{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- | Chris Done's style.
-- Documented here: <https://github.com/chrisdone/haskell-style-guide>

module HIndent.Styles.ChrisDone where

import HIndent.Pretty
import HIndent.Comments
import HIndent.Types

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Loops
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated (parseExpWithComments)
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Fixity
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated.Syntax
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser (ParseResult(..))
import Prelude hiding (exp)
import Data.Monoid

-- Style configuration

-- | A short function name.
shortName :: Int64
shortName = 10

-- | Column limit: 50
smallColumnLimit :: Int64
smallColumnLimit = 50

-- | Empty state.
data State =

-- | The printer style.
chrisDone :: Style
chrisDone =
  Style {styleName = "chris-done"
        ,styleAuthor = "Chris Done"
        ,styleDescription = "Chris Done's personal style. Documented here: <https://github.com/chrisdone/haskell-style-guide>"
        ,styleInitialState = State
        ,styleExtenders =
           [Extender exp
           ,Extender fieldupdate
           ,Extender rhs
           ,Extender contextualGuardedRhs
           ,Extender stmt
           ,Extender decl]
        ,styleDefConfig =
           defaultConfig {configMaxColumns = 80
                         ,configIndentSpaces = 2}
        ,styleCommentPreprocessor = return}

-- Extenders

-- | Pretty print type signatures like
-- foo :: (Show x,Read x)
--     => (Foo -> Bar)
--     -> Maybe Int
--     -> (Char -> X -> Y)
--     -> IO ()
decl :: Decl NodeInfo -> Printer s ()
decl (TypeSig _ names ty') =
  do (fitting,st) <- isSmallFitting dependent
     if fitting
        then put st
        else do inter (write ", ")
                      (map pretty names)
                indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
                indented indentSpaces
                         (depend (write ":: ")
                                 (declTy ty'))
  where dependent =
          depend (do inter (write ", ")
                           (map pretty names)
                     write " :: ")
                 (declTy ty')
        declTy dty =
          case dty of
            TyForall _ mbinds mctx ty ->
              do case mbinds of
                   Nothing -> return ()
                   Just ts ->
                     do write "forall "
                        spaced (map pretty ts)
                        write ". "
                 case mctx of
                   Nothing -> prettyTy ty
                   Just ctx ->
                     do pretty ctx
                        indented (-3)
                                 (depend (write "=> ")
                                         (prettyTy ty))
            _ -> prettyTy dty
        collapseFaps (TyFun _ arg result) = arg : collapseFaps result
        collapseFaps e = [e]
        prettyTy ty =
          do (fits,st) <- fitsOnOneLine (pretty ty)
             if fits
                then put st
                else case collapseFaps ty of
                       [] -> pretty ty
                       tys ->
                         prefixedLined "-> "
                                       (map pretty tys)
decl e = prettyNoExt e

-- | I want field updates to be dependent or newline.
fieldupdate :: FieldUpdate NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
fieldupdate e =
  case e of
    FieldUpdate _ n e' ->
        (do pretty n
            write " = ")
    _ -> prettyNoExt e

-- | Right-hand sides are dependent.
rhs :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
rhs grhs =
  do inCase <- gets psInsideCase
     if inCase
        then unguardedalt grhs
        else unguardedrhs grhs

-- | Right-hand sides are dependent.
unguardedrhs :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
unguardedrhs (UnGuardedRhs _ e) =
  do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     indented indentSpaces
              (dependOrNewline (write " = ")
unguardedrhs e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Unguarded case alts.
unguardedalt :: Rhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
unguardedalt (UnGuardedRhs _ e) =
    (write " -> ")
    (indented 2 .
unguardedalt e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Decide whether to do alts or rhs based on the context.
contextualGuardedRhs :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
contextualGuardedRhs grhs =
  do inCase <- gets psInsideCase
     if inCase
        then guardedalt grhs
        else guardedrhs grhs

-- | I want guarded RHS be dependent or newline.
guardedrhs :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
guardedrhs (GuardedRhs _ stmts e) =
  indented 1
           (do prefixedLined
                 (map (\p ->
                         do space
                            pretty p)
                 (write " = ")
                 (indented 1 .

-- | I want guarded alts be dependent or newline.
guardedalt :: GuardedRhs NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
guardedalt (GuardedRhs _ stmts e) =
  indented 1
           (do (prefixedLined
                  (map (\p ->
                          do space
                             pretty p)
                 (write " -> ")
                 (indented 1 .

