{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Graphics.Image.Processing.Filter
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2017
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <lehins@yandex.ru>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Graphics.Image.Processing.Filter
  ( -- * Filter
  , applyFilter
  , Direction(..)
    -- * Gaussian
  , gaussianLowPass
  , gaussianBlur
    -- * Sobel
  , sobelFilter
  , sobelOperator
    -- * Prewitt
  , prewittFilter
  , prewittOperator
  ) where

import           Graphics.Image.Interface              as I
import           Graphics.Image.Processing.Convolution
import           Graphics.Image.ColorSpace               (X)

-- | Filter that can be applied to an image using `applyFilter`.
-- @since 1.5.3
data Filter arr cs e = Filter
  { applyFilter :: Image arr cs e -> Image arr cs e -- ^ Apply a filter to an image

-- | Used to specify direction for some filters.
data Direction
  = Vertical
  | Horizontal

-- | Create a Gaussian Filter.
-- @since 1.5.3
gaussianLowPass :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr X e, Floating e, Fractional e) =>
                   Int -- ^ Radius
                -> e -- ^ Sigma
                -> Border (Pixel cs e) -- ^ Border resolution technique.
                -> Filter arr cs e
gaussianLowPass !r !sigma border =
  Filter (correlate border gV' . correlate border gV)
    !gV = compute $ (gauss / scalar weight)
    !gV' = compute $ transpose gV
    !gauss = makeImage (1, n) getPx
    !weight = I.fold (+) 0 gauss
    !n = 2 * r + 1
    !sigma2sq = 2 * sigma ^ (2 :: Int)
    getPx (_, j) = promote $ exp (fromIntegral (-((j - r) ^ (2 :: Int))) / sigma2sq)
    {-# INLINE getPx #-}
{-# INLINE gaussianLowPass #-}

-- | Create a Gaussian Blur filter. Radius will be derived from standard
-- deviation: @ceiling (2*sigma)@ and `Edge` border resolution will be
-- utilized. If custom radius and/or border resolution is desired,
-- `gaussianLowPass` can be used instead.
-- @since 1.5.3
gaussianBlur :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr X e, Floating e, RealFrac e) =>
                e -- ^ Sigma
             -> Filter arr cs e
gaussianBlur !sigma = gaussianLowPass (ceiling (2*sigma)) sigma Edge
{-# INLINE gaussianBlur #-}

sobelFilter :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr X e) =>
               Direction -> Border (Pixel cs e) -> Filter arr cs e
sobelFilter dir !border =
  Filter (correlate border kernel)
    !kernel =
      case dir of
        Vertical   -> fromLists $ [ [ -1, -2, -1 ]
                                  , [  0,  0,  0 ]
                                  , [  1,  2,  1 ] ]
        Horizontal -> fromLists $ [ [ -1, 0, 1 ]
                                  , [ -2, 0, 1 ]
                                  , [ -1, 0, 1 ] ]
{-# INLINE sobelFilter #-}

-- sobelFilter :: Array arr cs e =>
--                Direction -> Border (Pixel cs e) -> Filter arr cs e
-- sobelFilter dir !border =
--   Filter (convolveCols border cV . convolveRows border rV)
--   where
--     !(rV, cV) =
--       case dir of
--         Vertical   -> ([1, 2, 1], [1, 0, -1])
--         Horizontal -> ([1, 0, -1], [1, 2, 1])
-- {-# INLINE sobelFilter #-}

sobelOperator :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr X e, Floating e) => Image arr cs e -> Image arr cs e
sobelOperator !img = sqrt (sobelX ^ (2 :: Int) + sobelY ^ (2 :: Int))
  where !sobelX = applyFilter (sobelFilter Horizontal Edge) img
        !sobelY = applyFilter (sobelFilter Vertical Edge) img
{-# INLINE sobelOperator #-}

prewittFilter :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr X e) =>
                 Direction -> Border (Pixel cs e) -> Filter arr cs e
prewittFilter dir !border =
  Filter (convolveCols border cV . convolveRows border rV)
    !(rV, cV) =
      case dir of
        Vertical   -> ([1, 1, 1], [1, 0, -1])
        Horizontal -> ([1, 0, -1], [1, 1, 1])
{-# INLINE prewittFilter #-}

prewittOperator :: (Array arr cs e, Array arr X e, Floating e) => Image arr cs e -> Image arr cs e
prewittOperator !img = sqrt (prewittX ^ (2 :: Int) + prewittY ^ (2 :: Int))
  where !prewittX = applyFilter (prewittFilter Horizontal Edge) img
        !prewittY = applyFilter (prewittFilter Vertical Edge) img
{-# INLINE prewittOperator #-}