{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DeriveDataTypeable, StandaloneDeriving, DeriveGeneric, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}

Most data types are defined here to avoid import cycles.
Here is an overview of the hledger data model:

> Journal                  -- a journal is read from one or more data files. It contains..
>  [Transaction]           -- journal transactions (aka entries), which have date, cleared status, code, description and..
>   [Posting]              -- multiple account postings, which have account name and amount
>  [MarketPrice]           -- historical market prices for commodities
> Ledger                   -- a ledger is derived from a journal, by applying a filter specification and doing some further processing. It contains..
>  Journal                 -- a filtered copy of the original journal, containing only the transactions and postings we are interested in
>  [Account]               -- all accounts, in tree order beginning with a "root" account", with their balances and sub/parent accounts

For more detailed documentation on each type, see the corresponding modules.


module Hledger.Data.Types

import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT)
import Data.Data
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Default
import Text.Blaze (ToMarkup(..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Text (Text)
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import System.Time (ClockTime(..))

import Hledger.Utils.Regex

type SmartDate = (String,String,String)

data WhichDate = PrimaryDate | SecondaryDate deriving (Eq,Show)

data DateSpan = DateSpan (Maybe Day) (Maybe Day) deriving (Eq,Ord,Data,Generic,Typeable)

instance NFData DateSpan

-- synonyms for various date-related scalars
type Year = Integer
type Month = Int     -- 1-12
type Quarter = Int   -- 1-4
type YearWeek = Int  -- 1-52
type MonthWeek = Int -- 1-5
type YearDay = Int   -- 1-366
type MonthDay = Int  -- 1-31
type WeekDay = Int   -- 1-7

-- Typical report periods (spans of time), both finite and open-ended.
-- A richer abstraction than DateSpan.
data Period =
    DayPeriod Day
  | WeekPeriod Day
  | MonthPeriod Year Month
  | QuarterPeriod Year Quarter
  | YearPeriod Year
  | PeriodBetween Day Day
  | PeriodFrom Day
  | PeriodTo Day
  | PeriodAll
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Data,Generic,Typeable)

instance Default Period where def = PeriodAll

---- Typical report period/subperiod durations, from a day to a year.
--data Duration =
--    DayLong
--   WeekLong
--   MonthLong
--   QuarterLong
--   YearLong
--  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Data,Generic,Typeable)

-- Ways in which a period can be divided into subperiods.
data Interval =
  | Days Int
  | Weeks Int
  | Months Int
  | Quarters Int
  | Years Int
  | DayOfMonth Int
  | DayOfWeek Int
  -- WeekOfYear Int
  -- MonthOfYear Int
  -- QuarterOfYear Int
  deriving (Eq,Show,Ord,Data,Generic,Typeable)

instance Default Interval where def = NoInterval

instance NFData Interval

type AccountName = Text

data AccountAlias = BasicAlias AccountName AccountName
                  | RegexAlias Regexp Replacement
  deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)

instance NFData AccountAlias

data Side = L | R deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Side

-- | The basic numeric type used in amounts.
type Quantity = Decimal
deriving instance Data (Quantity)
-- The following is for hledger-web, and requires blaze-markup.
-- Doing it here avoids needing a matching flag on the hledger-web package.
instance ToMarkup (Quantity)
   toMarkup = toMarkup . show

-- | An amount's price (none, per unit, or total) in another commodity.
-- Note the price should be a positive number, although this is not enforced.
data Price = NoPrice | UnitPrice Amount | TotalPrice Amount deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Price

-- | Display style for an amount.
data AmountStyle = AmountStyle {
      ascommodityside   :: Side,                 -- ^ does the symbol appear on the left or the right ?
      ascommodityspaced :: Bool,                 -- ^ space between symbol and quantity ?
      asprecision       :: !Int,                 -- ^ number of digits displayed after the decimal point
      asdecimalpoint    :: Maybe Char,           -- ^ character used as decimal point: period or comma. Nothing means "unspecified, use default"
      asdigitgroups     :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -- ^ style for displaying digit groups, if any
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData AmountStyle

