{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Stub module for Johan Tibell's style.
-- Documented here: <https://github.com/tibbe/haskell-style-guide/blob/master/haskell-style.md>
-- Questions:
-- How to indent after a guarded alt/rhs?
-- How to indent let?
-- How to indent large ADT constructors types?

module HIndent.Styles.JohanTibell where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import HIndent.Pretty
import HIndent.Types
import HIndent.Styles.ChrisDone (infixApp,dependOrNewline)

import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax
import Prelude hiding (exp)

-- Style configuration

-- | A short function name.
shortName :: Int64
shortName = 10

-- | Empty state.
data State =

-- | The printer style.
johanTibell :: Style
johanTibell =
  Style {styleName = "johan-tibell"
        ,styleAuthor = "Chris Done"
        ,styleDescription = "Style modeled from Johan's style guide here: <https://github.com/tibbe/haskell-style-guide/blob/master/haskell-style.md>"
        ,styleInitialState = State
        ,styleExtenders =
           [Extender decl
           ,Extender context
           ,Extender typ
           ,Extender conDecl
           ,Extender exp
           ,Extender guardedRhs
           ,Extender rhs
           ,Extender stmt
           ,Extender fieldupdate
        ,styleDefConfig =
           defaultConfig {configMaxColumns = 80
                         ,configIndentSpaces = 4}
        ,styleCommentPreprocessor = return}

-- Extenders

-- Do statements need to handle infix expression indentation specially because
-- do x *
--    y
-- is two invalid statements, not one valid infix op.
stmt :: Stmt NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
stmt (Qualifier _ e@(InfixApp _ a op b)) =
  do col <- fmap (psColumn . snd)
                 (sandbox (write ""))
     infixApp e a op b (Just col)
stmt (Generator _ p e) =
  do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     pretty p
     indented indentSpaces
                 (write " <- ")
stmt e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Handle do specially and also space out guards more.
rhs :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
rhs x =
  case x of
    UnGuardedRhs _ (Do _ dos) ->
      swing (write " = do")
            (lined (map pretty dos))
    GuardedRhss _ gas ->
      do newline
         indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
         indented indentSpaces
                  (lined (map (\p ->
                                 do write "|"
                                    pretty p)
    _ -> do inCase <- gets psInsideCase
            if inCase
               then unguardedalt x
               else unguardedrhs x

-- | Implement dangling right-hand-sides.
guardedRhs :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
-- | Handle do specially.
guardedRhs (GuardedRhs _ stmts (Do _ dos)) =
  do indented 1
              (do prefixedLined
                    (map (\p ->
                            do space
                               pretty p)
     swing (write " = do")
           (lined (map pretty dos))
guardedRhs e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Unguarded case alts.
unguardedalt :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
unguardedalt (UnGuardedRhs _ e) =
  do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     write " -> "
     indented indentSpaces (pretty e)
unguardedalt e = prettyNoExt e

