{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances #-} {-| Postings report, used by the register command. -} module Hledger.Reports.PostingsReport ( PostingsReport, PostingsReportItem, postingsReport, mkpostingsReportItem, -- * Tests tests_Hledger_Reports_PostingsReport ) where import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord (comparing) import Data.Time.Calendar import Safe (headMay, lastMay) import Test.HUnit import Hledger.Data import Hledger.Query import Hledger.Utils import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions -- | A postings report is a list of postings with a running total, a label -- for the total field, and a little extra transaction info to help with rendering. -- This is used eg for the register command. type PostingsReport = (String -- label for the running balance column XXX remove ,[PostingsReportItem] -- line items, one per posting ) type PostingsReportItem = (Maybe Day -- posting date, if this is the first posting in a transaction or if it's different from the previous posting's date ,Maybe String -- transaction description, if this is the first posting in a transaction ,Posting -- the posting, possibly with account name depth-clipped ,MixedAmount -- the running total after this posting (or with --average, the running average) ) -- | Select postings from the journal and add running balance and other -- information to make a postings report. Used by eg hledger's register command. postingsReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> PostingsReport postingsReport opts q j = (totallabel, items) where -- figure out adjusted queries & spans like multiBalanceReport symq = dbg "symq" $ filterQuery queryIsSym $ dbg "requested q" q depth = queryDepth q depthless = filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth) datelessq = filterQuery (not . queryIsDate) q (dateqcons,pdate) | date2_ opts = (Date2, postingDate2) | otherwise = (Date, postingDate) requestedspan = dbg "requestedspan" $ queryDateSpan (date2_ opts) q -- span specified by -b/-e/-p options and query args requestedspan' = dbg "requestedspan'" $ requestedspan `spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan (date2_ opts) j -- if open-ended, close it using the journal's end dates intervalspans = dbg "intervalspans" $ splitSpan (intervalFromOpts opts) requestedspan' -- interval spans enclosing it reportstart = dbg "reportstart" $ maybe Nothing spanStart $ headMay intervalspans reportend = dbg "reportend" $ maybe Nothing spanEnd $ lastMay intervalspans reportspan = dbg "reportspan" $ DateSpan reportstart reportend -- the requested span enlarged to a whole number of intervals beforestartq = dbg "beforestartq" $ dateqcons $ DateSpan Nothing reportstart beforeendq = dbg "beforeendq" $ dateqcons $ DateSpan Nothing reportend reportq = dbg "reportq" $ depthless $ And [datelessq, beforeendq] -- user's query with no start date, end date on an interval boundary and no depth limit pstoend = dbg "ps4" $ sortBy (comparing pdate) $ -- sort postings by date (or date2) dbg "ps3" $ map (filterPostingAmount symq) $ -- remove amount parts which the query's cur: terms would exclude dbg "ps2" $ (if related_ opts then concatMap relatedPostings else id) $ -- with -r, replace each with its sibling postings dbg "ps1" $ filter (reportq `matchesPosting`) $ -- filter postings by the query, including before the report start date, ignoring depth journalPostings $ journalSelectingAmountFromOpts opts j (precedingps, reportps) = dbg "precedingps, reportps" $ span (beforestartq `matchesPosting`) pstoend empty = queryEmpty q -- displayexpr = display_ opts -- XXX interval = intervalFromOpts opts -- XXX whichdate = whichDateFromOpts opts itemps | interval == NoInterval = reportps | otherwise = summarisePostingsByInterval interval whichdate depth empty reportspan reportps items = postingsReportItems itemps nullposting whichdate depth startbal runningcalc 1 where startbal = if balancetype_ opts == HistoricalBalance then sumPostings precedingps else 0 runningcalc | average_ opts = \i avg amt -> avg + (amt - avg) `divideMixedAmount` (fromIntegral i) -- running average | otherwise = \_ bal amt -> bal + amt -- running total dbg s = let p = "postingsReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg (p++" "++s) -- add prefix in debug output -- dbg = const id -- exclude from debug output totallabel = "Total" -- | Generate postings report line items. postingsReportItems :: [Posting] -> Posting -> WhichDate -> Int -> MixedAmount -> (Int -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> Int -> [PostingsReportItem] postingsReportItems [] _ _ _ _ _ _ = [] postingsReportItems (p:ps) pprev wd d b runningcalcfn itemnum = i:(postingsReportItems ps p wd d b' runningcalcfn (itemnum+1)) where i = mkpostingsReportItem showdate showdesc wd p' b' showdate = isfirstintxn || isdifferentdate showdesc = isfirstintxn isfirstintxn = ptransaction p /= ptransaction pprev isdifferentdate = case wd of PrimaryDate -> postingDate p /= postingDate pprev SecondaryDate -> postingDate2 p /= postingDate2 pprev p' = p{paccount=clipAccountName d $ paccount p} b' = runningcalcfn itemnum b (pamount p) -- | Generate one postings report line item, containing the posting, -- the current running balance, and optionally