psIndentLevel :: !Int64 -- ^ Current indentation level.
             ,psOutput :: !Builder -- ^ The current output.
             ,psNewline :: !Bool -- ^ Just outputted a newline?
             ,psColumn :: !Int64 -- ^ Current column.
             ,psLine :: !Int64 -- ^ Current line number.
             ,psUserState :: !s -- ^ User state.
             ,psExtenders :: ![Extender s] -- ^ Extenders.
             ,psConfig :: !Config -- ^ Config which styles may or may not pay attention to.
             ,psEolComment :: !Bool -- ^ An end of line comment has just been outputted.
             ,psInsideCase :: !Bool -- ^ Whether we're in a case statement, used for Rhs printing.

instance Eq (PrintState s) where
  PrintState ilevel out newline col line _ _ _ eolc inc == PrintState ilevel' out' newline' col' line' _ _ _ eolc' inc' =
    (ilevel,out,newline,col,line,eolc, inc) == (ilevel',out',newline',col',line',eolc', inc')

-- | A printer extender. Takes as argument the user state that the
-- printer was run with, and the current node to print. Use
-- 'prettyNoExt' to fallback to the built-in printer.
data Extender s where
  Extender :: forall s a. (Typeable a) => (a -> Printer s ()) -> Extender s
  CatchAll :: forall s. (forall a. Typeable a => s -> a -> Maybe (Printer s ())) -> Extender s

-- | A printer style.
data Style =
  forall s. Style {styleName :: !Text -- ^ Name of the style, used in the commandline interface.
                  ,styleAuthor :: !Text -- ^ Author of the printer (as opposed to the author of the style).
                  ,styleDescription :: !Text -- ^ Description of the style.
                  ,styleInitialState :: !s -- ^ User state, if needed.
                  ,styleExtenders :: ![Extender s] -- ^ Extenders to the printer.
                  ,styleDefConfig :: !Config -- ^ Default config to use for this style.

-- | Configurations shared among the different styles. Styles may pay
-- attention to or completely disregard this configuration.
data Config =
  Config {configMaxColumns :: !Int64 -- ^ Maximum columns to fit code into ideally.
         ,configIndentSpaces :: !Int64 -- ^ How many spaces to indent?
         ,configClearEmptyLines :: !Bool  -- ^ Remove spaces on lines that are otherwise empty?

instance Default Config where
  def =
    Config {configMaxColumns = 80
           ,configIndentSpaces = 2
           ,configClearEmptyLines = False}

-- | Default style configuration.
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = def

-- | Information for each node in the AST.
data NodeInfo =
  NodeInfo {nodeInfoSpan :: !SrcSpanInfo -- ^ Location info from the parser.
           ,nodeInfoComments :: ![ComInfo] -- ^ Comments which are attached to this node.
  deriving (Typeable,Show,Data)

-- | Comment relative locations.
data ComInfoLocation = Before | After
  deriving (Show,Typeable,Data,Eq)

-- | Comment with some more info.
data ComInfo =
  ComInfo {comInfoComment :: !Comment                -- ^ The normal comment type.
          ,comInfoLocation :: !(Maybe ComInfoLocation) -- ^ Where the comment lies relative to the node.
  deriving (Show,Typeable,Data)