Safe Haskell | None |
A simple Amount
is some quantity of money, shares, or anything else.
It has a (possibly null) Commodity
and a numeric quantity:
$1 £-50 EUR 3.44 GOOG 500 1.5h 90 apples 0
It may also have an assigned Price
, representing this amount's per-unit
or total cost in a different commodity. If present, this is rendered like
EUR 2 @ $1.50 (unit price) EUR 2 @@ $3 (total price)
A MixedAmount
is zero or more simple amounts, so can represent multiple
commodities; this is the type most often used:
0 $50 + EUR 3 16h + $13.55 + AAPL 500 + 6 oranges
When a mixed amount has been "normalised", it has no more than one amount in each commodity and no zero amounts; or it has just a single zero amount and no others.
Limited arithmetic with simple and mixed amounts is supported, best used with similar amounts since it mostly ignores assigned prices and commodity exchange rates.
- amount :: Amount
- nullamt :: Amount
- missingamt :: Amount
- num :: Quantity -> Amount
- usd :: Quantity -> Amount
- eur :: Quantity -> Amount
- gbp :: Quantity -> Amount
- hrs :: Quantity -> Amount
- at :: Amount -> Amount -> Amount
- (@@) :: Amount -> Amount -> Amount
- amountWithCommodity :: Commodity -> Amount -> Amount
- costOfAmount :: Amount -> Amount
- divideAmount :: Amount -> Double -> Amount
- sumAmounts :: [Amount] -> MixedAmount
- amountstyle :: AmountStyle
- showAmount :: Amount -> String
- showAmountDebug :: Amount -> String
- showAmountWithoutPrice :: Amount -> String
- maxprecision :: Int
- maxprecisionwithpoint :: Int
- setAmountPrecision :: Int -> Amount -> Amount
- withPrecision :: Amount -> Int -> Amount
- canonicaliseAmount :: Map Commodity AmountStyle -> Amount -> Amount
- canonicalStyles :: [Amount] -> Map Commodity AmountStyle
- nullmixedamt :: MixedAmount
- missingmixedamt :: MixedAmount
- mixed :: Amount -> MixedAmount
- amounts :: MixedAmount -> [Amount]
- normaliseMixedAmountPreservingFirstPrice :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
- normaliseMixedAmountPreservingPrices :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
- costOfMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
- divideMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Double -> MixedAmount
- isNegativeMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Maybe Bool
- isZeroMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Bool
- isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost :: MixedAmount -> Bool
- showMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> String
- showMixedAmountDebug :: MixedAmount -> String
- showMixedAmountWithoutPrice :: MixedAmount -> String
- showMixedAmountWithPrecision :: Int -> MixedAmount -> String
- setMixedAmountPrecision :: Int -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
- canonicaliseMixedAmount :: Map Commodity AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
- ltraceamount :: String -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
- tests_Hledger_Data_Amount :: Test
A temporary value for parsed transactions which had no amount specified.
amountWithCommodity :: Commodity -> Amount -> AmountSource
Convert an amount to the specified commodity, ignoring and discarding any assigned prices and assuming an exchange rate of 1.
costOfAmount :: Amount -> AmountSource
Convert an amount to the commodity of its assigned price, if any. Notes:
- price amounts must be MixedAmounts with exactly one component Amount (or there will be a runtime error)
- price amounts should be positive, though this is not currently enforced
divideAmount :: Amount -> Double -> AmountSource
Divide an amount's quantity by a constant.
sumAmounts :: [Amount] -> MixedAmountSource
A more complete amount adding operation.
showAmount :: Amount -> StringSource
Get the string representation of an amount, based on its commodity's display settings. String representations equivalent to zero are converted to just "0".
showAmountDebug :: Amount -> StringSource
Get the unambiguous string representation of an amount, for debugging.
showAmountWithoutPrice :: Amount -> StringSource
Get the string representation of an amount, without any @ price.
For rendering: a special precision value which means show all available digits.
maxprecisionwithpoint :: IntSource
For rendering: a special precision value which forces display of a decimal point.
setAmountPrecision :: Int -> Amount -> AmountSource
Set an amount's display precision.
withPrecision :: Amount -> Int -> AmountSource
Set an amount's display precision, flipped.
canonicaliseAmount :: Map Commodity AmountStyle -> Amount -> AmountSource
Canonicalise an amount's display style using the provided commodity style map.
canonicalStyles :: [Amount] -> Map Commodity AmountStyleSource
Given a list of amounts in parse order, build a map from commodities to canonical display styles for amounts in that commodity.
nullmixedamt :: MixedAmountSource
The empty mixed amount.
mixed :: Amount -> MixedAmountSource
amounts :: MixedAmount -> [Amount]Source
Get a mixed amount's component amounts.
normaliseMixedAmountPreservingFirstPrice :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmountSource
Simplify a mixed amount's component amounts: combine amounts with the same commodity, using the first amount's price for subsequent amounts in each commodity (ie, this function alters the amount and is best used as a rendering helper.). Also remove any zero amounts and replace an empty amount list with a single zero amount.
normaliseMixedAmountPreservingPrices :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmountSource
Simplify a mixed amount's component amounts: we can combine amounts with the same commodity and unit price. Also remove any zero or missing amounts and replace an empty amount list with a single zero amount.
costOfMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmountSource
Convert a mixed amount's component amounts to the commodity of their assigned price, if any.
divideMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Double -> MixedAmountSource
Divide a mixed amount's quantities by a constant.
isNegativeMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> Maybe BoolSource
Is this mixed amount negative, if it can be normalised to a single commodity ?
isZeroMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> BoolSource
Does this mixed amount appear to be zero when displayed with its given precision ?
isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost :: MixedAmount -> BoolSource
Is this mixed amount really zero, after converting to cost commodities where possible ?
showMixedAmount :: MixedAmount -> StringSource
Get the string representation of a mixed amount, showing each of its component amounts. NB a mixed amount can have an empty amounts list in which case it shows as "".
showMixedAmountDebug :: MixedAmount -> StringSource
Get an unambiguous string representation of a mixed amount for debugging.
showMixedAmountWithoutPrice :: MixedAmount -> StringSource
Get the string representation of a mixed amount, but without any @ prices.
showMixedAmountWithPrecision :: Int -> MixedAmount -> StringSource
Get the string representation of a mixed amount, showing each of its component amounts with the specified precision, ignoring their commoditys' display precision settings.
setMixedAmountPrecision :: Int -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmountSource
Set the display precision in the amount's commodities.
canonicaliseMixedAmount :: Map Commodity AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmountSource
Canonicalise a mixed amount's display styles using the provided commodity style map.
ltraceamount :: String -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmountSource
Compact labelled trace of a mixed amount.