# hindent [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/hindent.svg?style=flat)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/hindent) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/commercialhaskell/hindent.png)](https://travis-ci.org/commercialhaskell/hindent) Haskell pretty printer [Examples](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/blob/master/TESTS.md) ## Install $ stack install hindent ## Usage $ hindent --help hindent --version --help --style STYLE --line-length <...> --indent-size <...> --no-force-newline [-X<...>]* [] Version 5.1.1 Default --indent-size is 2. Specify --indent-size 4 if you prefer that. -X to pass extensions e.g. -XMagicHash etc. The --style option is now ignored, but preserved for backwards-compatibility. Johan Tibell is the default and only style. hindent is used in a pipeline style $ cat path/to/sourcefile.hs | hindent The default indentation size is `2` spaces. Configure indentation size with `--indent-size`: $ echo 'example = case x of Just p -> foo bar' | hindent --indent-size 2; echo example = case x of Just p -> foo bar $ echo 'example = case x of Just p -> foo bar' | hindent --indent-size 4; echo example = case x of Just p -> foo bar ## Customization Create a `.hindent.yaml` file in your project directory or in your `~/` home directory. The following fields are accepted and are the default: ``` yaml indent-size: 2 line-length: 80 force-trailing-newline: true ``` By default, HIndent preserves the newline or lack of newline in your input. With `force-trailing-newline`, it will make sure there is always a trailing newline. ## Emacs In [elisp/hindent.el](https://github.com/commercialhaskell/hindent/blob/master/elisp/hindent.el) there is `hindent-mode`, which provides keybindings to reindent parts of the buffer: - `M-q` reformats the current declaration. When inside a comment, it fills the current paragraph instead, like the standard `M-q`. - `C-M-\` reformats the current region. To enable it, add the following to your init file: ```lisp (add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/hindent/elisp") (require 'hindent) (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'hindent-mode) ``` ## Vim The `'formatprg'` option lets you use an external program (like hindent) to format your text. Put the following line into ~/.vim/ftplugin/haskell.vim to set this option for Haskell files: setlocal formatprg=hindent Then you can format with hindent using `gq`. Read `:help gq` and `help 'formatprg'` for more details. Note that unlike in emacs you have to take care of selecting a sensible buffer region as input to hindent yourself. If that is too much trouble you can try [vim-textobj-haskell](https://github.com/gilligan/vim-textobj-haskell) which provides a text object for top level bindings. In order to format an entire source file execute: :%!hindent Alternatively you could use the [vim-hindent](https://github.com/alx741/vim-hindent) plugin which runs hindent automatically when a Haskell file is saved. ## Atom Fortunately, you can use https://atom.io/packages/ide-haskell with the path to hindent specified instead of that to stylish-haskell. Works like a charm that way! ## IntelliJ / other JetBrains IDEs 1. Install the "HaskForce" Haskell plugin (this is so we get the language type recognized in the file watcher) 2. Install the "File Watchers" plugin under "Browse Repositories" 3. Add a File Watcher with 1. File type: Haskell Language 2. Program: `/path/to/hindent` 3. Arguments: `$FilePath$` 4. Immediate file synchronization: off 5. Show console: Error Now whenever you save a file, `hindent` should autoformat it.