unguardedrhs :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
unguardedrhs (UnGuardedRhs _ e) =
  do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     write " = "
     indented indentSpaces (pretty e)
unguardedrhs e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Expression customizations.
exp :: Exp NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
-- | Space out tuples.
exp (Tuple _ boxed exps) =
  depend (write (case boxed of
                   Unboxed -> "(#"
                   Boxed -> "("))
         (do single <- isSingleLiner p
             underflow <- fmap not (isOverflow p)
             if single && underflow
                then p
                else prefixedLined ","
                                   (map (depend space . pretty) exps)
             write (case boxed of
                      Unboxed -> "#)"
                      Boxed -> ")"))
  where p = inter (write ", ") (map pretty exps)
-- | Space out tuples.
exp (TupleSection _ boxed mexps) =
  depend (write (case boxed of
                   Unboxed -> "(#"
                   Boxed -> "("))
         (do inter (write ", ") (map (maybe (return ()) pretty) mexps)
             write (case boxed of
                      Unboxed -> "#)"
                      Boxed -> ")"))
-- | Infix apps, same algorithm as ChrisDone at the moment.
exp e@(InfixApp _ a op b) =
  infixApp e a op b Nothing
-- | If bodies are indented 4 spaces. Handle also do-notation.
exp (If _ if' then' else') =
  do depend (write "if ")
            (pretty if')
     indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     indented indentSpaces
              (do branch "then " then'
                  branch "else " else')
     -- Special handling for do.
  where branch str e =
          case e of
            Do _ stmts ->
              do write str
                 write "do"
                 indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
                 indented indentSpaces (lined (map pretty stmts))
            _ ->
              depend (write str)
                     (pretty e)
-- | App algorithm similar to ChrisDone algorithm, but with no
-- parent-child alignment.
exp (App _ op a) =
  do orig <- gets psIndentLevel
     headIsShort <- isShort f
     depend (do pretty f
            (do flats <- mapM isFlat args
                flatish <- fmap ((< 2) . length . filter not)
                                (return flats)
                singleLiner <- isSingleLiner (spaced (map pretty args))
                overflow <- isOverflow (spaced (map pretty args))
                if singleLiner &&
                   ((headIsShort && flatish) ||
                    all id flats) &&
                   not overflow
                   then spaced (map pretty args)
                   else do newline
                           indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
                           column (orig + indentSpaces)
                                  (lined (map pretty args)))
  where (f,args) = flatten op [a]
        flatten :: Exp NodeInfo
                -> [Exp NodeInfo]
                -> (Exp NodeInfo,[Exp NodeInfo])
        flatten (App _ f' a') b =
          flatten f' (a' : b)
        flatten f' as = (((f',as)))
-- | Space out commas in list.
exp (List _ es) =
  do single <- isSingleLiner p
     underflow <- fmap not (isOverflow p)
     if single && underflow
        then p
        else brackets (prefixedLined ","
                                     (map (depend space . pretty) es))
  where p =
          brackets (inter (write ", ")
                          (map pretty es))
exp (RecUpdate _ exp updates) = recUpdateExpr (pretty exp) updates
exp (RecConstr _ qname updates) = recUpdateExpr (pretty qname) updates
exp e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Format contexts with spaces and commas between class constraints.
context :: Context NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
context (CxTuple _ asserts) =
  parens $ inter (comma >> space) $ map pretty asserts
context ctx = prettyNoExt ctx

unboxParens :: MonadState (PrintState s) m => m a -> m a
unboxParens p =
  depend (write "(# ")
         (do v <- p
             write " #)"
             return v)

typ :: Type NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
typ (TyTuple _ Boxed types) = parens $ inter (write ", ") $ map pretty types
typ (TyTuple _ Unboxed types) = unboxParens $ inter (write ", ") $ map pretty types
typ ty = prettyNoExt ty

-- | Specially format records. Indent where clauses only 2 spaces.
decl :: Decl NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
-- | Pretty print type signatures like
-- foo :: (Show x, Read x)
--     => (Foo -> Bar)
--     -> Maybe Int
--     -> (Char -> X -> Y)
--     -> IO ()
decl (TypeSig _ names ty') =
  depend (do inter (write ", ")
                   (map pretty names)
             write " :: ")
         (declTy ty')
  where declTy dty =
          case dty of
            TyForall _ mbinds mctx ty ->
              do case mbinds of
                   Nothing -> return ()
                   Just ts ->
                     do write "forall "
                        spaced (map pretty ts)
                        write ". "
                 case mctx of
                   Nothing -> prettyTy ty
                   Just ctx ->
                     do pretty ctx
                        indented (-3)
                                 (depend (write "=> ")
                                         (prettyTy ty))
            _ -> prettyTy dty
        collapseFaps (TyFun _ arg result) = arg : collapseFaps result
        collapseFaps e = [e]
        prettyTy ty =
          do small <- isSmall' ty
             if small
                then pretty ty
                else case collapseFaps ty of
                       [] -> pretty ty
                       tys ->
                         prefixedLined "-> "
                                       (map pretty tys)
        isSmall' p =
          do overflows <- isOverflow (pretty p)
             oneLine <- isSingleLiner (pretty p)
             return (not overflows && oneLine)
decl (PatBind _ pat rhs' mbinds) =
      do pretty pat
         pretty rhs'
         case mbinds of
           Nothing -> return ()
           Just binds ->
             do newline
                indented 2
                         (do write "where"
                             indented 2 (pretty binds))
-- | Handle records specially for a prettier display (see guide).
decl (DataDecl _ dataornew ctx dhead condecls@[_] mderivs)
  | any isRecord condecls =
    do depend (do pretty dataornew
                  unless (null condecls) space)
              (depend (maybeCtx ctx)
                      (do pretty dhead
                          multiCons condecls))
       case mderivs of
         Nothing -> return ()
         Just derivs -> pretty derivs
  where multiCons xs =
          depend (write " =")
                 (inter (write "|")
                        (map (depend space . qualConDecl) xs))
decl e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Use special record display, used by 'dataDecl' in a record scenario.
qualConDecl :: QualConDecl NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
qualConDecl x =
    case x of
        QualConDecl _ tyvars ctx d ->
                     (null (fromMaybe [] tyvars))
                     (do write "forall "
                         spaced (map pretty (fromMaybe [] tyvars))
                         write ". "))
                     (maybeCtx ctx)
                     (recDecl d))

