Name: hinduce-associations-apriori Version: Build-Type: Simple License: MIT Copyright: Hidde Verstoep Author: Hidde Verstoep Homepage: Cabal-version: >= 1.4 Category: Data Mining Synopsis: Apriori algorithm for association rule mining Description: This module provides an implementation of the Apriori algorithm for association rule mining. It uses Control.Parallel.Strategies for parallelism and allows the user to provide custom selection criteria. See hinduce-examples for an example. hInduce is a framework for knowledge discovery/machine learning/data mining. It has a modular design that hopefully will invite others to re-use and build upon the interface. This module currently deviates from this concept, because we had a different focus and too limited time budget to investigate other rule mining algorithms and find any use for this kind of abstraction. Library Build-Depends: base >= 4 && < 5 , hinduce-missingh >= , vector >= 0.9.1 , containers >= , deepseq >= , parallel >= Exposed-Modules: Data.HInduce.Associations.Apriori Hs-Source-Dirs: src