module Main where import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup, Test) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test) import Data.Char import Text.Jasmine import Language.JavaScript.Parser import Text.Jasmine.Pretty import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as E main :: IO () main = defaultMain [testSuite,testSuiteMin,testSuiteFiles,testSuiteFilesUnminified] testSuite :: Test testSuite = testGroup "Text.Jasmine.Parse" [ testCase "helloWorld" caseHelloWorld , testCase "helloWorld2" caseHelloWorld2 , testCase "simpleAssignment" caseSimpleAssignment , testCase "emptyFor" caseEmptyFor , testCase "fullFor" caseFullFor , testCase "forVarFull" caseForVarFull , testCase "ifelse1" caseIfElse1 , testCase "ifelse2" caseIfElse2 , testCase "0_f.js" case0_f , testCase "01_semi1.js" case01_semi1 , testCase "min_100_animals" case_min_100_animals , testCase "mergeStrings" caseMergeStrings , testCase "TrailingCommas" caseTrailingCommas , testCase "GetSet" caseGetSet , testCase "Unicode" caseUnicode , testCase "Issue3" caseIssue3 , testCase "Issue4" caseIssue4 , testCase "Switch1" caseSwitch1 , testCase "If1" caseIf1 , testCase "If2" caseIf2 , testCase "If3" caseIf3 , testCase "BootstrapDropdown" caseBootstrapDropdown ] testSuiteMin :: Test testSuiteMin = testGroup "Text.Jasmine.Pretty Min" [ testCase "helloWorld" caseMinHelloWorld , testCase "helloWorld2" caseMinHelloWorld2 , testCase "simpleAssignment" caseMinSimpleAssignment , testCase "ifelse1" caseMinIfElse1 , testCase "ifelse2" caseMinIfElse2 , testCase "0_f.js" caseMin0_f , testCase "01_semi1.js" caseMin01_semi1 , testCase "min_100_animals" caseMin_min_100_animals , testCase "minNestedSquare" caseMinNestedSquare , testCase "minMergeStrings" caseMinMergeStrings , testCase "EitherLeft" caseEitherLeft , testCase "EitherRight" caseEitherRight , testCase "TrailingCommas" caseMinTrailingCommas , testCase "GetSet" caseMinGetSet , testCase "Unicode" caseMinUnicode , testCase "MinIssue3" caseMinIssue3 , testCase "MinIssue4" caseMinIssue4 , testCase "MinSwitch1" caseMinSwitch1 , testCase "MinIf1" caseMinIf1 , testCase "MinIf2" caseMinIf2 , testCase "MinIf3" caseMinIf3 , testCase "MinBootstrapDropdown" caseMinBootstrapDropdown ] testSuiteFiles :: Test testSuiteFiles = testGroup "Text.Jasmine.Pretty files" [ testCase "00_f.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/00_f.js") , testCase "01_semi1.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/01_semi1.js") , testCase "02_sm.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/02_sm.js") , testCase "03_sm.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/03_sm.js") , testCase "04_if.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/04_if.js") , testCase "05_comments_simple.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/05_comments_simple.js") , testCase "05_regex.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/05_regex.js") , testCase "06_callexpr.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/06_callexpr.js") , testCase "06_newexpr.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/06_newexpr.js") , testCase "06_var.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/06_var.js") , testCase "07_expr.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/07_expr.js") , testCase "10_switch.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/10_switch.js") , testCase "14_labelled_stmts.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/14_labelled_stmts.js") , testCase "15_literals.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/15_literals.js") , testCase "16_literals.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/16_literals.js") , testCase "20_statements.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/20_statements.js") , testCase "25_trycatch.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/25_trycatch.js") , testCase "40_functions.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/40_functions.js") , testCase "67_bob.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/67_bob.js") , testCase "110_perfect.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/110_perfect.js") , testCase "120_js.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/120_js.js") , testCase "121_jsdefs.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/121_jsdefs.js") , testCase "122_jsexec.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/122_jsexec.js") , testCase "122_jsexec2.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/122_jsexec2.js") , testCase "122_jsexec3.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/122_jsexec3.js") -- , testCase "123_jsparse.js" (testFile "./test/pminified/123_jsparse.js") -- TODO: something strange here, assigning code block to variable? -- See, get/set keywords for object accessors --, testCase "130_htojs2.js" (testFile "./test/parsingonly/130_htojs2.js") --, testCase "" (testFile "./test/pminified/") ] testSuiteFilesUnminified :: Test testSuiteFilesUnminified = testGroup "Text.Jasmine.Pretty filesUnminified" [ testCase "00_f.js" (testFileUnminified "00_f.js") , testCase "01_semi1.js" (testFileUnminified "01_semi1.js") , testCase "02_sm.js" (testFileUnminified "02_sm.js") , testCase "03_sm.js" (testFileUnminified "03_sm.js") , testCase "04_if.js" (testFileUnminified "04_if.js") , testCase "05_comments_simple.js" (testFileUnminified "05_comments_simple.js") , testCase "05_regex.js" (testFileUnminified "05_regex.js") , testCase "06_callexpr.js" (testFileUnminified "06_callexpr.js") , testCase "06_newexpr.js" (testFileUnminified "06_newexpr.js") , testCase "06_var.js" (testFileUnminified "06_var.js") , testCase "07_expr.js" (testFileUnminified "07_expr.js") , testCase "10_switch.js" (testFileUnminified "10_switch.js") , testCase "14_labelled_stmts.js" (testFileUnminified "14_labelled_stmts.js") , testCase "15_literals.js" (testFileUnminified "15_literals.js") , testCase "16_literals.js" (testFileUnminified "16_literals.js") , testCase "20_statements.js" (testFileUnminified "20_statements.js") , testCase "25_trycatch.js" (testFileUnminified "25_trycatch.js") , testCase "40_functions.js" (testFileUnminified "40_functions.js") , testCase "67_bob.js" (testFileUnminified "67_bob.js") , testCase "110_perfect.js" (testFileUnminified "110_perfect.js") , testCase "120_js.js" (testFileUnminified "120_js.js") , testCase "121_jsdefs.js" (testFileUnminified "121_jsdefs.js") , testCase "122_jsexec.js" (testFileUnminified "122_jsexec.js") --, testCase "122_jsexec2.js" (testFileUnminified "122_jsexec2.js") ] srcHelloWorld = "function Hello(a) {}" caseHelloWorld = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSFunction (JSIdentifier \"Hello\") [JSIdentifier \"a\"] (JSBlock ([])),JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcHelloWorld) caseMinHelloWorld = -- "function Hello(a){}" @=? (minify (U.fromString srcHelloWorld)) testMinify "function Hello(a){}" srcHelloWorld srcHelloWorld2 = "function Hello(a) {b=1}" caseHelloWorld2 = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSFunction (JSIdentifier \"Hello\") [JSIdentifier \"a\"] (JSBlock ([JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"b\",JSOperator JSLiteral \"=\",JSDecimal \"1\"]])),JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcHelloWorld2) caseMinHelloWorld2 = -- "function Hello(a){b=1}" @=? (minify (U.fromString srcHelloWorld2)) testMinify "function Hello(a){b=1}" srcHelloWorld2 srcSimpleAssignment = "a=1;" caseSimpleAssignment = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"a\",JSOperator JSLiteral \"=\",JSDecimal \"1\"],JSLiteral \";\",JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcSimpleAssignment) caseMinSimpleAssignment = testMinify "a=1" srcSimpleAssignment srcEmptyFor = "for (i = 0;;){}" caseEmptyFor = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSFor [JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"i\",JSOperator JSLiteral \"=\",JSDecimal \"0\"]] [] [] (JSBlock ([])),JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcEmptyFor) srcFullFor = "for (i = 0;i<10;i++){}" caseFullFor = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSFor [JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"i\",JSOperator JSLiteral \"=\",JSDecimal \"0\"]] [JSExpression [JSExpressionBinary \"<\" [JSIdentifier \"i\"] [JSDecimal \"10\"]]] [JSExpression [JSExpressionPostfix \"++\" [JSIdentifier \"i\"]]] (JSBlock ([])),JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcFullFor) srcForVarFull = "for(var i=0,j=tokens.length;i\" [JSIdentifier \"i\"] [JSDecimal \"0\"]]) ([JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"consts\",JSOperator JSLiteral \"+=\",JSStringLiteral '\"' \", \"],JSLiteral \";\"]) ([]),JSVariables JSLiteral \"var\" [JSVarDecl (JSIdentifier \"t\") [JSLiteral \"=\",JSMemberSquare [JSIdentifier \"tokens\"] (JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"i\"])]],JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcIf1) caseMinIf1 = testMinify "if(i>0)consts+=\", \";var t=tokens[i]" srcIf1 srcIf2 = "if (getValue)\n execute;\nelse {\n execute;\n}" caseIf2 = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSIf (JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"getValue\"]) ([JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"execute\"],JSLiteral \";\"]) ([JSLiteral \"else\",JSBlock ([JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"execute\"],JSLiteral \";\"])]),JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcIf2) caseMinIf2 = testMinify "if(getValue){execute}else execute" srcIf2 srcIf3 = "if(getValue){execute}else execute" caseIf3 = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSIf (JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"getValue\"]) ([JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"execute\"],JSLiteral \";\"]) ([JSLiteral \"else\",JSBlock ([JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"execute\"],JSLiteral \";\"])]),JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcIf2) caseMinIf3 = testMinify "if(getValue){execute}else execute" srcIf3 srcBootstrapDropdown = "clearMenus()\n!isActive && $parent.toggleClass('open')" caseBootstrapDropdown = "Right (JSSourceElementsTop [JSExpression [JSIdentifier \"clearMenus\",JSArguments []],JSExpression [JSExpressionBinary \"&&\" [JSUnary \"!\",JSIdentifier \"isActive\"] [JSMemberDot [JSIdentifier \"$parent\"] (JSIdentifier \"toggleClass\"),JSArguments [JSStringLiteral '\\'' \"open\"]]],JSLiteral \"\"])" @=? (showStrippedMaybe $ parseProgram srcBootstrapDropdown) caseMinBootstrapDropdown = -- Note: jsmin preserves the \n, rather than the semi. A matter of taste, it is the same number of chars. testMinify "clearMenus();!isActive&&$parent.toggleClass('open')" srcBootstrapDropdown -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- utilities --testMinify expected src = (LB.fromChunks [(U.fromString expected)]) @=? (minify (U.fromString src)) testMinify expected src = (LB.fromChunks [(E.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack expected)]) @=? (minify $ LB.fromChunks [(E.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack src)]) testFile :: FilePath -> IO () testFile filename = do x <- readFile (filename) let x' = trim x -- x' @=? (minify (U.fromString x') ) testMinify x' x' testFileUnminified :: FilePath -> IO () testFileUnminified filename = do x <- readFile ("./test/pminified/" ++ filename) y <- readFile ("./test/parsingonly/" ++ filename) let x' = trim x -- x' @=? (minify (U.fromString y)) testMinify x' y trim :: String -> String trim = f . f where f = reverse . dropWhile isSpace -- For language-javascript parseProgram src = parse src "src" -- EOF