-- | Fields are preceded with a space.
conDecl :: ConDecl NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
conDecl (RecDecl _ name fields) =
  depend (do pretty name
             write " ")
         (do depend (write "{")
                    (prefixedLined ","
                                   (map (depend space . pretty) fields))
             write "}")
conDecl e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Record decls are formatted like: Foo
-- { bar :: X
-- }
recDecl :: ConDecl NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
recDecl (RecDecl _ name fields) =
  do pretty name
     indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     column indentSpaces
            (do depend (write "{")
                       (prefixedLined ","
                                      (map (depend space . pretty) fields))
                write "} ")
recDecl r = prettyNoExt r

recUpdateExpr :: Printer s () -> [FieldUpdate NodeInfo] -> Printer s ()
recUpdateExpr expWriter updates = do
  indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
  write "{ "
  -- -2 because the "{ " moved us 2 chars to the right.
  indented (indentSpaces -2) $ do
    prefixedLined ", " $ map pretty updates
  write "}"

-- Predicates

-- | Is the decl a record?
isRecord :: QualConDecl t -> Bool
isRecord (QualConDecl _ _ _ RecDecl{}) = True
isRecord _ = False

-- | Does printing the given thing overflow column limit? (e.g. 80)
isOverflow :: Printer s a -> Printer s Bool
isOverflow p =
  do (_,st) <- sandbox p
     columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
     return (psColumn st > columnLimit)

-- | Is the given expression a single-liner when printed?
isSingleLiner :: MonadState (PrintState s) m
              => m a -> m Bool
isSingleLiner p =
  do line <- gets psLine
     (_,st) <- sandbox p
     return (psLine st == line)

-- | Is the expression "short"? Used for app heads.
isShort :: (Pretty ast)
        => ast NodeInfo -> Printer s (Bool)
isShort p =
  do line <- gets psLine
     orig <- fmap (psColumn . snd) (sandbox (write ""))
     (_,st) <- sandbox (pretty p)
     return (psLine st == line &&
             (psColumn st < orig + shortName))

-- | Is an expression flat?
isFlat :: Exp NodeInfo -> Printer s Bool
isFlat (Lambda _ _ e) = isFlat e
isFlat (App _ a b) =
  return (isName a && isName b)
  where isName (Var{}) = True
        isName _ = False
isFlat (InfixApp _ a _ b) =
  do a' <- isFlat a
     b' <- isFlat b
     return (a' && b')
isFlat (NegApp _ a) = isFlat a
isFlat VarQuote{} = return True
isFlat TypQuote{} = return True
isFlat (List _ []) = return True
isFlat Var{} = return True
isFlat Lit{} = return True
isFlat Con{} = return True
isFlat (LeftSection _ e _) = isFlat e
isFlat (RightSection _ _ e) = isFlat e
isFlat _ = return False

-- | rhs on field update on the same line as lhs.
fieldupdate :: FieldUpdate NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
fieldupdate e =
  case e of
    FieldUpdate _ n e' -> do pretty n
                             write " = "
                             pretty e'
    _ -> prettyNoExt e