{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

Common cmdargs modes and flags, a command-line options type, and
related utilities used by hledger commands.


module Hledger.Cli.Options (

  -- * cmdargs flags & modes

  -- * CLI options

  -- possibly these should move into argsToCliOpts
  -- * CLI option accessors
  -- | These do the extra processing required for some options.
  -- | For register:
  -- | For balance:

  -- * Other utils

  -- * Tests


import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*))
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Safe
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Text
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
import System.FilePath
import Test.HUnit
import Text.Parsec

import Hledger
import Hledger.Data.OutputFormat as OutputFormat
import Hledger.Cli.Version

-- common cmdargs flags

-- | Common help flags: --help, --debug, --version...
helpflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
helpflags = [
  flagNone ["help","h"] (setboolopt "help") "show general help or (after command) command help"
 -- ,flagNone ["browse-args"] (setboolopt "browse-args") "use a web UI to select options and build up a command line"
 ,flagReq  ["debug"]    (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "debug" s opts) "N" "show debug output if N is 1-9 (default: 0)"
 ,flagNone ["version"] (setboolopt "version") "show version information"

-- | A hidden flag, just for the hledger executable.
detailedversionflag :: Flag RawOpts
detailedversionflag = flagNone ["version+"] (setboolopt "version+") "show version information with extra detail"

-- | Common input-related flags: --file, --rules-file, --alias...
inputflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
inputflags = [
  flagReq ["file","f"]  (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "file" s opts) "FILE" "use a different input file. For stdin, use -"
 ,flagReq ["rules-file"]  (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "rules-file" s opts) "RFILE" "CSV conversion rules file (default: FILE.rules)"
 ,flagReq ["alias"]  (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "alias" s opts)  "OLD=NEW" "display accounts named OLD as NEW"
 ,flagNone ["ignore-assertions"] (setboolopt "ignore-assertions") "ignore any balance assertions in the journal"

-- | Common report-related flags: --period, --cost, etc.
reportflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
reportflags = [
  flagReq  ["begin","b"]     (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "begin" s opts) "DATE" "include postings/txns on or after this date"
 ,flagReq  ["end","e"]       (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "end" s opts) "DATE" "include postings/txns before this date"
 ,flagNone ["daily","D"]     (setboolopt "daily") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by day"
 ,flagNone ["weekly","W"]    (setboolopt "weekly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by week"
 ,flagNone ["monthly","M"]   (setboolopt "monthly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by month"
 ,flagNone ["quarterly","Q"] (setboolopt "quarterly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by quarter"
 ,flagNone ["yearly","Y"]    (setboolopt "yearly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by year"
 ,flagReq  ["period","p"]    (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "period" s opts) "PERIODEXP" "set start date, end date, and/or reporting interval all at once (overrides the flags above)"
 ,flagNone ["date2","aux-date"] (setboolopt "date2") "use postings/txns' secondary dates instead"

 ,flagNone ["cleared","C"]   (setboolopt "cleared") "include only pending/cleared postings/txns"
 ,flagNone ["uncleared","U"] (setboolopt "uncleared") "include only uncleared postings/txns"
 ,flagNone ["real","R"]      (setboolopt "real") "include only non-virtual postings"
 ,flagReq  ["depth"]         (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "depth" s opts) "N" "hide accounts/postings deeper than N"
 ,flagNone ["empty","E"]     (setboolopt "empty") "show empty/zero things which are normally omitted"
 ,flagNone ["cost","B"]      (setboolopt "cost") "show amounts in their cost price's commodity"

-- | Common output-related flags: --output-file, --output-format...
outputflags = [
   flagReq  ["output-file","o"]   (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "output-file" s opts) "FILE[.FMT]" "write output to FILE instead of stdout. A recognised FMT suffix influences the format."
  ,flagReq  ["output-format","O"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "output-format" s opts) "FMT" "select the output format. Supported formats: txt, csv."