-- Do statements need to handle infix expression indentation specially because
-- do x *
--    y
-- is two invalid statements, not one valid infix op.
stmt :: Stmt NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
stmt (Qualifier _ e@(InfixApp _ a op b)) =
  do col <- fmap (psColumn . snd)
                 (sandbox (write ""))
     infixApp e a op b (Just col)
stmt (Generator _ p e) =
  do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
     pretty p
     indented indentSpaces
                 (write " <- ")
stmt e = prettyNoExt e

-- | Expressions
exp :: Exp NodeInfo -> Printer t ()
exp e@(QuasiQuote _ "i" s) =
  do parseMode <- gets psParseMode
     case parseExpWithComments parseMode s of
       ParseOk (e',comments) ->
         do depend (do write "["
                       string "i"
                       write "|")
                   (do exp (snd (annotateComments (fromMaybe e' (applyFixities baseFixities e'))
                       write "|]")
       _ -> prettyNoExt e
-- Infix applications will render on one line if possible, otherwise
-- if any of the arguments are not "flat" then that expression is
-- line-separated.
exp e@(InfixApp _ a op b) =
  infixApp e a op b Nothing
-- | We try to render everything on a flat line. More than one of the
-- arguments are not flat and it wouldn't be a single liner.
-- If the head is short we depend, otherwise we swing.
exp (App _ op a) =
  do orig <- gets psIndentLevel
       (do (short,st) <- isShort f
           put st
           return short)
       (\headIsShort ->
          do let flats = map isFlat args
                 flatish =
                   length (filter not flats) <
             if (headIsShort && flatish) ||
                all id flats
                then do ((singleLiner,overflow),st) <- sandboxNonOverflowing args
                        if singleLiner && not overflow
                           then put st
                           else multi orig args headIsShort
                else multi orig args headIsShort)
  where (f,args) = flatten op [a]
        flatten :: Exp NodeInfo
                -> [Exp NodeInfo]
                -> (Exp NodeInfo,[Exp NodeInfo])
        flatten (App _ f' a') b =
          flatten f' (a' : b)
        flatten f' as = (f',as)
-- | Lambdas are dependent if they can be.
exp (Lambda _ ps b) =
  depend (write "\\" >> maybeSpace)
         (do spaced (map pretty ps)
               (write " -> ")
               (indented 1 .
  where maybeSpace = case ps of
                       (PBangPat {}):_ -> space
                       (PIrrPat {}):_ -> space
                       _ -> return ()
exp (Tuple _ boxed exps) =
  depend (write (case boxed of
                   Unboxed -> "(#"
                   Boxed -> "("))
         (do (fits,_) <- fitsOnOneLine p
             if fits
                then p
                else prefixedLined ","
                                   (map pretty exps)
             write (case boxed of
                      Unboxed -> "#)"
                      Boxed -> ")"))
  where p = commas (map pretty exps)
exp (List _ es) =
  do (ok,st) <- sandbox renderFlat
     if ok
        then put st
        else brackets (prefixedLined ","
                                     (map pretty es))
  where renderFlat =
          do line <- gets psLine
             brackets (commas (map pretty es))
             st <- get
             columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
             let overflow = psColumn st > columnLimit
                 single = psLine st == line
             return (not overflow && single)
exp e = prettyNoExt e

-- Indentation helpers

-- | Sandbox and render the nodes on multiple lines, returning whether
-- each is a single line.
sandboxSingles :: Pretty ast
               => [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer t (Bool,PrintState t)
sandboxSingles args =
  sandbox (allM (\(i,arg) ->
                   do when (i /=
                            (0 :: Int))
                      line <- gets psLine
                      pretty arg
                      st <- get
                      return (psLine st == line))
                (zip [0 ..] args))

-- | Render multi-line nodes.
multi :: Pretty ast
      => Int64 -> [ast NodeInfo] -> Bool -> Printer t ()
multi orig args headIsShort =
  if headIsShort
     then lined (map pretty args)
     else do (allAreSingle,st) <- sandboxSingles args
             if allAreSingle
                then put st
                else do newline
                        indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
                        column (orig + indentSpaces)
                               (lined (map pretty args))

