{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Close ( closemode ,close ) where import Control.Monad (when) import Data.Function (on) import Data.List (groupBy) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Time.Calendar (addDays) import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C import Hledger import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions defretaindesc = "retain earnings" defclosedesc = "closing balances" defopendesc = "opening balances" defretainacct = "equity:retained earnings" defcloseacct = "equity:opening/closing balances" closemode = hledgerCommandMode $(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Close.txt") [flagNone ["close"] (setboolopt "close") "show a closing transaction (default)" ,flagNone ["open"] (setboolopt "open") "show an opening transaction" ,flagNone ["migrate"] (setboolopt "migrate") "show both closing and opening transactions" ,flagNone ["retain"] (setboolopt "retain") "show a retain earnings transaction (for RX accounts)" ,flagNone ["explicit","x"] (setboolopt "explicit") "show all amounts explicitly" ,flagNone ["show-costs"] (setboolopt "show-costs") "show amounts with different costs separately" ,flagNone ["interleaved"] (setboolopt "interleaved") "show source and destination postings together" ,flagReq ["close-desc"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-desc" s opts) "DESC" "set closing transaction's description" ,flagReq ["close-acct"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-acct" s opts) "ACCT" "set closing transaction's destination account" ,flagReq ["open-desc"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "open-desc" s opts) "DESC" "set opening transaction's description" ,flagReq ["open-acct"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "open-acct" s opts) "ACCT" "set opening transaction's source account" ] [generalflagsgroup1] (hiddenflags ++ -- keep supporting old flag names for compatibility [flagNone ["closing"] (setboolopt "close") "old spelling of --close" ,flagNone ["opening"] (setboolopt "open") "old spelling of --open" ,flagReq ["close-to"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-acct" s opts) "ACCT" "old spelling of --close-acct" ,flagReq ["open-from"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "open-acct" s opts) "ACCT" "old spelling of --open-acct" ] ) ([], Just $ argsFlag "[--close | --open | --migrate | --retain] [ACCTQUERY]") -- Debugger, beware: close is incredibly devious; simple rules combine to make a horrid maze. -- Tests are in hledger/test/close.test. -- This code is also used by the close command. close copts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec0} j = do let (close_, open_, defclosedesc_, defopendesc_, defcloseacct_, defacctsq_) = if | boolopt "retain" rawopts -> (True, False, defretaindesc, undefined, defretainacct, Type [Revenue, Expense]) | boolopt "migrate" rawopts -> (True, True, defclosedesc, defopendesc, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability, Equity]) | boolopt "open" rawopts -> (False, True, undefined, defopendesc, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability, Equity]) | otherwise -> (True, False, defclosedesc, undefined, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability, Equity]) -- descriptions to use for the closing/opening transactions closedesc = T.pack $ fromMaybe defclosedesc_ $ maybestringopt "close-desc" rawopts opendesc = T.pack $ fromMaybe defopendesc_ $ maybestringopt "open-desc" rawopts -- equity/balancing accounts to use closeacct = T.pack $ fromMaybe defcloseacct_ $ maybestringopt "close-acct" rawopts openacct = maybe closeacct T.pack $ maybestringopt "open-acct" rawopts ropts = (_rsReportOpts rspec0){balanceaccum_=Historical, accountlistmode_=ALFlat} rspec1 = setDefaultConversionOp NoConversionOp rspec0{_rsReportOpts=ropts} -- dates of the closing and opening transactions -- Close.md: -- "The default closing date is yesterday, or the journal's end date, whichever is later. -- You can change this by specifying a [report end date](#report-start--end-date), -- where "last day of the report period" will be the closing date. -- (Only the end date matters; a report start date will be ignored.) -- The opening date is always the day after the closing date." argsq = _rsQuery rspec1 yesterday = addDays (-1) $ _rsDay rspec1 yesterdayorjournalend = case journalLastDay False j of Just journalend -> max yesterday journalend Nothing -> yesterday mreportlastday = addDays (-1) <$> queryEndDate False argsq closedate = fromMaybe yesterdayorjournalend mreportlastday opendate = addDays 1 closedate -- should we show the amount(s) on the equity posting(s) ? explicit = boolopt "explicit" rawopts || copts ^. infer_costs -- the balances to close argsacctq = filterQuery (\q -> queryIsAcct q || queryIsType q) argsq q2 = if queryIsNull argsacctq then And [argsq, defacctsq_] else argsq rspec2 = rspec1{_rsQuery=q2} (acctbals',_) = balanceReport rspec2 j acctbals = map (\(a,_,_,b) -> (a, if show_costs_ ropts then b else mixedAmountStripPrices b)) acctbals' totalamt = maSum $ map snd acctbals -- since balance assertion amounts are required to be exact, the -- amounts in opening/closing transactions should be too (#941, #1137) precise = amountSetFullPrecision -- interleave equity postings next to the corresponding closing posting, or put them all at the end ? interleaved = boolopt "interleaved" rawopts -- the closing transaction closetxn = nulltransaction{tdate=closedate, tdescription=closedesc, tpostings=closeps} closeps = concat [ posting{paccount = a ,pamount = mixedAmount . precise $ negate b -- after each commodity's last posting, assert 0 balance (#1035) -- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824) ,pbalanceassertion = if islast then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}} else Nothing } -- maybe an interleaved posting transferring this balance to equity : [posting{paccount=closeacct, pamount=mixedAmount $ precise b} | interleaved] | -- get the balances for each commodity and transaction price (a,mb) <- acctbals , let bs0 = amounts mb -- mark the last balance in each commodity with True , let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (True : repeat False) | bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0] , (b, islast) <- bs2 ] -- or a final multicommodity posting transferring all balances to equity -- (print will show this as multiple single-commodity postings) ++ [posting{paccount=closeacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision totalamt else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved] -- the opening transaction opentxn = nulltransaction{tdate=opendate, tdescription=opendesc, tpostings=openps} openps = concat [ posting{paccount = a ,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b ,pbalanceassertion = case mcommoditysum of Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s{aprice=Nothing}} Nothing -> Nothing } : [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=mixedAmount . precise $ negate b} | interleaved] | (a,mb) <- acctbals , let bs0 = amounts mb -- mark the last balance in each commodity with the unpriced sum in that commodity (for a balance assertion) , let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (Just commoditysum : repeat Nothing) | bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0 , let commoditysum = (sum bs1)] , (b, mcommoditysum) <- bs2 ] ++ [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision (maNegate totalamt) else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved] -- print them when close_ . T.putStr $ showTransaction closetxn when open_ . T.putStr $ showTransaction opentxn