argsFlag :: FlagHelp -> Arg RawOpts
argsFlag desc = flagArg (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "args" s opts) desc

generalflagstitle :: String
generalflagstitle = "\nGeneral flags"

generalflagsgroup1, generalflagsgroup2, generalflagsgroup3 :: (String, [Flag RawOpts])
generalflagsgroup1 = (generalflagstitle, inputflags ++ reportflags ++ helpflags)
generalflagsgroup2 = (generalflagstitle, inputflags ++ helpflags)
generalflagsgroup3 = (generalflagstitle, helpflags)

-- cmdargs mode constructors

-- | A basic mode template.
defMode :: Mode RawOpts
defMode =   Mode {
  modeNames = []
 ,modeHelp = ""
 ,modeHelpSuffix = []
 ,modeValue = []
 ,modeCheck = Right
 ,modeReform = const Nothing
 ,modeExpandAt = True
 ,modeGroupFlags = Group {
     groupNamed = []
    ,groupUnnamed = [
        flagNone ["help","h","?"] (setboolopt "help") "Show command help."
    ,groupHidden = []
 ,modeArgs = ([], Nothing)
 ,modeGroupModes = toGroup []

-- | A basic subcommand mode with the given command name(s).
defCommandMode :: [Name] -> Mode RawOpts
defCommandMode names = defMode {
  ,modeValue=[("command", headDef "" names)]
  ,modeArgs = ([], Just $ argsFlag "[PATTERNS]")

-- | A basic subcommand mode suitable for an add-on command.
defAddonCommandMode :: Name -> Mode RawOpts
defAddonCommandMode addon = defMode {
   modeNames = [addon]
  ,modeHelp = fromMaybe "" $ lookup (stripAddonExtension addon) standardAddonsHelp
  ,modeGroupFlags = Group {
      groupUnnamed = []
     ,groupHidden = []
     ,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup1]
  ,modeArgs = ([], Just $ argsFlag "[ARGS]")

-- | Built-in descriptions for some of the known external addons,
-- since we don't currently have any way to ask them.
standardAddonsHelp :: [(String,String)]
standardAddonsHelp = [
   ("chart", "generate simple balance pie charts")
  ,("interest", "generate interest transaction entries")
  ,("irr", "calculate internal rate of return")
  ,("vty", "start the curses-style interface")
  ,("web", "start the web interface")
  ,("accounts", "list account names")
  ,("balance-csv", "output a balance report as CSV")
  ,("equity", "show a transaction entry zeroing all accounts")
  ,("print-unique", "print only transactions with unique descriptions")
  ,("register-csv", "output a register report as CSV")
  ,("rewrite", "add specified postings to matched transaction entries")
  ,("addon",  "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon2", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon3", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon4", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon5", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon6", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon7", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon8", "dummy add-on command for testing")
  ,("addon9", "dummy add-on command for testing")

-- | Get a mode's help message as a nicely wrapped string.
showModeHelp :: Mode a -> String
showModeHelp = (showText defaultWrap :: [Text] -> String) .
               (helpText [] HelpFormatDefault :: Mode a -> [Text])

-- | Add command aliases to the command's help string.
withAliases :: String -> [String] -> String
s `withAliases` []     = s
s `withAliases` as = s ++ " (" ++ intercalate ", " as ++ ")"
-- s `withAliases` (a:[]) = s ++ " (alias: " ++ a ++ ")"
-- s `withAliases` as     = s ++ " (aliases: " ++ intercalate ", " as ++ ")"

-- help_postscript = [
--   -- "DATES can be Y/M/D or smart dates like \"last month\"."
--   -- ,"PATTERNS are regular"
--   -- ,"expressions which filter by account name.  Prefix a pattern with desc: to"
--   -- ,"filter by transaction description instead, prefix with not: to negate it."
--   -- ,"When using both, not: comes last."
--  ]