the posting date and/or -- the transaction description. mkpostingsReportItem :: Bool -> Bool -> WhichDate -> Posting -> MixedAmount -> PostingsReportItem mkpostingsReportItem showdate showdesc wd p b = (if showdate then Just date else Nothing, if showdesc then Just desc else Nothing, p, b) where date = case wd of PrimaryDate -> postingDate p SecondaryDate -> postingDate2 p desc = maybe "" tdescription $ ptransaction p -- | Convert a list of postings into summary postings. Summary postings -- are one per account per interval and aggregated to the specified depth -- if any. summarisePostingsByInterval :: Interval -> WhichDate -> Int -> Bool -> DateSpan -> [Posting] -> [Posting] summarisePostingsByInterval interval wd depth empty reportspan ps = concatMap summarisespan $ splitSpan interval reportspan where summarisespan s = summarisePostingsInDateSpan s wd depth empty (postingsinspan s) postingsinspan s = filter (isPostingInDateSpan' wd s) ps tests_summarisePostingsByInterval = [ "summarisePostingsByInterval" ~: do summarisePostingsByInterval (Quarters 1) PrimaryDate 99999 False (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] ~?= [] ] -- | Given a date span (representing a reporting interval) and a list of -- postings within it: aggregate the postings so there is only one per -- account, and adjust their date/description so that they will render -- as a summary for this interval. -- -- As usual with date spans the end date is exclusive, but for display -- purposes we show the previous day as end date, like ledger. -- -- When a depth argument is present, postings to accounts of greater -- depth are aggregated where possible. -- -- The showempty flag includes spans with no postings and also postings -- with 0 amount. summarisePostingsInDateSpan :: DateSpan -> WhichDate -> Int -> Bool -> [Posting] -> [Posting] summarisePostingsInDateSpan (DateSpan b e) wd depth showempty ps | null ps && (isNothing b || isNothing e) = [] | null ps && showempty = [summaryp] | otherwise = summaryps' where summaryp = summaryPosting b' ("- "++ showDate (addDays (-1) e')) b' = fromMaybe (maybe nulldate postingdate $ headMay ps) b e' = fromMaybe (maybe (addDays 1 nulldate) postingdate $ lastMay ps) e postingdate = if wd == PrimaryDate then postingDate else postingDate2 summaryPosting date desc = nullposting{ptransaction=Just nulltransaction{tdate=date,tdescription=desc}} summaryps' = (if showempty then id else filter (not . isZeroMixedAmount . pamount)) summaryps summaryps = [summaryp{paccount=a,pamount=balance a} | a <- clippedanames] clippedanames = nub $ map (clipAccountName depth) anames anames = sort $ nub $ map paccount ps -- aggregate balances by account, like ledgerFromJournal, then do depth-clipping accts = accountsFromPostings ps balance a = maybe nullmixedamt bal $ lookupAccount a accts where bal = if isclipped a then aibalance else aebalance isclipped a = accountNameLevel a >= depth -- tests_summarisePostingsInDateSpan = [ -- "summarisePostingsInDateSpan" ~: do -- let gives (b,e,depth,showempty,ps) = -- (summarisePostingsInDateSpan (mkdatespan b e) depth showempty ps `is`) -- let ps = -- [ -- nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food:groceries",lpamount=Mixed [usd 1]} -- ,nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food:dining", lpamount=Mixed [usd 2]} -- ,nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food", lpamount=Mixed [usd 4]} -- ,nullposting{lpdescription="desc",lpaccount="expenses:food:dining", lpamount=Mixed [usd 8]} -- ] -- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,False,[]) `gives` -- [] -- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,True,[]) `gives` -- [ -- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31"} -- ] -- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,9999,False,ts) `gives` -- [ -- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food", lpamount=Mixed [usd 4]} -- ,nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food:dining", lpamount=Mixed [usd 10]} -- ,nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food:groceries",lpamount=Mixed [usd 1]} -- ] -- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,2,False,ts) `gives` -- [ -- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses:food",lpamount=Mixed [usd 15]} -- ] -- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,1,False,ts) `gives` -- [ -- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="expenses",lpamount=Mixed [usd 15]} -- ] -- ("2008/01/01","2009/01/01",0,0,False,ts) `gives` -- [ -- nullposting{lpdate=parsedate "2008/01/01",lpdescription="- 2008/12/31",lpaccount="",lpamount=Mixed [usd 15]} -- ] tests_postingsReport = [ "postingsReport" ~: do -- with the query specified explicitly let (query, journal) `gives` n = (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts query journal) `is` n (Any, nulljournal) `gives` 0 (Any, samplejournal) `gives` 11 -- register --depth just clips account names (Depth 2, samplejournal) `gives` 11 (And [Depth 1, Status True, Acct "expenses"], samplejournal) `gives` 2 (And [And [Depth 1, Status True], Acct "expenses"], samplejournal) `gives` 2 -- with query and/or command-line options assertEqual "" 11 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts Any samplejournal) assertEqual "" 9 