-- | A style for displaying digit groups in the integer part of a
-- floating point number. It consists of the character used to
-- separate groups (comma or period, whichever is not used as decimal
-- point), and the size of each group, starting with the one nearest
-- the decimal point. The last group size is assumed to repeat. Eg,
-- comma between thousands is DigitGroups ',' [3].
data DigitGroupStyle = DigitGroups Char [Int]
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Read,Show,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData DigitGroupStyle

type CommoditySymbol = Text

data Commodity = Commodity {
  csymbol :: CommoditySymbol,
  cformat :: Maybe AmountStyle
  } deriving (Show,Eq,Data,Generic) --,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Commodity

data Amount = Amount {
      acommodity  :: CommoditySymbol,
      aquantity   :: Quantity,
      aprice      :: Price,           -- ^ the (fixed) price for this amount, if any
      astyle      :: AmountStyle,
      amultiplier :: Bool             -- ^ amount is a multipier for AutoTransactions
    } deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Amount

newtype MixedAmount = Mixed [Amount] deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData MixedAmount

data PostingType = RegularPosting | VirtualPosting | BalancedVirtualPosting
                   deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData PostingType

type TagName = Text
type TagValue = Text
type Tag = (TagName, TagValue)  -- ^ A tag name and (possibly empty) value.

-- | The status of a transaction or posting, recorded with a status mark
-- (nothing, !, or *). What these mean is ultimately user defined.
data Status = Unmarked | Pending | Cleared
  deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Enum,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Status

instance Show Status where -- custom show.. bad idea.. don't do it..
  show Unmarked = ""
  show Pending   = "!"
  show Cleared   = "*"

data Posting = Posting {
      pdate             :: Maybe Day,         -- ^ this posting's date, if different from the transaction's
      pdate2            :: Maybe Day,         -- ^ this posting's secondary date, if different from the transaction's
      pstatus           :: Status,
      paccount          :: AccountName,
      pamount           :: MixedAmount,
      pcomment          :: Text,              -- ^ this posting's comment lines, as a single non-indented multi-line string
      ptype             :: PostingType,
      ptags             :: [Tag],             -- ^ tag names and values, extracted from the comment
      pbalanceassertion :: Maybe Amount,      -- ^ optional: the expected balance in this commodity in the account after this posting
      ptransaction      :: Maybe Transaction, -- ^ this posting's parent transaction (co-recursive types).
                                              -- Tying this knot gets tedious, Maybe makes it easier/optional.
      porigin           :: Maybe Posting      -- ^ original posting if this one is result of any transformations (one level only)
    } deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Posting

-- The equality test for postings ignores the parent transaction's
-- identity, to avoid infinite loops.
instance Eq Posting where
    (==) (Posting a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1 i1 _ _) (Posting a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2 i2 _ _) =  a1==a2 && b1==b2 && c1==c2 && d1==d2 && e1==e2 && f1==f2 && g1==g2 && h1==h2 && i1==i2

-- TODO: needs renaming, or removal if no longer needed. See also TextPosition in Hledger.UI.Editor
-- | The position of parse errors (eg), like parsec's SourcePos but generic.
data GenericSourcePos = GenericSourcePos FilePath Int Int    -- ^ name, 1-based line number and 1-based column number.
                      | JournalSourcePos FilePath (Int, Int) -- ^ file name, inclusive range of 1-based line numbers (first, last).
  deriving (Eq, Read, Show, Ord, Data, Generic, Typeable)

instance NFData GenericSourcePos

data Transaction = Transaction {
      tindex                   :: Integer,   -- ^ this transaction's 1-based position in the input stream, or 0 when not available
      tsourcepos               :: GenericSourcePos,
      tdate                    :: Day,
      tdate2                   :: Maybe Day,
      tstatus                  :: Status,
      tcode                    :: Text,
      tdescription             :: Text,
      tcomment                 :: Text,      -- ^ this transaction's comment lines, as a single non-indented multi-line string
      ttags                    :: [Tag],     -- ^ tag names and values, extracted from the comment
      tpostings                :: [Posting], -- ^ this transaction's postings
      tpreceding_comment_lines :: Text       -- ^ any comment lines immediately preceding this transaction
    } deriving (Eq,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData Transaction

data ModifierTransaction = ModifierTransaction {
      mtvalueexpr :: Text,
      mtpostings  :: [Posting]
    } deriving (Eq,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData ModifierTransaction

data PeriodicTransaction = PeriodicTransaction {
      ptperiodicexpr :: Text,
      ptpostings     :: [Posting]
    } deriving (Eq,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData PeriodicTransaction

data TimeclockCode = SetBalance | SetRequiredHours | In | Out | FinalOut deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData TimeclockCode

data TimeclockEntry = TimeclockEntry {
      tlsourcepos   :: GenericSourcePos,
      tlcode        :: TimeclockCode,
      tldatetime    :: LocalTime,
      tlaccount     :: AccountName,
      tldescription :: Text
    } deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)