-- CliOpts

-- | Command line options, used in the @hledger@ package and above.
-- This is the \"opts\" used throughout hledger CLI code.
-- representing the options that arguments that were provided at
-- startup on the command-line.
data CliOpts = CliOpts {
     rawopts_         :: RawOpts
    ,command_         :: String
    ,file_            :: Maybe FilePath
    ,rules_file_      :: Maybe FilePath
    ,output_file_     :: Maybe FilePath
    ,output_format_   :: Maybe String
    ,alias_           :: [String]
    ,ignore_assertions_ :: Bool
    ,debug_           :: Int            -- ^ debug level, set by @--debug[=N]@. See also 'Hledger.Utils.debugLevel'.
    ,no_new_accounts_ :: Bool           -- add
    ,width_           :: Maybe String   -- register
    ,reportopts_      :: ReportOpts
 } deriving (Show, Data, Typeable)

instance Default CliOpts where def = defcliopts

defcliopts :: CliOpts
defcliopts = CliOpts

-- | Convert possibly encoded option values to regular unicode strings.
decodeRawOpts :: RawOpts -> RawOpts
decodeRawOpts = map (\(name',val) -> (name', fromSystemString val))

-- | Parse raw option string values to the desired final data types.
-- Any relative smart dates will be converted to fixed dates based on
-- today's date. Parsing failures will raise an error.
rawOptsToCliOpts :: RawOpts -> IO CliOpts
rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts = do
  ropts <- rawOptsToReportOpts rawopts
  return defcliopts {
              rawopts_         = rawopts
             ,command_         = stringopt "command" rawopts
             ,file_            = maybestringopt "file" rawopts
             ,rules_file_      = maybestringopt "rules-file" rawopts
             ,output_file_     = maybestringopt "output-file" rawopts
             ,output_format_   = maybestringopt "output-format" rawopts
             ,alias_           = map stripquotes $ listofstringopt "alias" rawopts
             ,debug_           = intopt "debug" rawopts
             ,ignore_assertions_ = boolopt "ignore-assertions" rawopts
             ,no_new_accounts_ = boolopt "no-new-accounts" rawopts -- add
             ,width_           = maybestringopt "width" rawopts    -- register
             ,reportopts_      = ropts

-- | Do final validation of processed opts, raising an error if there is trouble.
checkCliOpts :: CliOpts -> IO CliOpts -- or pure..
checkCliOpts opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} = do
  case lineFormatFromOpts ropts of
    Left err -> optserror $ "could not parse format option: "++err
    Right _ -> return ()
  case widthFromOpts opts of
    Left err -> optserror $ "could not parse width option: "++err
    Right _ -> return ()
  return opts

-- Currently only used by some extras/ scripts:
-- | Parse hledger CLI options from the command line using the given
-- cmdargs mode, and either return them or, if a help flag is present,
-- print the mode help and exit the program.
getCliOpts :: Mode RawOpts -> IO CliOpts
getCliOpts mode' = do
  args' <- getArgs
  let rawopts = decodeRawOpts $ processValue mode' args'
  opts <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts >>= checkCliOpts
  debugArgs args' opts
  -- if any (`elem` args) ["--help","-h","-?"]
  when ("help" `inRawOpts` rawopts_ opts) $
    putStr (showModeHelp mode') >> exitSuccess
  return opts
    -- | Print debug info about arguments and options if --debug is present.
    debugArgs :: [String] -> CliOpts -> IO ()
    debugArgs args' opts =
      when ("--debug" `elem` args') $ do
        progname' <- getProgName
        putStrLn $ "running: " ++ progname'
        putStrLn $ "raw args: " ++ show args'
        putStrLn $ "processed opts:\n" ++ show opts
        d <- getCurrentDay
        putStrLn $ "search query: " ++ show (queryFromOpts d $ reportopts_ opts)

-- CliOpts accessors

-- | Get the account name aliases from options, if any.
aliasesFromOpts :: CliOpts -> [(AccountName,AccountName)]
aliasesFromOpts = map parseAlias . alias_
      -- similar to ledgerAlias
      parseAlias :: String -> (AccountName,AccountName)
      parseAlias s = (accountNameWithoutPostingType $ strip orig
                     ,accountNameWithoutPostingType $ strip alias')
            (orig, alias) = break (=='=') s
            alias' = case alias of ('=':rest) -> rest
                                   _ -> orig