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts{monthly_=True} Any samplejournal) assertEqual "" 19 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts{monthly_=True} (Empty True) samplejournal) assertEqual "" 4 (length $ snd $ postingsReport defreportopts (Acct "assets:bank:checking") samplejournal) -- (defreportopts, And [Acct "a a", Acct "'b"], samplejournal2) `gives` 0 -- [(Just (parsedate "2008-01-01","income"),assets:bank:checking $1,$1) -- ,(Nothing,income:salary $-1,0) -- ,(Just (2008-06-01,"gift"),assets:bank:checking $1,$1) -- ,(Nothing,income:gifts $-1,0) -- ,(Just (2008-06-02,"save"),assets:bank:saving $1,$1) -- ,(Nothing,assets:bank:checking $-1,0) -- ,(Just (2008-06-03,"eat & shop"),expenses:food $1,$1) -- ,(Nothing,expenses:supplies $1,$2) -- ,(Nothing,assets:cash $-2,0) -- ,(Just (2008-12-31,"pay off"),liabilities:debts $1,$1) -- ,(Nothing,assets:bank:checking $-1,0) -- ] {- let opts = defreportopts (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/01/01 income assets:bank:checking $1 $1" ," income:salary $-1 0" ,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank:checking $1 $1" ," income:gifts $-1 0" ,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank:saving $1 $1" ," assets:bank:checking $-1 0" ,"2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1" ," expenses:supplies $1 $2" ," assets:cash $-2 0" ,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1" ," assets:bank:checking $-1 0" ] ,"postings report with cleared option" ~: do let opts = defreportopts{cleared_=True} j <- readJournal' sample_journal_str (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1" ," expenses:supplies $1 $2" ," assets:cash $-2 0" ,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1" ," assets:bank:checking $-1 0" ] ,"postings report with uncleared option" ~: do let opts = defreportopts{uncleared_=True} j <- readJournal' sample_journal_str (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/01/01 income assets:bank:checking $1 $1" ," income:salary $-1 0" ,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank:checking $1 $1" ," income:gifts $-1 0" ,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank:saving $1 $1" ," assets:bank:checking $-1 0" ] ,"postings report sorts by date" ~: do j <- readJournal' $ unlines ["2008/02/02 a" ," b 1" ," c" ,"" ,"2008/01/01 d" ," e 1" ," f" ] let opts = defreportopts registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/02/02"] ,"postings report with account pattern" ~: do j <- samplejournal let opts = defreportopts{patterns_=["cash"]} (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2" ] ,"postings report with account pattern, case insensitive" ~: do j <- samplejournal let opts = defreportopts{patterns_=["cAsH"]} (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2" ] ,"postings report with display expression" ~: do j <- samplejournal let gives displayexpr = (registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is`) where opts = defreportopts{display_=Just displayexpr} "d<[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01"] "d<=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02"] "d=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/02"] "d>=[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"] "d>[2008/6/2]" `gives` ["2008/06/03","2008/12/31"] ,"postings report with period expression" ~: do j <- samplejournal let periodexpr `gives` dates = do j' <- samplejournal registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j') `is` dates where opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 periodexpr} "" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"] "2008" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"] "2007" `gives` [] "june" `gives` ["2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03"] "monthly" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/12/01"] "quarterly" `gives` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"] let opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 "yearly"} (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/01/01 - 2008/12/31 assets:bank:saving $1 $1" ," assets:cash $-2 $-1" ," expenses:food $1 0" ," expenses:supplies $1 $1" ," income:gifts $-1 0" ," income:salary $-1 $-1" ," liabilities:debts $1 0" ] let opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 "quarterly"} registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"] let opts = defreportopts{period_=maybePeriod date1 "quarterly",empty_=True} registerdates (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/07/01","2008/10/01"] ] , "postings report with depth arg" ~: do j <- samplejournal let opts = defreportopts{depth_=Just 2} (postingsReportAsText opts $ postingsReport opts (queryFromOpts date1 opts) j) `is` unlines ["2008/01/01 income assets:bank $1 $1" ," income:salary $-1 0" ,"2008/06/01 gift assets:bank $1 $1" ," income:gifts $-1 0" ,"2008/06/02 save assets:bank $1 $1" ," assets:bank $-1 0" ,"2008/06/03 eat & shop expenses:food $1 $1" ," expenses:supplies $1 $2" ," assets:cash $-2 0" ,"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1" ," assets:bank $-1 0" ] -} ] tests_Hledger_Reports_PostingsReport :: Test tests_Hledger_Reports_PostingsReport = TestList $ tests_summarisePostingsByInterval ++ tests_postingsReport