-- | Sandbox and render the node on a single line, return whether it's
-- on a single line and whether it's overflowing.
sandboxNonOverflowing :: Pretty ast
                      => [ast NodeInfo] -> Printer t ((Bool,Bool),PrintState t)
sandboxNonOverflowing args =
  sandbox (do line <- gets psLine
              columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
              st <- get
              return (psLine st == line,psColumn st > columnLimit + 20))
  where singleLineRender =
          spaced (map pretty args)

-- Predicates

-- | Is the expression "short"? Used for app heads.
isShort :: (Pretty ast)
        => ast NodeInfo -> Printer t (Bool,PrintState t)
isShort p =
  do line <- gets psLine
     orig <- fmap (psColumn . snd)
                  (sandbox (write ""))
     (_,st) <- sandbox (pretty p)
     return (psLine st == line &&
             (psColumn st < orig + shortName)

-- | Is the given expression "small"? I.e. does it fit on one line and
-- under 'smallColumnLimit' columns.
isSmall :: MonadState (PrintState t) m
        => m a -> m (Bool,PrintState t)
isSmall p =
  do line <- gets psLine
     (_,st) <- sandbox p
     return (psLine st == line && psColumn st < smallColumnLimit,st)

-- | Is the given expression "small"? I.e. does it fit under
-- 'smallColumnLimit' columns.
isSmallFitting :: MonadState (PrintState t) m
               => m a -> m (Bool,PrintState t)
isSmallFitting p =
  do (_,st) <- sandbox p
     return (psColumn st < smallColumnLimit,st)

-- | Is an expression flat?
isFlat :: Exp NodeInfo -> Bool
isFlat (Lambda _ _ e) = isFlat e
isFlat (App _ a b) = isName a && isName b
  where isName (Var{}) = True
        isName _ = False
isFlat (InfixApp _ a _ b) = isFlat a && isFlat b
isFlat (NegApp _ a) = isFlat a
isFlat VarQuote{} = True
isFlat TypQuote{} = True
isFlat (List _ []) = True
isFlat Var{} = True
isFlat Lit{} = True
isFlat Con{} = True
isFlat (LeftSection _ e _) = isFlat e
isFlat (RightSection _ _ e) = isFlat e
isFlat _ = False

-- | Does printing the given thing overflow column limit? (e.g. 80)
fitsOnOneLine :: MonadState (PrintState s) m => m a -> m (Bool,PrintState s)
fitsOnOneLine p =
  do line <- gets psLine
     (_,st) <- sandbox p
     columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
     return (psLine st == line && psColumn st < columnLimit,st)

-- | Does printing the given thing overflow column limit? (e.g. 80)
fitsInColumnLimit :: Printer t a -> Printer t (Bool,PrintState t)
fitsInColumnLimit p =
  do (_,st) <- sandbox p
     columnLimit <- getColumnLimit
     return (psColumn st < columnLimit,st)

-- Helpers

infixApp :: Exp NodeInfo
         -> Exp NodeInfo
         -> QOp NodeInfo
         -> Exp NodeInfo
         -> Maybe Int64
         -> Printer s ()
infixApp e a op b indent =
  do (fits,st) <-
         (spaced (map (\link ->
                         case link of
                           OpChainExp e' -> pretty e'
                           OpChainLink qop -> pretty qop)
                      (flattenOpChain e)))
     if fits
        then put st
        else do prettyWithIndent a
                pretty op
                case indent of
                  Nothing -> prettyWithIndent b
                  Just col ->
                    do indentSpaces <- getIndentSpaces
                       column (col + indentSpaces)
                              (prettyWithIndent b)
  where prettyWithIndent e' =
          case e' of
            (InfixApp _ a' op' b') ->
              infixApp e' a' op' b' indent
            _ -> pretty e'

-- | A link in a chain of operator applications.
data OpChainLink l
  = OpChainExp (Exp l)
  | OpChainLink (QOp l)
  deriving (Show)

-- | Flatten a tree of InfixApp expressions into a chain of operator
-- links.
flattenOpChain :: Exp l -> [OpChainLink l]
flattenOpChain (InfixApp _ left op right) =
  flattenOpChain left <>
  [OpChainLink op] <>
  flattenOpChain right
flattenOpChain e = [OpChainExp e]

-- | Make the right hand side dependent if it's flat, otherwise
-- newline it.
  :: Printer t ()
  -> Exp NodeInfo
  -> (Exp NodeInfo -> Printer t ())
  -> Printer t ()
dependOrNewline left right f =
  do (fits,st) <- fitsOnOneLine (depend left (f right))
     if fits
        then put st
        else do left
                (f right)