-- |
-- Module     : Data.Histogram.Tutorial
-- Copyright  : Copyright (c) 2009-2018, Alexey Khudyakov <alexey.skladnoy@gmail.com>
-- License    : BSD3
-- Maintainer : Alexey Khudyakov <alexey.skladnoy@gmail.com>
-- Stability  : experimental
-- == 1.
-- The first example illustrates one of the most common use-cases of a histogram, i.e.
-- * uniformly-spaced, equal-weight bins
-- * one-dimensional distribuded data
-- * binning range equal to the data range
-- We can write a helper function that populates a 'Histogram' from a
-- 'Foldable' container (e.g. an array, or a 'Vector', or a tree,
-- etc.) of 'Double's :
-- @
-- histo :: ('Foldable' v, 'Unbox' a, Num a) =>
--          Int
--       -> v Double
--       -> 'Histogram' 'BinD' a
-- histo n v = 'fillBuilder' buildr v
--   where
--     mi = minimum v
--     ma = maximum v
--     bins = 'binD' mi n ma
--     buildr = 'mkSimple' bins
-- @
-- We can now declare our first histogram with 4 bins and a list of data :
-- > > let h0 = histo 4 [1,2,3,5,1,-10,2,3,50,1,6,7,4,6,34,45,20,120,-80]
-- The @Show@ instance of 'Histogram' lets us see the histogram metadata  :
-- > > h0
-- > # Histogram
-- > # Underflows = 0.0
-- > # Overflows  = 1.0
-- > # BinD
-- > # Base = -80.0
-- > # Step = 50.0
-- > # N    = 4
-- > -55.0	1.0
-- > -5.0	13.0
-- > 45.0	4.0
-- > 95.0	0.0
-- Note : with this binning algorithm, the bin intervals are closed to
-- the left and open to the right, which is why the 120 element is
-- marked as an overlow.
-- Note 2 : the output of `show` shouldn't generally be used as a form
-- of data serialization.
-- The data bin centers and bin counts can be retrieved with 'asList':
-- > > asList h0
-- > [(-55.0,1.0),(-5.0,13.0),(45.0,4.0),(95.0,0.0)]
module Data.Histogram.Tutorial where

import Data.Histogram
import Data.Histogram.Bin
import Data.Histogram.Fill (mkSimple, fillBuilder)
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Unbox(..))