-- | Get the (tilde-expanded, absolute) journal file path from
-- 1. options, 2. an environment variable, or 3. the default.
journalFilePathFromOpts :: CliOpts -> IO String
journalFilePathFromOpts opts = do
  f <- defaultJournalPath
  d <- getCurrentDirectory
  expandPath d $ fromMaybe f $ file_ opts

-- | Get the expanded, absolute output file path from options,
-- or the default (-, meaning stdout).
outputFileFromOpts :: CliOpts -> IO FilePath
outputFileFromOpts opts = do
  d <- getCurrentDirectory
  case output_file_ opts of
    Just p  -> expandPath d p
    Nothing -> return "-"

defaultOutputFormat = "txt"

outputFormats =
  [defaultOutputFormat] ++

-- | Get the output format from the --output-format option,
-- otherwise from a recognised file extension in the --output-file option,
-- otherwise the default (txt).
outputFormatFromOpts :: CliOpts -> String
outputFormatFromOpts opts =
  case output_format_ opts of
    Just f  -> f
    Nothing ->
      case filePathExtension <$> output_file_ opts of
        Just ext | ext `elem` outputFormats -> ext
        _                                   -> defaultOutputFormat

-- -- | Get the file name without its last extension, from a file path.
-- filePathBaseFileName :: FilePath -> String
-- filePathBaseFileName = fst . splitExtension . snd . splitFileName

-- | Get the last file extension, without the dot, from a file path.
-- May return the null string.
filePathExtension :: FilePath -> String
filePathExtension = dropWhile (=='.') . snd . splitExtension . snd . splitFileName

-- | Get the (tilde-expanded) rules file path from options, if any.
rulesFilePathFromOpts :: CliOpts -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
rulesFilePathFromOpts opts = do
  d <- getCurrentDirectory
  maybe (return Nothing) (fmap Just . expandPath d) $ rules_file_ opts

-- for balance, currently:

-- | Parse the format option if provided, possibly returning an error,
-- otherwise get the default value.
lineFormatFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Either String [OutputFormat]
lineFormatFromOpts = maybe (Right defaultBalanceLineFormat) parseStringFormat . format_

-- | Default line format for balance report: "%20(total)  %2(depth_spacer)%-(account)"
defaultBalanceLineFormat :: [OutputFormat]
defaultBalanceLineFormat = [
      FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing TotalField
    , FormatLiteral "  "
    , FormatField True (Just 2) Nothing DepthSpacerField
    , FormatField True Nothing Nothing AccountField

-- for register:

-- | Output width configuration (for register).
data OutputWidth =
    TotalWidth Width    -- ^ specify the overall width
  | FieldWidths [Width] -- ^ specify each field's width
  deriving Show

-- | A width value.
data Width =
    Width Int -- ^ set width to exactly this number of characters
  | Auto      -- ^ set width automatically from available space
  deriving Show

-- | Default width of hledger console output.
defaultWidth :: Int
defaultWidth = 80

-- | Width of hledger console output when the -w flag is used with no value.
defaultWidthWithFlag :: Int
defaultWidthWithFlag = 120

-- | Parse the width option if provided, possibly returning an error,
-- otherwise get the default value.
widthFromOpts :: CliOpts -> Either String OutputWidth
widthFromOpts CliOpts{width_=Nothing} = Right $ TotalWidth $ Width defaultWidth
widthFromOpts CliOpts{width_=Just ""} = Right $ TotalWidth $ Width defaultWidthWithFlag
widthFromOpts CliOpts{width_=Just s}  = parseWidth s

parseWidth :: String -> Either String OutputWidth
parseWidth s = case (runParser (outputwidthp <* eof) () "(unknown)") s of
    Left  e -> Left $ show e
    Right x -> Right x

outputwidthp :: Stream [Char] m t => ParsecT [Char] st m OutputWidth
outputwidthp =
  try (do w <- widthp
          ws <- many1 (char ',' >> widthp)
          return $ FieldWidths $ w:ws)
  <|> TotalWidth `fmap` widthp

widthp :: Stream [Char] m t => ParsecT [Char] st m Width
widthp = (string "auto" >> return Auto)
    <|> (Width . read) `fmap` many1 digit