instance NFData TimeclockEntry

data MarketPrice = MarketPrice {
      mpdate      :: Day,
      mpcommodity :: CommoditySymbol,
      mpamount    :: Amount
    } deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic) -- & Show (in Amount.hs)

instance NFData MarketPrice

-- | A Journal, containing transactions and various other things.
-- The basic data model for hledger.
-- This is used during parsing (as the type alias ParsedJournal), and
-- then finalised/validated for use as a Journal. Some extra
-- parsing-related fields are included for convenience, at least for
-- now. In a ParsedJournal these are updated as parsing proceeds, in a
-- Journal they represent the final state at end of parsing (used eg
-- by the add command).
data Journal = Journal {
  -- parsing-related data
   jparsedefaultyear      :: Maybe Year                            -- ^ the current default year, specified by the most recent Y directive (or current date)
  ,jparsedefaultcommodity :: Maybe (CommoditySymbol,AmountStyle)   -- ^ the current default commodity and its format, specified by the most recent D directive
  ,jparseparentaccounts   :: [AccountName]                         -- ^ the current stack of parent account names, specified by apply account directives
  ,jparsealiases          :: [AccountAlias]                        -- ^ the current account name aliases in effect, specified by alias directives (& options ?)
  -- ,jparsetransactioncount :: Integer                               -- ^ the current count of transactions parsed so far (only journal format txns, currently)
  ,jparsetimeclockentries :: [TimeclockEntry]                   -- ^ timeclock sessions which have not been clocked out
  -- principal data
  ,jaccounts              :: [AccountName]                         -- ^ accounts that have been declared by account directives
  ,jcommodities           :: M.Map CommoditySymbol Commodity        -- ^ commodities and formats declared by commodity directives
  ,jinferredcommodities   :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle      -- ^ commodities and formats inferred from journal amounts
  ,jmarketprices          :: [MarketPrice]
  ,jmodifiertxns          :: [ModifierTransaction]
  ,jperiodictxns          :: [PeriodicTransaction]
  ,jtxns                  :: [Transaction]
  ,jfinalcommentlines     :: Text                                   -- ^ any final trailing comments in the (main) journal file
  ,jfiles                 :: [(FilePath, Text)]                     -- ^ the file path and raw text of the main and
                                                                    --   any included journal files. The main file is first,
                                                                    --   followed by any included files in the order encountered.
  ,jlastreadtime          :: ClockTime                              -- ^ when this journal was last read from its file(s)
  } deriving (Eq, Typeable, Data, Generic)

deriving instance Data (ClockTime)
deriving instance Typeable (ClockTime)
deriving instance Generic (ClockTime)
instance NFData ClockTime
instance NFData Journal

-- | A journal in the process of being parsed, not yet finalised.
-- The data is partial, and list fields are in reverse order.
type ParsedJournal = Journal

-- | The id of a data format understood by hledger, eg @journal@ or @csv@.
-- The --output-format option selects one of these for output.
type StorageFormat = String

-- | A hledger journal reader is a triple of storage format name, a
-- detector of that format, and a parser from that format to Journal.
data Reader = Reader {

     -- The canonical name of the format handled by this reader
     rFormat   :: StorageFormat

     -- The file extensions recognised as containing this format
    ,rExtensions :: [String]

     -- A text parser for this format, accepting an optional rules file,
     -- assertion-checking flag, and file path for error messages,
     -- producing an exception-raising IO action that returns a journal
     -- or error message.
    ,rParser   :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal

     -- Experimental readers are never tried automatically.
    ,rExperimental :: Bool

instance Show Reader where show r = rFormat r ++ " reader"

-- | An account, with name, balances and links to parent/subaccounts
-- which let you walk up or down the account tree.
data Account = Account {
  aname                     :: AccountName,   -- ^ this account's full name
  aebalance                 :: MixedAmount,   -- ^ this account's balance, excluding subaccounts
  asubs                     :: [Account],     -- ^ sub-accounts
  anumpostings              :: Int,           -- ^ number of postings to this account
  -- derived from the above :
  aibalance                 :: MixedAmount,   -- ^ this account's balance, including subaccounts
  aparent                   :: Maybe Account, -- ^ parent account
  aboring                   :: Bool           -- ^ used in the accounts report to label elidable parents
  } deriving (Typeable, Data, Generic)

-- | A Ledger has the journal it derives from, and the accounts
-- derived from that. Accounts are accessible both list-wise and
-- tree-wise, since each one knows its parent and subs; the first
-- account is the root of the tree and always exists.
data Ledger = Ledger {
  ljournal  :: Journal,
  laccounts :: [Account]