Parser ======= Reporting of errors reports for top level construct - not very usefull Revisit 'new new' Rationalise parse tests around productions in parser Review handling of whiteSpace (ie occurances of whiteSpace scattered throughout) Review error handling and use of try - it seems that excessive use can block where real occurance of error occurs.but results, on first attempt, in more errors Interpreter ============ Handling inbuilt arrays and Array object DONE getValue should go up __proto__ chain DONE Make this work for 'new', setup newobject, set __proto__ to be prototype of constructor and set 'this' of the call to be the newobject DONE Add a ObjId type so that it can be distinguished from Int 'constructor' property of the 'prototype' of a function is the function itself. ie 'this.prototype.constructor == this' Interp - Think about if Rel needs to be a value Add Object and Array to Value Fix code for relops to work. Problem with LiftIt; add Bool to Value... Add eval option to hjs; to evaluate an expression which can be a function call Name moduels after the haskell ones and use same functions ... If interested using pprint as well from Language.Haskell