Name: hledger-interest Version: 1.6.4 x-revision: 1 Synopsis: computes interest for a given account License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Peter Simons Maintainer: Peter Simons Homepage: Category: Finance Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >= 1.10 Extra-source-files: Stability: stable tested-with: GHC == 8.4.4, GHC == 8.6.5, GHC == 8.8.4, GHC == 8.10.7 Description: hledger-interest is a small command-line utility based on Simon Michael's hleder library. Its purpose is to compute interest for a given ledger account. Using command line flags, the program can be configured to use various schemes for day-counting, such as act\/act, 30\/360, 30E\/360, and 30\/360isda. Furthermore, it supports a (small) number of interest schemes, i.e. annual interest with a fixed rate and the scheme mandated by the German BGB288 (Basiszins fuer Verbrauchergeschaefte). Extending support for other schemes is fairly easy, but currently requires changes to the source code. . As an example, consider the following loan, stored in a file called @test.ledger@: . > 2008/09/26 Loan > Assets:Bank EUR 10000.00 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2008/11/27 Payment > Assets:Bank EUR -3771.12 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2009/05/03 Payment > Assets:Bank EUR -1200.00 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2010/12/10 Payment > Assets:Bank EUR -3700.00 > Liabilities:Bank . Suppose that loan earns 5% interest per year, and payments amortize interest before amortizing the principal claim, then the resulting ledger would look like this: . > $ hledger-interest --file=test.ledger --source=Expenses:Interest --target=Liabilities:Bank --30-360 --annual=0.05 Liabilities:Bank > 2008/09/26 Loan > Assets:Bank EUR 10000.00 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2008/11/27 Payment > Assets:Bank EUR -3771.12 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2008/11/27 5.00% interest for EUR -10000.00 over 61 days > Liabilities:Bank EUR -84.72 > Expenses:Interest > > 2008/12/31 5.00% interest for EUR -6313.60 over 34 days > Liabilities:Bank EUR -29.81 > Expenses:Interest > > 2009/05/03 Payment > Assets:Bank EUR -1200.00 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2009/05/03 5.00% interest for EUR -6343.42 over 123 days > Liabilities:Bank EUR -108.37 > Expenses:Interest > > 2009/12/31 5.00% interest for EUR -5251.78 over 238 days > Liabilities:Bank EUR -173.60 > Expenses:Interest > > 2010/12/10 Payment > Assets:Bank EUR -3700.00 > Liabilities:Bank > > 2010/12/10 5.00% interest for EUR -5425.38 over 340 days > Liabilities:Bank EUR -256.20 > Expenses:Interest > > 2010/12/31 5.00% interest for EUR -1981.58 over 21 days > Liabilities:Bank EUR -5.78 > Expenses:Interest . Running the utility with @--help@ gives a brief overview over the available options: . > Usage: hledger-interest [OPTION...] ACCOUNT > -h --help print this message and exit > -V --version show version number and exit > -v --verbose echo input ledger to stdout (default) > -q --quiet don't echo input ledger to stdout > --today compute interest up until today > -f FILE --file=FILE input ledger file (pass '-' for stdin) > -s ACCOUNT --source=ACCOUNT interest source account > -t ACCOUNT --target=ACCOUNT interest target account > -I --ignore-assertions ignore any failing balance assertions > --act use 'act' day counting convention > --30-360 use '30/360' day counting convention > --30E-360 use '30E/360' day counting convention > --30E-360isda use '30E/360isda' day counting convention > --constant=RATE constant interest rate > --annual-schedule=SCHEDULE schedule of annual interest rates. > syntax: '[(Date1,Rate1),(Date2,Rate2),...]' > --annual=RATE annual interest rate > --bgb288 compute interest according to German BGB288 Source-Repository head Type: git Location: git:// Executable hledger-interest default-language: Haskell2010 Main-is: Main.hs Build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5, hledger-lib >= 1.26 && < 1.28, time, mtl, Cabal, Decimal, text other-modules: Hledger.Interest Hledger.Interest.DayCountConvention Hledger.Interest.Rate Paths_hledger_interest