-- | Drop leading components of accounts names as specified by --drop, but only in --flat mode.
maybeAccountNameDrop :: ReportOpts -> AccountName -> AccountName
maybeAccountNameDrop opts a | tree_ opts = a
                            | otherwise  = accountNameDrop (drop_ opts) a

-- Other utils

-- | Get the sorted unique precise names and display names of hledger
-- add-ons found in the current user's PATH. The precise names are the
-- add-on's filename with the "hledger-" prefix removed. The display
-- names have the file extension removed also, except when it's needed
-- for disambiguation.
-- -- Also when there are exactly two similar names, one with the .hs or
-- -- .lhs extension and the other with the .exe extension or no
-- -- extension - presumably source and compiled versions of a haskell
-- -- script - we exclude the source version.
-- This function can return add-on names which shadow built-in command
-- names, but hledger will ignore these.
hledgerAddons :: IO ([String],[String])
hledgerAddons = do
  exes <- hledgerExecutablesInPath
  let precisenames = -- concatMap dropRedundant $
                     -- groupBy (\a b -> dropExtension a == dropExtension b) $
                     map stripprefix exes
  let displaynames = concatMap stripext $
                     groupBy (\a b -> dropExtension a == dropExtension b) precisenames
  return (precisenames, displaynames)
    stripprefix = drop (length progname + 1)
    -- dropRedundant [f,f2] | takeExtension f `elem` ["",".exe"] && takeExtension f2 `elem` [".hs",".lhs"] = [f]
    -- dropRedundant fs = fs
    stripext [f] = [dropExtension f]
    stripext fs  = fs

-- | Get the sorted unique filenames of all hledger-* executables in
-- the current user's PATH. Currently these are: files in any of the
-- PATH directories, named hledger-*, with either no extension (and no
-- periods in the name) or one of the addonExtensions.  Limitations:
-- we do not currently check that the file is really a file (not eg a
-- directory) or whether it has execute permission.
hledgerExecutablesInPath :: IO [String]
hledgerExecutablesInPath = do
  pathdirs <- regexSplit "[:;]" `fmap` getEnvSafe "PATH"
  pathfiles <- concat `fmap` mapM getDirectoryContentsSafe pathdirs
  return $ nub $ sort $ filter isHledgerExeName pathfiles
  -- XXX should exclude directories and files without execute permission.
  -- These will do a stat for each hledger-*, probably ok.
  -- But they need paths, not just filenames
  -- hledgerexes  <- filterM doesFileExist hledgernamed
  -- hledgerexes' <- filterM isExecutable hledgerexes
  -- return hledgerexes

-- isExecutable f = getPermissions f >>= (return . executable)

isHledgerExeName :: String -> Bool
isHledgerExeName = isRight . parsewith hledgerexenamep
      hledgerexenamep = do
        _ <- string progname
        _ <- char '-'
        _ <- many1 (noneOf ".")
        optional (string "." >> choice' (map string addonExtensions))

stripAddonExtension :: String -> String
stripAddonExtension = regexReplace re "" where re = "\\.(" ++ intercalate "|" addonExtensions ++ ")$"

addonExtensions :: [String]
addonExtensions =
  -- ,""

getEnvSafe :: String -> IO String
getEnvSafe v = getEnv v `C.catch` (\(_::C.IOException) -> return "")

getDirectoryContentsSafe :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getDirectoryContentsSafe d =
    (filter (not . (`elem` [".",".."])) `fmap` getDirectoryContents d) `C.catch` (\(_::C.IOException) -> return [])

-- not used:
-- -- | Print debug info about arguments and options if --debug is present.
-- debugArgs :: [String] -> CliOpts -> IO ()
-- debugArgs args opts =
--   when ("--debug" `elem` args) $ do
--     progname <- getProgName
--     putStrLn $ "running: " ++ progname
--     putStrLn $ "raw args: " ++ show args
--     putStrLn $ "processed opts:\n" ++ show opts
--     d <- getCurrentDay
--     putStrLn $ "search query: " ++ (show $ queryFromOpts d $ reportopts_ opts)

-- tests

tests_Hledger_Cli_Options :: Test
tests_Hledger_Cli_Options = TestList